Live in a Nightmare

The Nest Regency,

Anya looked at the man next to her. She questioned without understanding, "You said we were going on a date." Certainly, she looked forward to their date.

Her lips twitched uncontrollably when she discerned, "Did you call going to the cafe to meet your brother as a date?" She couldn't believe it.

How could he excite her for nothing?

Alvin: "..."

Liam had mentioned taking her on dates to a cafe and other places. Wasn't bringing her to a cafe a date? 

Anya gave up the hope of date looking at his aloof face. In the past or present, this man just went to nightclubs. And did she expect to go on a date with him? She was laughable.

Alvin followed her to the villa. After speaking with the psychiatrist, he understood the importance of Anya's decision about her life without being controlled by him or others.