The Dirty Game

Anya was tongue-tied when she looked at the Award Recognition Ceremony invitation card. The event was for her, organized at Imperial University on the next day but it was arranged without her consent.

Shouldn't Casper or the university dean contact her first? 

Was she the last one being invited?

Anya was more or less baffled at the situation while checking the time mentioned on the card. Her seminar will be starting at ten in the morning and the event will be at half past one. Meticulously planned to keep her for lunch, followed by the ceremony.

Anya wanted to think of Casper's motive behind his actions but she was clueless about the business field and Alvin was keeping her in the dark about whatever was happening between them. 

So she looked at Alvin who was running his fingers through strands of her hair. On the exterior, he looked like a charming husband who was smitten by his wife.