
Linus and the Matthews Industries didn't receive any information regarding Casper's accident until the news channels and social media were in uproar with the videos of the car accident and unconscious and bloodied Casper being wheeled into the hospital. 

As though the new uproar wasn't enough to cause another wave of trouble for the company, a new post soon popped up mentioning Casper went to the city penitentiary to visit Gianna, dropped by at the Skylark. Then Casper met with an accident right after.

The post was so meticulously well-written that it portrayed Alvin and Anya planning Casper's accident. In other words, the couple tried to kill Casper.

The negative comments were innumerable. The netizens began drawing up creative theories against Alvin and cursed Anya for covering up Alvin's criminal activities. After all, every movie and drama shows the victim getting hurt but the villain.