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At the Grand Hotel Excelsior,

Alvin knocked on the door of a presidential suite. The calmness of his captivating face was a mask for the storm brewing inside him. A gaze into his blazing eyes could send chills down one's spine.

A few seconds and the door unlocked. The PA's eyes widened. He was dumbfounded to react at his sight. Alvin in the past was different from the Alvin in front of him. It was like a young inexperienced boy had grown into a fearsome man.

The fear crept up his bones looking at the bone-chilling gaze, he shook and felt his knees weak recalling how he never gave respect and called Alvin a bastard behind his back. 

Alvin looked at the man who was blocking his path. In the past or present, he never cared about the man who was standing in front of him. This man's presence was equal to void.