The First Rule of War

Standing in the living hall, looking at the disarrayed house, it was hard to say if Anya was upset or angry, or exhausted as soon as their battle started. She was probably heartbroken. She couldn't bring herself to even think of extreme consequences.

Taking a shaky breath through her mouth, she dried the moisture back into her eyes. She knew this action couldn't be because somebody was envious of her. The Daltons had no power, and Anya doesn't have enemies other than the Matthews, does she have anybody else?

'Ring… Ring…'

Her mobile went off showing Senon's number. Chief Fulker had reached out to Jason to apologize on behalf of his team. Jason, who was busy in a different city, instructed Senon to look into it.

Anya answered the call to hear, "Skye, I found the informer who reported about you." He paused, a bit hesitant before adding, "I have sent the details to you."