Mr. Stalker

To confirm the followers, the cops often suggest the public go around a block. If the follower or stalker takes the same consecutive turns, then they have to call the cops or take countermeasures immediately.

However, Anya didn't have so much time in the weekend traffic of the city when Alvin was waiting for her. Thus she took an abrupt U-turn as soon as the signal turned green.

"Get ready, Alvin, I will be there soon." She said before clicking on the red to end the call.

Her eyes moved to the rearview mirror and noticed the car taking the U-turn too. She snickered, finding it a child's play. She had been chased after and chased by the criminals. Compared to those, this car seemed to be noobs.

She pressed the accelerator to speed up. Keeping a note that the car was following her, She took left to the parking space of a cafe and spun the steering wheel.