Chapter 6 : Troublesome encounter

"Finally, School ends!!! Weekend here we come!!!" Says Kiana with a happy face while stretching her arm upward.

"Mei-senpai, let's go on a date tomorrow! I have an excellent spot that only between us can have ~FUN~" Kiana excitedly holds Mei both hands with a grin on her face.

"Maybe next time, you still have an assignment to finish first, Kiana-chan" Mei replied with a small laugh.

"Da, including last week's assignment idiotka forgot to submit"

"No biggie, can do that a day before the class" Says Kiana

"That's what you said to yourself before, in the end, you didn't write a single thing, Kiana-chan"

"Well because it's so hard!!!" Shout Kiana in frustration.

"If you know it was hard why bother to repeat it, Subject Kiana" Says Bronya, making Kiana look down with a gloomy expression, then she look at Mei with a pleading face.

"Mei-senpai, can I look at yours, please?" Kiana started to beg with a teary-eyed while holding her hand together with Mei.

"I'm sorry, Kiana-chan, for your own good I think I can't lend you" Rejected by Mei, Kiana became shocked and then looked at Bronya.

"Bratnya, can you lend me your, very at least give me take a look a little!?" Kiana begins to plead again.

"Da Bronya already gave it to the teacher"

"Heeeeeeh!?" Kiana let out a high voice in disbelief.

"Subject Kiana can't even comprehend what Bronya wrote, and if Bronya lends it, the teacher might find it suspicious. From the day we entered Saint Freya you left quite a bad impression, including sleeping, skipping classes, and...Da Bronya don't need mention for the last one" Explain Bronya.

"Kuh!... You don't have to explain all of that just to say 'No' you know" Says Kiana as she let out a long sigh.

"Then there's no choice but to ask my little sis" Kiana started grumbling while resting her head on her hand.

"Do you believe that subject Rena will lend her homework after what happened to her?"

"Huh? What exactly happens?" Ask Kiana as she tilts her head in confusion.

"Kiana-chan, please don't forget what you have done this morning" Remind Mei as she looks to be disappointed.

"Hmm?" Kiana kept quiet and tried to remember her deeds one by one.

"Back in Home Ec class" added Bronya.

" AH!!!" Kiana began to recall what Bronya and Mei mentioned with a shocked face.

"Really, Kiana-chan, that kind of thing shouldn't be forgotten so easily" Says Mei with a sigh of disappointment.

"Hehehe, what can I say, I kinda tried to focus on class today that I forgot about it along the way" Says Kiana with an awkward smile and lightly scratches behind her head nervously.

"Well then, no time to waste. Let's go to the infirmary and visit my beloved little sister shall we" Kiana quickly packed up her thing.

"Don't bother to go there. Subject Rena already left" Says Bronya, this caught the the interest of both Kiana and Mei.

"How can you know that, Bronya-chan?" Asked Mei curiously.

"..." Bronya stayed silent for a while and remembered her encounter with Rena.


"A letter?" Repeat Bronya as she looks at Rena who sitting on a bed.

"Yup" Says Rena as she shows a plain white letter on her hand.

"The nurse gave me a letter not long after I woke up, she said it was from a so-called 'friend' "

"So what the letter says" Ask Bronya.

"Quite simple really, just take a look for yourself" Says Rena as she gives the letter to Bronya, Bronya accepts it and begins to read it.

[Meet me at the Fountain in Radiant Flower Garden of Cecilia After School] is the only thing that was written.

'Garden of Cecilia... after school. There's no name of the person who wrote this, the smell of this letter is quite new, also- ' Bronya began to inspect the letter and the possibility she could come up with.

"What do you think, Bronya? Don't tell me someone finds me charming and gives me a love letter. It seems I'm going to get my own Mei-Senpai if you know what I mean" Says Rena jokingly with a small laugh.

"That Probability is zero percent to happen to you subject Rena" Says Bronya unknowingly that word stabs Rena in the heart.

"Kuh!!! that's quite upfront of you Bronya" Says Rena who holds her chest tightly as if she's being stabbed with a knife to the chest.

