Dumb and Deaf

Secretary Harrison tried to know if the maid Zina was helping Gianna in any way. However, he found no trace on Zina's phone and Zina was meeting nobody else. So it left him in confusion why Zina was meeting Gianna.

Little did he know Gianna was using a spare SIM card.

Nevertheless, Harrison instructed the butler to personally serve Gianna to avoid Gianna from doing anything during the critical time.


On the other end,

After visiting the Majestic Clubhouse on Thursday morning, Anya went over and over again but she found no common or leading clue by the suspicious persons. 

As per her information, Casper had no idea about Skylark other than knowing Alvin got the museum project in Narnia and permission to display his artifacts and antiques.

Gianna Sallow doesn't seem to be in contact with anybody. That's more suspicious in itself. However, Anya found no lead in the case.