Walk On Pins and Needles

Anya looked chill until Harper's men left. Sometimes, it is frustrating to see how the criminals fake some things, despite knowing the truth, she will have to see them walk out smugly. But as an officer under the law, she had no right to go against the orders.

She could feel the eyes on Captain David who probably wanted to see her change the situation around. She wasn't a mighty ruler of the city to pass the orders as she wished. She has to follow the same orders that he has, she just had more additional powers and more authority which were useless in this kind of situation.

Anyway, she focused on the new set of tasks that arose, "Captain David, send team 2 to that hospital and gather as much evidence required to prove Harper Johnson wasn't a patient and has no record." They should fetch it before Harper's men will be able to create more fake evidence. "No uniform. It will alert Harper's men."