
'Crossing the line?' Anya snickered at Casper's words. She was proficient with the network and computers yet she shouldn't use them. But she has to let Casper use his connections and money to do anything against them. How fair!!

Her eyes narrowed at the glowering man. He was indeed the most meticulous businessman who built the empire to new heights. He never faced major failure so he never lost his composure in the past. 

However, time has changed. His agitation was due to his fear that he wasn't ready to acknowledge. He was frightened of the consequences of her attacks. Yet, he was repeatedly trying to harm them in one or the other way.

Neither Alvin nor she could keep defending themselves and protecting their loved ones. Casper will have to stop but his ego wasn't letting him accept the defeat. He wouldn't bow to his son in defeat and he would never accept his defeat against a woman.