"Ah...da Bronya apologize then" Says Bronya in a monotone "But with all of the subjects Rena has experienced since got to Saint Freya, and every love letter da Bronya has got, this is quite far from being one, usually the handwriting would be 'nicely' written to the person who received it very least, the paper mostly has a different color or those unique paper that have background or frame in each side not plain white paper" Explain Bronya.

"Haaaaa, I see, that's quite a shame" Says Rena as she sighs while looking down, but then suddenly realizes something from what Bronya said, she starts to hold her breath and becomes quite terrified.

"B-b-bronya, y-y-you said you got a l-l-l-love l-l-letter" Asked Rena while looking at Bronya with a scared face.

"Hmmm? No, it was a love letter that Kiana received before got to Saint Freya, Bronya used that as a reference for this letter, why?" Rena who hears Bronya's answer becomes relieved and lets out her breath.

"Damn, that would be scary if that happened" Says Rena.

'Quite surprising that someone like Kiana gets those '

"...Maybe there was one letter da Bronya received" As soon Rena heard that, she began to hold her breath again.

"But once Bronya goes to the place that being mentioned in the letter to meet the person, a pack of people in military gear started to appear the second this person come in sight, they kinda throw a punch and kick before being taken away"


"That might be one of the words to explain the situation" Says Bronya" Afterward Bronya was given a lot of stuff by them, including a limited Homu doll"

" quite nice of them, what happened to the guy?"

"Bronya never heard of him again" Says Bronya as she shakes her head.

"That might be for the best"

'What kind of person gave Bronya a love letter, must have been a crazy one' Thought Rena.

"Anyway, let's go back to the main topic, about this letter" Says Bronya as she gives back the letter to Rena

"From what Subject Rena has encountered thus far, there is one possibility who is the person who gave you this letter" Bronya looked directly into Rena's eyes. "Most likely the one who cause trouble with us"

"...You mean those girls we met? what a pain" Says Rena who finds it annoying.

"Quite possibly, among every scenario, this is the only speculation da Bronya likely believed" Says Bronya.

"...I see" Mumbled Rena as she looks at the letter.

"Solution: ignore it" Says Bronya.

Rena kept focused on looking at the letter and then gave a small chuckle as she found it funny.

"?" Bronya confused at Rena's reaction suddenly changed."Subject Rena, does idiotka food still affect you?" Ask Bronya.

"Ah! No no no, I'm good. Well... the very least there's no more stupid illusion, unlike our home ec teacher who still keeps mumbling about her delusion" Says Rena as she keeps the letter in her pocket and then opens the curtain wall next to the bed, showing a teacher laying down on the bed and muttering to herself.

"Tovarich... please don't chase after me. Be happy with her, because I your belong together with her" The blond teacher let out both sad and happy expressions at the same time with a tear beginning to appear from her closed eyes.

"You just don't know how long she's been talking to herself like this, I have been listening to her one side conversation like it was a K-drama, literally.

At first, it was kinda annoying, but kinda interesting for a while later, most of the time I made up a dialogue in my mind just to keep up with what she was talking about, if this was a series we might actually be in episode 50 from a hundred" Explain Rena.

"....Da Bronya glad you're able to find a way from your boredom" Says Bronya.

"Thank you" Rena closes the curtain and then starts to stand up." Anyway, time to meet my fated person"

"Subject Rena, where are you doing?"

"What else? I want to meet the person who gave me this letter of course" Says Rena with a confident smile.

"Da Bronya recommends just staying in bed and ignoring the letter invitation, Subject Rena"

"It's fine, you said it was a speculation right? So there is still a possibility of something else instead of them" Rena said with confidence

"That's true, but the chances might be low" Bronya warned Rena, but she just replied with a confident smile.

"But there still is a chance right? Even if I did meet them, what could they do? "

"A lot. They're still Valkyrie like Bronya once explained, don't underestimate them"

"The Harsh and simple way da Bronya can put a word about Valkyrie for subject Rena can understand same as that Idiotka, they're are a gorilla inside woman skin suit that knows how to do a Kung-fu " Explain Bronya, this makes Rena open her mouth in shock to hear those word from Bronya.

