You Get What You Earn

Father and daughter continued to tease Catalina for a few more seconds until a car halted next to them. Anya checked time on her wristwatch when Catalina asked, "Anya, why are you leaving so early? Did you have breakfast?"

"A bit of critical work, Mom. I will have breakfast in the office. I didn't wake up Zane, and Krystie is in my room. You guys enjoy your day, I will be back late today."

Catalina nodded in response. "Krystle is here!! It's been a long time…" She loved this girl who stood by their daughter every time and even scolds Anya to focus on herself when needed.

The mansion chauffeur who alighted the car approached Anya. "Ms. Owen, Mr. Matthews instructed us to hand you this key. If you need a chauffeur, please let me know." He politely said.

Anya looked at the black car before asking to confirm, "This car?"