A Man’s Ego is His Existence.

Casper had assumed he was flawless in business and it was just Anya's way of troubling him during the tense situation.

Hence a lot of things ran through Casper's mind. He was thinking of complaining against Anya for instigating the department against him. 

He dialed his secretary's department and soon found out that there was a large team at the reception who was closing the door of the large cooperation with the help of the cops. Employees were nervous watching them and Vice President Benjamin Matthews was panicked.

Casper guessed why Benjamin was panicking. He was fearing Alvin or Anya might have sent those people to arrest him for trying to kill Alvin. 

At the courthouse,

Liam watched his father leave without entering the court. "Why did Dad leave?" He asked Secretary Harrison as they entered the court ignoring the cameras recording or capturing their pictures and shooting their questions nonstop.