"Oh wow, surprisingly shocking that came out from your mouth," Says Rena" But regardless, I still gonna go" Rena started to walk to the door.

"That will end poorly"

"Can't be so sure, also don't bother come along with me. I'm sure it's nothing to do with them, you don't need to worry. Wish me luck, Ciao!" Says Rena as she quickly leaves the room, leaving Bronya alone.

"Congratulations, Tovarich. I hope your wedding went well" Mumble the blond teacher as she let out a tear.

"...Seems it was a bitter ending" Says Bronya as she then walks to the door and slides it open."?" when she slides the door, she sees Rena with an embarrassed face.

"I...just realized that I don't know where this garden is" Says Rena with a small awkward smile, meanwhile Bronya just sighs at Rena's remark.

~~~Flashback End~~~

"Da Bronya met subject Rena by coincides by the hallway on the way back to the class, she said she wanted to go back back to her room to rest instead" explained Bronya to Kiana and Mei.

"Hoh? Is that so?" Asked Kiana as she glared at Bronya.

"That right"

"Hmmmmm...Suspicious"Kiana keeps glaring at Bronya who still keeps her calm face.

"Kiana-chan, that's enough" Says Mei as she chops hit Kiana's head.

"Geho!?" Kiana who received the damage started to hold her head from the pain she got as she kneeled down on her feet.

"Then we might as well go back too" Says Mei as she stood up from her chair. "Kiana-chan, after we have dinner, I will help with your Homework"

"Really?" Kiana excitedly stood up.

"Yes, so be sure to listen okay, Kiana-chan?" Says Mei as she gave a warm smile on her face.

"I WILL DO MY BEST!!!" Says Kiana. Not long after that, they started to pack their things and leave the class.

"If homework was a person, I would beat him to a pulp for wasting my precious time and energy. But hanging out with Mei-Senpai is still worth it!" Says Kiana in excitement.

"..." Bronya silently listened her friends shifted her gaze to the mountain by the window, specifically the location of where she told Rena before leaving.


"H-huh!? W-what!?" Says Rena as she starts blushing.

"Try to relax will ya?" Kyuushou gently patted Rena on the head with a smile on her face.

"In one of my 'Revelations', I caught a glimpse of someone resting on another person's lap, Then she was full of energy in a short moment. So, I might as well try on you. Can't be a 'Savior' if I can't even help a single person in front of me" Kyuushou said proudly.

"You know, those kinda things sound like what Kiana and Mei might do, or apparently done it anyway" Says Rena.

"Hmmm...funny...when I think about it...those people might be them...I think ?" Mumble Kyuushou who started to recall something but she then shook her head.

"But whatever. it's just a lap pillow, you don't need to be all freaked out just cause of this. Where's the harm of it!"

As Rena was about to stand up from Kyuushou, she started to think about herself and that she was pretty much quite tired both mentally and physically for the day. Even though she was embarrassed, she reconsidered her choice and didn't try to stand up, instead moving her position while keeping her head on Kyuushou's lap in a comfortable position.

" won, better not regret it afterward" Says Rena while still embarrassed.

"Heh, As a Savior of the world. Why would I? This is nothing!" Says Kyuushou proudly along with a smile.

'Haaah, how it came to this, giving me a lap pillow out of nowhere. Now I think about it...never once in my life have I received this kinda treatment other than from my family member...then again... it's kinda nice and...soft...!? What the hell are you thinking!? ' Thought Rena.

"How is it? It's nice isn't it" Says Kyuushou with a teasing grint.

"You don't need to say it!" Says Rena as she grumbles.

"Well it's true, right?" Says Kyuushou with a laugh." Ah! and I also heard there was a fight in the cafeteria with transfer students. That's you, it's isn't it?"

"Oh? you heard?" Asked Rena.

"Of course, the whole school knows that! It became quite a topic among the students, after all, it happens in the cafeteria, so who wouldn't know " Answered Kyuushou.

"True, but it's all more talk than an actual fight, they all run off in the end" Answered Rena.

"Really? Cause I also heard they kinda poured Hot soup on one of a student, are you sure you are fine? Or is it the other?" Says Kyuushku.

