Her Game

At the harbor,


Anya heard her mobile beep on the desk. She was going towards it when she heard the greeting of the cops who entered with four men. The two were Berwick's minions, and the other two were Stefan and Captain of the ship.

When the four men were entering inside, the two were freaked out and the other two just stole a glance at each other. 

Stefan and Captain's guess turned out to be accurate. She wasn't any assistant-general secretary.

Stefan and Captain were seniors. So she shoved the mobile into her pocket as she made her way towards the door.

Anya signaled the cops to keep the two minions inside and went out with the other two. She skipped the greetings and came to the main topic, "I am leading the case of all the illegal activities in PSR and an attempt to hijack PSR. I request your complete cooperation during this time."

"It will be our honor." They were polite without questioning her anything.