I Don’t Want Daddy

Catalina hissed in annoyance, "Do you think marriage is a child's play?"

Alvin: "..."

He was serious about marrying his Little Donut. He couldn't understand what made Catalina think they weren't serious about the marriage.

Anya bit her lower lip looking at her mother angered. Dennis was in no better state. He was displeased but calmer.

Anya tried to explain, "Mom, I haven…"

Catalina cut off Anya, "Didn't you think once to speak with us before accepting his marriage proposal?" Her voice increased with each word, showing her dissatisfaction. "Anya Owen, when will you learn to speak about serious matters with us? Being independent doesn't mean you ignore us. Does our opinion even matter to you?" 

Catalina's body shook in anxiety. She wasn't ready to see Anya suffering like five years ago. As much as she knew Anya met Alvin just a week ago, she couldn't believe they were marrying.