The Two Heroes of the Nation

Anya played a video on the screen in which a few men entered her room, making her unconscious again, and started ripping her house down.

Anya still felt her blood boil looking at the video. She asked the cop who was at the door, "Bring them in." 

The cops dragged the brutally beaten men inside who were destroying her sweet home in the video. Anya had made them a punching and kicking bag in the night. One could say she was merciless just by looking at one limping, another one with black eyes, another one with pain-relieving on his neck, and more.

"Who ordered you guys to tear my house down?" She asked so calmly and coolly that everyone was surprised. But the men cowered away from her.

Their voices shook while responding, "Chairman Johnson and his secretary." They weren't ready to get beaten up again.