
At Matthews Industries,

Damon Matthews gritted his teeth while waiting for Casper to return from the meeting. 

Didn't Casper invite him to make him a CEO? 

Then why was Casper keeping him away from company meetings?

He expected Casper to call Alvin's rival - Carozza and offer him something to keep Alvin away from the country during the shareholders' meeting. However, Casper gave the job to him and went to the meeting. 

Since Damon didn't have anything to offer, he tipped off that Alvin was busy in his personal life and it was the perfect time to torture Alvin. Damon was glad to hear Alvin's rival was making use of the opportunity.

An hour passed. Pissed off, Damon paced in the office room wondering the reason behind Casper's invite. His brows furrowed when recalled Casper asked him no question.