
On Thursday,

At the Matthews mansion,

A man in his mid-thirties rushed inside the mansion. He had dark brown hair that was unkempt, the dark circles around his eyes made him look more aged and exhausted. The panic on his face wasn't hard to miss.

"Director Sallow!?" The butler who entered the hallway was shocked and stumbled aside before Gabriel could bump into him.

"Where is my sister!?" Gabriel demanded without pausing on his steps.

The butler responded as he pointed towards the dining hall, "In the patio."

Before the butler could finish, Gabriel reached the dining hall and went ahead to the patio where the breakfast table was arranged.

"Brother-in-law…" He greeted Casper as he grabbed Gianna's arm. "Sister…"

Gianna stood up as she shrugged his hand. Contrary to Gabriel's anxiousness, Gianna was too relaxed.