A New Skill

Anya barely opened her eyes sleepily and didn't find Alvin on the bed. Then she blamed him for her exhaustion and sore body.

Forget the fear, she had even forgotten it was their first time in clear senses when he teased, tormented, and pleased her to his heart's content until she didn't have the strength to move her limbs.

Smelling herself fresh, she guessed it wasn't a dream when she felt hot water around her. Anyway, she pulled her body off the bed and grimaced to herself at the soreness. She can't stay in bed, she has to start her day.

Without looking at the shower block filled in fog, Anya brushed her teeth, controlling hard to overcome her sleepiness and tiredness.

Alvin, who was leaving the shower, noticed Anya's half-opened eyes and wearily brushed her teeth. He was hoping for her to sleep longer so that he could deal with things outside. She doesn't have to wake up to reality so quickly. 

How to put her back to sleep?