"First, it's not hot, but warm. second, thankfully it's me and not them" Says Rena as she makes a gesture with her finger.

" 'Thankfully'? It sounds like you wanted to get wet in front of people" Says Kyuushou as she feels disturbed show on her face while making a tick mark on Rena's head.

"Oi! You better take that back! Dammit, you make it sound so wrong to hear it!" Says Rena with an annoyed look" It's not like I wanted it to happen. I didn't know they would do that, I should have seen that coming tho"

"Then what? you just let it slide like that after what they did! If it were me, I would knock them up right there! BAM KPOW like that" Says Kyuushou as she makes a fist and throws a punch in the air while.

"Heh, I like to see you try" Says Rena as she scoffs at Kyuushou.

"Of course, I will! They need just a smack of reality! Just tell me where they are and I will go straight to them!...well...not now! after I-uhh, deal some particular problem right now" Says Kyuushou

"Good luck with that, last time I heard they were taken by Lewis" Says Rena with a chuckle, making Kyuushou remember the course of the story.

"If I'm not heard it wrong, Lewis will punish, or in this case discipline someone for hours just from sticking your nose, Days whoever makes trouble, like for real. I was hoping to meet them, but I never saw or heard from them again after that."

"So, what are you gonna do, oh dear 'Savior'? Don't tell me you're just gonna go straight to ask her just to get to see them just like you said? " Says Rena as she teases Kyuushou who is sweating.

"I-uhhh, as the 'Savior', it's good to realize that time to give up!" Says Kyuushou while she stumbles on her word.

"Ho? But I thought 'Savior' never gave up no matter what the challenges" Says Rena.

"W-well i-it's true, but they might have learned their lesson with Lewis-Sensei" Says Kyuushou her face red from embarrassment while Rena took the chance to have fun with 'this' situation and kept continue, pushing Kyuushou longer and longer, making her stumble by her word and accidentally talk out her 'Savior' persona.

Can't handle it any longer, Kyuushou then changed the subject and took out both her phone and earphones.

"I-I remember something! Recently, there's this quite popular singer who suddenly appeared on the Internet! Her first music skyrocketed just a day after its release, and it keeps gaining views!" Says Kyuushou as she tries to change the topic of conversation, which is successful as Rena takes an interest.

"Oh my, that's fantastic, I wonder who it is, does this 'Singer' have a name?" Asked Rena as she felt a bit proud.

"She's called by 'Cancello' " Answered Kyuushou." A lot of people like how good her music is, mostly how pleasant her voice is" Says Kyuushou who unknowingly makes Rena feel proud.

"There are also critics too about this" Says Kyuushou.

"What did they say?" Asked Rena as Kyuushou immediately looked at her phone.

" 'It's like I'm hearing Shit' or 'Autotuner!!! this person uses an autotune!'. That kind of thing" Says Kyuushou.

"Hooh, is that so? Interesting" Says Rena with a hollow smile, leaking out a menacing aura in the process.

"Uwah...why are you mad all of a sudden?"

"No, I'm not" Denied Rena.

"Yes, you are" Says Kyuushou as she then looks at her phone "Anyway, just listen to her music"

" I wonder what she sounds like" Says Rena.

"Well, you about to find out now" Says Kyuushou while she plugs the earphones and gives one of the buds to Rena while using the other on herself.

Then they start to hear music coming from the earphones as soon as Kyuushou pushes the play button while.

As the music plays, Kyuushou and Rena both close their eyes, allowing themselves to be fully immersed in the song. The melodies and lyrics wash over them as if transporting them to another place where everything else fades away.

As the song comes to an end, Kyuushou opens her eyes and turns to Rena. "What did you think?" Kyuushou asks, curious to hear what Rena thought of the music.

Rena smiles, her eyes still closed. "Hmmm, I think it's okay. Still lacking an impact, might need more training" she says softly.

"For real?" Kyuushou looks at Rena in disbelief.

"Yeah. But the overall experience...It was great" Says Rena who opened her eyes with a smile.

Kyuushou grins, pleased with Rena's response. "Glad you liked it"


"What? Is there something on their face?" Kyuushou immediately touched her face to find anything strange.

