A Rival

At the Matthews mansion,

Liam entered the mansion that was eerily silent. He had seen his father's car so he wasn't surprised, sensing the tension in the air. His speed lowered and brows furrowed when he saw his wife, Lilian standing in front of Casper with her head lowered.

He never let Casper or Gianna control or pressure or rule over his wife. He always avoided them, he shielded her every time they made any decision against his parents or if she wanted something against his parents' wishes. They had lived in the same mansion like a different family.

Thus witnessing Casper treating his wife like a criminal, he strode inside ignoring Casper's icy gaze and Harrison's edginess. Wrapping his arm around his wife's shoulders, he spoke in a soft voice, "Let me bring you to our room." 

Casper's cold voice rang before they could even take a second step, "Stop right there." He narrowed his eyes on his son and daughter-in-law.