A Rough Day

## Warning: Read at your risk. The chapter might be disturbing to the readers. Neither the novel nor the author supports any kind of acts like this. It's purely fictitious. ##

It took all her energy to drag Alvin behind the couch before Anya lay on the floor next to him. She breathed heavily to catch her breath.


As soon as she heard the door unlock, she pressed her mouth with her palm and held her breath to avoid making any kind of noise and catch their attention. She prayed for the men to leave without looking behind the couch.

Her eyes widened when she heard Alvin take a sharp breath, hardly coming to consciousness. Shifting closer to him, she pressed her other hand to his mouth and nose. 

The bright lights in the room switched on, blinding her sight. The footsteps and the voice of the men resounded in the quiet room, skyrocketing her heartbeats. Anya could hear her heartbeat so loud in her ears that she doubted they might hear it too.