Your Work Will Speak for Itself

Fifteen minutes ago, in the car,

The distance between the hotel Alvin and Anya were at and the company was just ten minutes away. However, due to traffic, it was taking more time.

Alvin saw Anya spinning her mobile nonstop and her gaze out of the window. He was right there and his wife's attention was on something else. He caught her mobile and peeked out, "Which sexy guy caught your attention?"

Anya smiled helplessly and whispered, going closer to him, "The one who put this ring on my finger." She waved her fingers, showing him the ring.

These two weren't like this before, were they? Rob focused on driving, pretending to be deaf.

Before Alvin could smile smugly at her response, her mobile rang. He saw it was from a string of numbers and her eyes lit up. She took her mobile saying, "I need to answer this."

[Officer Owen, did I allow you to use our resources for your personal use?] It was a tone of warning from Jason.