Stumbling in Her Plan

Anya didn't just have her suspicion against Bernard, "If Harper Johson's hand could reach to Z-security of President, then the military isn't a big deal for him." Anya added another theory. 

Alvin had told her about the attack on Bernard. Harper was an idiot to take the ex-serviceman lightly.

Looks like she was overestimating Bernard and Harper. It was better than underestimating.

Jason nodded in understanding. Being a chief of secret cyber security, he is aware of the attack on Bernard. Usually, people make it a big deal and attract public sympathy for publicity and political career growth. But Jason was amused looking at Bernard resuming work, sealing every bit of information about it. Hence he had removed Bernard from the suspicion list. Honestly, Bernard was far better than all the presidents and politicians he had seen so far.

However, this case has become a pain in the neck. The more they were digging, she was finding more dirt.