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Webnovel problem finally fixed, and holy shit took a lot of time. Voting event will resume tomorrow, counting the chapter I already promised.

Meaning the more stones I get tomorrow, the more chaps I will post. So, exploit this sexy author, you sexy readers!


[Alex Walker POV]

It was deep in the night within Abaddon's dungeon, with the moon over halfway down the sky, as I neared the boss. After having walked through many rooms and such, defeating several demons, increasing my weapon skill by twenty levels.

Becoming evidently clear that the more I continued to train and use Serenity, the easier it was becoming to increase the weapon level skill. The first level took me more than an hour, now, in a matter of minutes, I had leveled up the skill a few times.

Not only that, but I think I had also discovered why using Serenity strained my body physically speaking. Basically, my running theory was that Serenity basically operated like any part of my body and that by being a new addition to my already trained body, it was taking time to adjust.

In summary, I was simply pushing the newest addition to my body too hard too soon for its liking.

Sadly for Serenity, I would continue to push until there was no more need of pushing.

"So, according to the map, Abaddon should be right around here," I muttered, as I arrived at an empty clearing, where the Abaddon the boss was supposed to be. Yet, he wasn't anywhere to be found. "I guess I have to trigger something for him to appear… Abaddon I fucked your mom?" Nothing, well, there goes the oldest internet insult, and so far, plan A.

Maybe I needed to piss on his clearing or something.

Sighing, I elected to walk deeper into the clearing, hoping that perhaps proximity would be the trigger Abaddon needed to appear. Which seemed to be the case, for as soon I reached the middle of the clearing, everything around me started shaking violently as a piercing shriek filled my ears.

"Note to self, bring headphones next run," I commented, using a thin layer of mana to protect my ears.

"I will enjoy tearing you to ribbons!"

"I will enjoy farming your ass repeatedly," I replied, chuckling at my own joke, as in front of me, something slowly started to appear, accompanied by a fair amount of shadows. At first, Abaddon seemed to have no form or discernible shape, but as it materialized more and more, his appearance became clearer, bones, wings, rotting flesh, and shadows entangling his body, creating a picture of horror.

[Abaddon The Demon of Destruction - LV 2075]

"I am Aba—" He started, pointing his rotting finger covered in shadows at me, as he began his introduction, however, I cut him short, delivering a series of masterful attacks with Serenity in blade form, before blasting him away with a beam of pure mana.

"Don't care," I said, cracking my neck. "To me you are nothing."

"Insolent worm…" Abaddon hissed, standing up from the ground. Hands aimed at me, spasming uncontrollably, as they grew in size, humming and buzzing like bugs in a bucket.

"Ew," I muttered, rushing towards him, morphing Serenity into the shape of a war hammer.

However, before I could reach Abaddon, his fingers flew off his hand with a loud wet slimy ripping sound, flying toward me like missiles, with each finger breaking into several projectiles, two hundred to be exact.

"Ew, again," I muttered under my breath, as with a single wave of my arm, I created a shockwave that pushed the projectiles off their tracks, with some of them landing on the ground or distant walls. Rotting the surfaces they had landed on, creating sizable pools of what appeared to be oil.

[Abaddon's Pool of Infection -

Abaddon infects the area with a disease, dealing 1% of total HP per second as long as the player is touching an infected area. ]

I wonder how the skill would've worked if it had hit me.

Pushing that thought aside, I moved behind Abaddon, ducking under a swipe of his arms elongated arms, before delivering a horizontal strike to his side, generating a massive shockwave of cosmic power, moments before the demon was sent flying like a ragdoll, only stopping when a wall of rocks slowed him down.

I whistled, so far, Serenity had proved to be an amazing weapon, both in melee and in range combat, all thanks to its absurd versatility, and the best part was, I had just barely begun really feeling the weapon out, meaning, the possibilities were endless, "I guess I can try using the skills the weapon has, haven't used them much so far."

"Insolence is paid in blood, in the house of Abaddon…" Abaddon shrieked his right morphing into a thin blade, before giving his arm a quick wave downwards.

"I get it, you are Abad–" I stopped what I was saying, pushing my body to the side as fast as I could, as the entire clearing was cut in two, from Abaddon's attack, had it not been for [Precognition] automatically activating a second before Abaddon's attack reached me, I would've been cut in half, or at the very least I would've lost a leg or something. "That's one dangerous skill…"

[Demon Blade -

Abaddon empowers his blade by extending the cutting edge of it, gaining the ability to cut through anything in his line of sight.

It cannot be blocked by any defense.]

"You are only delaying the inevitable child…" Abaddon hissed silently, his other arm morphing into a blade. "Accept destiny!" he added, as, without another word, he took a step forward, swinging his arms around without a pattern, almost like a child playing pretend, sending hundreds of attacks I couldn't see my way.

This time, however, I activated [Precognition] instead of letting the skill activate on its own, getting a peek into the future, allowing me to evade his attacks as they came while pushing my advance toward him.

Reaching him in a matter of seconds, I shot my hands forward, grabbing both of his arms mid-swing, before smiling, ordering Serenity to scatter into thousands of tiny rotating blades, surrounding him, "My turn." I muttered, ordering the blades to descend upon him, tearing him apart like a meat grinder, as I jumped back avoiding his blood.

Keeping my guard up, reforming Serenity into a shield as I waited for Abaddon's next move, after all, I had yet to see his EXP being given to me, or the dungeon notification of completion.

"Where are you fucker? I don't have all–" Once again, I stopped mid-sentence, ducking under an attack my [Precognition] had seen, as I turned around to see Abaddon reforming.

Seeing my chance, I darted towards him, morphing Serenity into a hand blaster that wrapped around my hand, before releasing a torrent of violent energy, using [Negation] on the blast, with the clear intent to negate his existence.

For a very, very brief moment, Abaddon's form remained, straining under the blast, before being completely vaporized under it, in what seemed to be an instant, his existence effectively negated as a notification popped into my system.

[Abaddon The Demon of Destruction slain. 5732161561685 EXP gained.]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

"Six levels, that's…" I smiled, taking a step forward before dropping to my knees, collapsing in the ground with a thud. "I really need to improve the energy drain of this thing." I panted with a tired smile, unequipping Serenity.