Goodness is Never Enough

Cordelia Milton aka Elder madam of the Matthews family sat on the couch and fell into deep thought. The huge living hall was in pin-drop silence including Casper. 

She looked at Casper very proudly. Casper hadn't disappointed her with his business skills or by giving an heir to the Matthews family. 

Although she was disappointed in him knowing about the bastard, she was happy knowing it was a boy. As she couldn't have asked Gianna to bear them another child after Casper's affair.

Now, she is old. She might not live long. So she wanted an heir to carry forward the blood and legacy of the Matthews. 

Since Liam just had a daughter, they weren't sure if there would be a son in the future. She didn't want to die thinking Matthews's legacy was going to end with Liam or Alvin. Since there was already young blood, she wanted to take the chance and secure the future.

"Son, what are you planning next?" Cordelia questioned her son.