The Punishment

At the Oasis mansion,

The guests started to pour into the Oasis mansion from six in the evening. Most of them were rather interested in the mansion than congratulating Anya. Well, they did admire her achievements but visiting the Oasis mansion was a once-in-a-lifetime chance and experience.

Most of the guests were invited by Ean, and Rob on behalf of Alvin considering their business and Alvin's connections. A few business associates, some foreign clients, and investors, the Collins family is a family to them, the Lewis family of Krystle, the Watson family of Ean, and the executives of the Skylark were attending the party.

They had invited Liam and his wife as a courtesy but the latter refused to attend with an excuse.

There were Catalina and Dennis's friends and very closely associated relatives who were on good terms with them and Anya in the past years. They meticulously avoided the people who were eager to ride on Anya or Alvin's coattails.