"Nothing, I just find how stupid your face is" Says Rena with a smug as she looks away from her gaze.

"HEY!!! That was uncalled for! Even to a Savior!" Says Kyuushou as she looks annoyed at Rena who just chuckles. A while later Rena starts to get up on her feet from Kyuushou's lap.

"Hmmm! Yeah yeah, sorry. Damn, I feel much better now!" She starts to stretch her body.

"Huh? Already?" Kyuushou looks dumbfounded.

"Yup, it seems what you said was right. I'm all charged up now" Says Rena with a smile. Rena then looks at the fountain back.

"And it seems the mystery person I'm waiting for is here already"

Kyuushou also looks at the fountain and notices a brown-haired girl sitting on the bench.

"Whose that? Is it one of those bullies!? " Kyuushou looks wary of the girl.

"Don't know. But, she might be the person I was supposed to meet up with. It's probably nothing, I'll leave for a sec" Says Rena as she walks away from Kyuushou.

Kyuushou herself felt a bit anxious as Rena began to leave the gazebo and approach the brown-haired girl.

As Rena starts walking, the brown-haired girl notices the stepping sound toward her and looks in that direction.

"Oh? I was almost to think that you might ignore the letter, I'm so glad you came" Says the Brown with a smile.

"To be honest, I was expecting someone else to show up" Says Rena "So, may I ask who you are?"

"Akino, Akino Furuta from Level 6-A, it's nice to meet you, Rena Kannazuki" Says Akino as she gracefully introduces herself.

"Hmmm? An Upperclassman? Why does an upperclassman like yourself need from me?" Asked Rena. Akino's face then becomes gloomy as Rena questions her.

"About's regarding Yu Sheng and her companion " Answered Akino while placing both hands on her chest while looking down.


"The one who bothered you a few days ago"


"You met her in the cafeteria"

"I meet a lot of people there, can you be more specific?"

"Uhhh...Ah! I meant the girl with green hair!"

"OH! You mean the green tea bitc-(Cought) I mean that girl, yeah, that girl" The brown-haired girl just sweatdrops at Rena who quickly corrects herself.

"What about her? Did she finally get out and do something to you too, senpai? If that's the case, I'll be more than happy to give her one or two good words, free of charge. just...don't tell the teacher"

"Wha!?" The girl was surprised at Rena

"If you seeking help then that means she is already back in action. So where is she anyway, Senpai" Rena started cracking her both hands with a smile.

"No No No No! That's the opposite of what I came for! I'm here to apologize" Says the brown-haired girl as she waves her hands quickly.

"...Pardon?" Rena looks confused at the girl in front of her.

"I want to apologize" Repeated Akino.

"...You...want to apologize?" Rena tilts her head.

"Yes, that's right" Says akino as she nods."I should have said that I'm her friend earlier. And I'm here to apologize for the cause she made" Akino made a sad face, while Rena was just dumbfounded at what she just heard.

"I don't know what coming over to her head to do such a thing for some reason, she wasn't like this when we came here"

"I heard there's been some student being picked on by another student, I only thought it was a rumor, a joke"

"But, it was after what happened in the school cafeteria that I realized it was true. And it was Yu sheng no less" Explained Akino in a low voice as she looked down, looking disappointed.

"It was hard to believe at first, that is totally out of her character, she isn't that kind person who finds amusement in hurting other people...and yet she did it." She lifted her head and looked at Rena again in regret.

"I know her action was cruel and uncalled, but at the very her friend, I want to apologize. I'm sorry " Says Akino as she now bows her head down.

Rena has been listening to her senior with her arms crossed and nodded to her explanation.

"Senpai, stand up" Akino did as Rena said, both looked directly into each other eyes, but this time Akino saw seriousness in Rena's sharp eyes, she began to become nervous and readied herself for the worst to come. Not long after, Rena takes a deep breath and...

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID!!!!???" Rena said as calmly as she could.

"Language" Kyuushou said from the gazebo.

