The Policy

After hearing Alvin, and Secretary Harrison stressing to him that he should take the power, Liam couldn't bring himself to ignore it again.

Since a part of him was confused and worried about his mother, he was repeatedly distracted to think of holding the power at the company.

Although he was the CEO, he held no real power. Casper always dealt with crucial things as a chairman because Casper trusted no one but himself. So he wasn't sure if he was even capable of handling the company.

And how was he going to get control over the company?

He couldn't convince Casper to drop his power. If Casper gets to know he was trying to covet the power, Casper would do anything to stop him. 

After witnessing how Casper tried to drive a wedge between him and Alvin, Liam was quite certain Casper would entitle him as a fraud to keep him away from the company.