Danger Brings People Closer

Zane pursed his lips and looked at the tall human who was staring at him. He felt the ache in his neck as they were standing too close and their height was the earth and the sky.

Meanwhile, Alvin was never so confused in his whole life as much as he was while facing the adorable yet stylish little boy. The little boy had the same gray eyes like his mother and there was no fear in those bright eyes but the tinge of annoyance. 

Somehow, Alvin had written in his mind that Anya's son is a baby because she is always called him a baby. He had forgotten that the baby is five years old, he walks around and knows how to talk.

Zane had black hair that reached his eyebrows. It was styled messily, making him look like a lazy and mischievous boy. Excluding his eyes, Alvin didn't find much resemblance to his mother on his face. The little chubbiness of his cheeks did remind him of Cute Chubby Anya Owen.