Akino was surprised and flinched a little by the sudden outburst from her underclassmen. Her surprised look then changed not long after that to a sad one.

"I's stupid of me to ask that easy" Says Akino in a low and sad tone.


"" Akino who heard this became confused.

"DON'T 'eh?' ME!!!" Shout Rena in anger

"Tell me this, when that a green tea bitch and her friend yapping like an idiot that day, were you there with them?"

"A-ah n-no?"

"No? Then why the hell are you the one who apologizes!? I don't come all the way up here just to hear that excuse story! In the first place they hurt people, it was their action alone. It should have been, not you! " Said Rena as she pointed at Akino

"I know that, but as her-"Akino looked taken aback, trying to find words but was quickly cut off by Rena with fierce eyes.

" 'Friend', was it? Is that what you're going to say? Heh, That's precious" Says Rena in a sarcastic way.

"Whatever you're doing right now, it's just a big waste of time, and this pretty much annoyed me! At the very least if she sent you, I might consider it. But, that seems too much to ask for that girl " Says Rena while feeling annoyed.

"I see...I'm sorry" Mumbles Akino as she looks down looked dejected.





After a while, the both of them just stay quiet, a silence between both of them, as the atmosphere becomes heavy. Rena who feels irritated and annoyed now calms down and suddenly feels guilty and awkward as there is no response from Akino.

'Hey hey hey, why don't you say something!!?? I wasn't that harsh you know!' Thought Rena as she let out a sweat. From the gazebo, Rena could feel the gaze of doubt from Kyuushou.

'Oi! You damn Chuunbyou, don't you look at me like I'm a villain in this situation! This idiot of a senior is just so stupid that I couldn't help it! I'm also doing this for her too you know!' Thought Rena as closed her eyes feeling frustrated. Rena then gathers the courage to say something to get out of an awkward situation.

"(Cought)(Cought) Anyway senpai, you're a good person and friend to her, there's nothing you need to apologize for" Says Rena as she scratches the back of her head, Akino then looks at Rena again.

"If anything, I like them to come to me and say it right in from of me, after all they are the ones who cause the problem in the first place"

"But If I realized this sooner, maybe this kinda thing could have been avoided" Says Akino as she looks down.

"Haaah. C'mon, Senpai, don't think hard on yourself like that, there's nothing you can help them, the only thing that could help them if karma hits them back to reality" Says Rena as she tries to brighten up her old classmen.

"But" As Akino tried to give her reason again, Rena cut her word again as she started to feel annoyed again with a tick mark on her head about to appear.

"Okay, that's enough of self-blaming of you, I really don't want to continue this anymore, listen here, you're a good person, you didn't do anything, so you don't have to apologize, END OF THE STORY!!!" Says Rena who screamed at the end, then she took out a letter from her pocket and gave it to Akino

"Here, take your damn letter. next time you want to give to someone, it better be something that you did, Got it!"

Akino stays silent for a while before she takes the letter.

"I understand" Akino Answered with a smile on her face." You really are good person"

"No, I'm not" Says Rena "Just tell me when she ever bothers you Senpai" Says Rena to which Akino replies with a small chuckle and nods.

"Of course, Kouhai" Rena heard this nod and turned her back, and she then started walking back to the gazebo.

'Haaaaah, why did I accidentally lecture her there" Thought Rena while grumbling to herself.

'Speaking of bully... I think I haven't properly apologized to Shouko for what I did to her back in elementary school...hmm, that includes Ishida for him taking all the blame for Shouko when we were kids... After meeting him and Shouko again in High School, It was awkward at first what to talk about, but we just went with the flow like normal, but I still didn't apologize to either of them...Wow, I'm really am the worst aren't I!?' Thought Rena.

" not my letter" After only a few steps, Rena can't help but hear Akino's words and stop walking.

"What? " Says Rena as she turns her attention to Akino."What do you mean by that?" Asked Rena.

"This isn't the letter I gave, it didn't have my handwriting" Answered Akino who held the letters.

