Erase Him From The World

It took a moment for Anya to see that the silhouette running towards her wasn't Alvin. The dark figure looked bulkier than Alvin's slender, muscular build. She wanted to consider the winter clothing layers, but she couldn't accept it as the man appeared much taller than Alvin as he approached.

When the man approached the car, Anya wasn't sure who he was or how he knew her nickname. He knocked on the window and pointed at his mobile screen.

Anya saw a foreign language on the screen that said 'Boss.' She rolled the window down just enough to slide the mobile inside and receive it.

She held it to her ear and cautiously spoke, "Hello?"

A firm and unyielding voice came from the other end, "[Little Donut, they can take you out of Garnet if you're trying to escape.]"

Anya: "..."