A Boomerang

Hundreds of thoughts ran through Casper's mind looking at Alvin. If his men had seen Alvin leave the country, how could Alvin appear in the company?

Doesn't Alvin prioritize Anya? 

How could Alvin leave behind Anya, Zane, and his company to attend the shareholders' meeting?

Casper looked at the man who was storming towards him. He did use Steve Hanks to divert Anya and Alvin's attention. 

Shouldn't Anya throw Steve Hanks behind the bars, file a complaint against Steve Hanks and deal with the legal procedures?

Why was Steve Hanks in the company, growling against him?

His knuckles paled when his fingers balled into a tight fist. Steve Hanks had control over five of the prominent shareholders. Those five shareholders would have stayed like mice and gone with the majority in Steve Hanks's absence.