"Wha!? That's impossible! You're the one who invited me here, and you know it! How come you said it wasn't yours? " Says Rena as she steps closer to Akino." I mean, you literally told the nurse to give it to me"

"I swear, other than the handwriting, my letter has yellow Homu's frame!... Wait? Nurse?" Akino becomes confused as she hears Rena's last sentence." Why would I give it to the nurse? " Says Akino.


"I placed my letter under your desk, you did notice it right?" Asked Akino.

"Under... My desk" mumbled Rena. Rena's eyes widen as she realizes something.

'This is not the person I am supposed to meet!' thought Rena in surprise while looking at Akino.

'You gotta be kidding me! Meeting her here was just a total accident, then that means the person who gave this letter hasn't shown up yet' As Rena was about to to think hard about the anonymous letter she's and tried to shrug it off as most probably a prank, both Akino and Rena notice a multiple footstep getting closer their location.

Looking at the direction of the sound, they could see a group of five girls with the same base Valkryie uniform.

"Yo, Akino, done talking with the newbie?" Said the girl in the middle, she had a sharp look with her red color hair.

"Igarashi" Akino looks surprised at the girl.

"Your other friend I presume?" Says Rena as she looks at the group of people.

"Y-yeah, she's Hotaru Igarashi, She and her teammates always work together most of the time with ours if there are exterminations and scout missions" Explained Akino

"Igarashi-san, it's quite a surprise to see you here, but isn't your team supposed to continue the task from HQ right now ?" The girl named Hotaru gave a small chuckle, making Akino's face puzzled.

"C'mon, don't we know long enough to say my first name instead of my last name" Says Hotaru

"To answer your question, we have an appointment to meet someone here first. Funny enough, you beat us to it" Answered Hotaru.

"Appointment? "Mumble Akino as she then realizes the person Hotaru meant is Rena, this goes for Rena herself too.

"Ahh, so you're the one who left the letter in the infirmary"

"Correct, smart girl," Says as she points to Rena with both hands.

"So what do you want from me? Let me guess, you wanted to apologize to that green-haired girl Yu Sheng, right? Don't worry, you don't have to you know" Says Rena with a jolly smile on her face.

Hotaru eyes widened, looking surprised on her face, but not a moment later she laughed.

"?" Both Akino and Rena look puzzled.

"Hahaha, Were did you get that idea!!!" Says Hotaru as she keeps smiling "Nah, I'm not going to anyway, I don't like her the first time we met, that broccoli hair bitch deserves it now that she's got caught with Lewis" Says Hotaru as she snicker

"Oh? Really? Same, I also hate that bitch too. What a small world" Says with cheerful smile as the both of them laugh together at the same time. While Akino and the other girls sweatdrop hearing it. After a while, both of them stop laughing.

"Anyway, I'm going straight to the point"

"Oh, do tell" Says Rena.

Akino who gave a smiling face after laughing not long ago suddenly became fierce and mad, giving a hostile vibe. The sudden change in mood makes Akino, Rena, and Kyuushou who is in Gazebo become wary "I wanted you to pay for what your sister did to me!!!"

"I-igarashi-San" Mumbel Akino as she looked surprised and terrified by Hotaru's looks.

While Rena becomes quiet for a while before she can say one word she can say.

"...FUUUUUUUUUUUCK," Says Rena as she closes her eyes and clenches her hands.

'I knew, I just knew it. One day or another my favorite idiot mc Tuna might get me involved in something problematic like this but isn't too soon, what did she do this time!!!' Thought Rena as she opened her eyes.

"Dangit, what did she do to you...all?" Asked Rena.

"Simple, while we minding our business to borrow some money from a certain friend, might as well be besties. That girl suddenly does drop kick on behind me and beat endlessly on my friend on the ground" Hotaru explained with full hatred.

"Shiiiiit, that damn fool" As Rena was about to apologize, she begin to feel something amis on Hotaru's story

'Wait...something not right? Kiana might be an idiot, but she won't start beating someone without a reason...maybe. But at least she knows when to act on what is good or bad...what was it' Thought Rena as she remembered something.

