Repeat a Lie often Enough

Thousands of thoughts numbed Gianna from thinking or doing anything. Her heart was beating loudly in her chest, unable to grasp what was happening.

Everything was smooth. She had asked those men to disperse even when they failed to get Zane out of the mansion. She didn't expect those people to get caught.

'Why will Gianna try to kidnap her grandson? That doesn't make any sense.'

One of the lady's voices sat in her mind. 'Grandson! Grandson… Why will I kidnap my grandson?' Gianna found hope for escape.

If she stresses why she would kidnap her grandson and somebody might be making her the scapegoat, she could escape, couldn't she?

Would Alvin and Anya dare to say to the world Alvin was a bastard?

And Casper would do anything to keep it hidden, so he would save her too, wouldn't he?