Another Man

In the morning,

Zane crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the handwritten note on his iPad. 'If my baby wakes up in the night and wants to see his Mommy, I will be in my study.' He was smart to discern his mother worked in the night by reading the words under the strikethrough. 

Her message put a smile on his face. What made him grim was the second message under it. 'If Little Monster wakes up in the night, don't step out of the room to find my wife. Go back to sleep.'

His father had amazing handwriting but that doesn't change his childishness. He took the pencil and struck through Alvin's words. He wrote a message for his father on the same sticky note. A sly smile spread on his lips reading his note.

Sprinting out of his bedroom to his parent's room, he climbed on the bed and placed the sticky note on Alvin's forehead. Then he sat next to Anya and kissed her cheeks a few times before he got the beautiful smile and pretty dimples he wanted.