Arresting Alvin

In the banquet hall,

Most of the families, businessmen, and women met the Matthews family and congratulated them enviously. 

To the question of why Alvin brought the company shares, Casper found the proper solution without taking credit or making it seem suspicious.

"Alvin is very competitive. He doesn't give up what he aims for. He wanted to prove himself that he is capable and here he is." 

"Impressive. You must be proud of him." The man said looking at softly smiling Gianna and prod Casper, while Cordelia was sitting aside on a chair with Secretary Harrison on her beck and call.

Gianna sweetened her smile, glancing at her husband, "Absolutely. We are lucky." She carried on their act of being good parents.

But Ricardo Porter  appeared yet again while a wine glass, he clinked on Casper's glass and congratulated them with a big amusing smile, "Congratulations again, Mr. and Mrs. Matthews."