The Role of a Wife

Anya leaned on the door frame and watched her obedient son studying on his own like a big boy. 

Sometimes she wondered if having a single parent and her job affected Zane. He hardly demands anything while kids of his age would cause a ruckus for everything.

Anya closed her eyes and silently sucked a breath through her mouth. She wasn't liking her vacation with her brain empty. She keeps thinking too much.

'Knock, Knock…' She knocked on the door before entering the room.

However, her cute son was too busy to give her attention. He didn't lift his gaze when he said, "Momma!?" 

Anya kissed his cheek, hugging him from behind, "Mommy loves you." Her mellow voice filled the air.

Zane gently patted her arm with his left hand while his right hand continued to write on the book, "I love you too, Momma." He flashed her a quick smile and continued to write without losing his attention.

Anya: "..."