A bodyguard

The laughter of the men pulled Anya out of the trance. She immediately pushed Alvin away. Does he want to play husband and wife? Fine. She couldn't go against it now. She put on drama to stay away from him, hoping it would work.

"There is no honeymoon. you can't keep your word to bring a cruise ship for me, so I need a separate room." She demanded, crossed her arms, and looked away angrily.

Alvin wanted to smack her. Those petty acts don't work, especially in front of men. Instead, those men would pity him and send them to the same room. Anyway, he tried to add in a few words else she would be hopping mad.

He cleared his throat to avoid sounding commanding or cold, "We would be glad if you could give us adjacent rooms." Yet, his deep voice was domineering.