Make Your Choice of Defeat

At the Matthews headquarters,

Casper looked at the lad who was startled a second ago and was facing him without a hint of fear in his steely gray eyes. Rather, those eyes were looking down on him. 

Nevertheless, he couldn't help but compare the young Alvin with Zane. If not for those eyes and those chubby cheeks, Zane didn't look much different from Alvin. His suspicion was just getting stronger.

Secretary Harrison was sensible to know the atmosphere wasn't good for a kid. He tried to break in the silence, "Err… Zane Owen, how about I take you outside and let the adults speak?" His low voice was polite.

Zane looked at the man. He didn't know who he was, other than guessing he was someone working under Casper. "Sir, there is a difference between speaking and shouting at my father." He calmly corrected the man.

Harrison: "…"

'I am proud of you, young boy.' He thought as he wouldn't dare to say that on Casper's infuriated face.