The Deal

In Country F airport,

Once Anya reached the waiting area, packed in clothes, she pretended like a confused passenger who was looking for her boarding gate, taking her own time. She was reading the digital board when she noticed a female student named Emma Tuner looking around. 

Anya easily guessed it was for the restroom. She headed to the washroom and entered inside. She had to behave when three ladies were laughing and taking pictures while Emma entered the lavatory.

Anya had to wait until the ladies left. She quickly checked all the blocks before knocking on the door of the student.

Without waiting for Emma to exit, Anya started speaking so that they don't waste time a lot, "Emma Tuner, I'm a cop from the Narnia police agency. Don't panic, I'm not here to harm you." She first eased the girl in case she feared thinking she would be arrested.