' You see little sis, I found another jerk before that Teletubbies colored-haired girl on the hallways picking on a weak girl, so I beat the crap on them to teach them some lesson. I wish I could do that to them too' Says Kiana

'Wait, So the picture I saw is real then!?'Rena look, Kiana

'Hehehe, Pretty much. But I don't put my leg on her back, that's false, maybe except Special Kiana Kaslana Kamen Homu Kick" Says Kiana as she scratches behind her head.

'But to defend my action, she's being cornered and has no way to defend herself, as the future SSS-rank Valkryie, I have to do something about it' Kiana said proudly while making a first with her hand.

'By violence? That's your answer ?' Says Bronya

'Yup, and it's quite an effective one isn't" Says Kiana.

Remembering her conversation with Kiana and the others, she gazes back at the group of girls in front of her, looking at them carefully, Rena then begins to notice something particularly familiar.

"Hey, why for fuck sake you look at us like seeing a ghost," Hotaru says with anger.

"Igarashi-san! You don't have to be harsh on her!"

"Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, my princess, I'm only mad at her and her sister, you don't have to raise your voice" Says Hotaru.

Akino ignoring Hotaru's words, instead worried about Rena and walked closely to her.

"Kannazuki-san, I'm very sorry for her behavior. Let me handle it, You just hurry-"

"It's you" Mumble Rena.


"What are you mumbling about ?" Hotaru looked at Rena confused.

"You're the red-haired girl in the picture, the unconscious one while her ass up" Hearing what Rena said, Hotaru's face became red in furious and embarrassed.


"Photo...what are you talking about?" Akino asked looking confused at Rena's words.

"Ah! Short story, That Yu Sheng girl kinda blackmailing us that time too with a Photoshop photo of that red-haired girl and her friends getting their butt kicked after getting caught stealing money from another student, I will show you later, it's hilarious" Answered Rena.

"They did what!?" Shout Akino in surprise.

"Anyway, I almost fell for your lie. Good thing Kiana mentioned it" Says Rena as she fixes her gaze back at the group.

"Lie? I tell the truth here"

"Yeah yeah, tell me whatever you want, I ain't hearing it. The only truth is that you just want to steal some poor girl's money back then, you all pretty much deserve that beating. "

"Now, if you all don't have anything else to do, then scram, I don't want to waste my time here" Hotaru just smirked at Rena's words

"Same, but I don't come here just to exchange words with you. Like I just said, I'm going to make you a very hard way," Says Hotarus as she starts to crack her knuckles

" an old traditional beat-up? Go ahead, if you can knock me up" Rena took a few steps closer while keeping a calm expression "Just don't think I won't hit back"

"Hoo, you have a big mouth for a small girl" Hotaru then looks at one of the people in her group, giving a sign 'Go'. The person nods with a smile, but before she can move forward, Akino suddenly moves in front of Rena.

"That's enough! All of you!" Says Akino.

"Senpai?" mumbled Rena looking confused at her senior sudden outburst.

"Akino, sweetie, please step aside. This doesn't concern you" Says Hotaru while looking at Akino

"Doesn't concern me? What are talking about? This does concern me!" Shout Akino " Do you think I'm just gonna stand around while letting you hurt our junior!?" Says Akino in anger. Akino then looked sadly at Hotaru and walked slowly to her.

"First Yu sheng, then you all. I don't get it why are you all suddenly changed to different people, don't you see yourself as what you're doing right now is wrong!?"

"Akino" mumbled Hotaru as she kept looking at Akino. Meanwhile, Rena began to so-called strategize in her mind.

'This probably my chance...Maybe they not notice me if I walk slowly from this drama...or just call Welt to run here quickly...nah, that guy probably broke his bone if he did...funny, I tend to forget he is a 65-66-year-old man now...oh wow, I realize even though he's old, he is one crazy handsome old man, forgot the 'old man', he looks like a hot middle age single father, no wonder all-female teacher and students I see in this school is tend to get thirsty for him, he also jacked under those clothes if I remember...No homo by the way.

Also, he probably going to tell Himeko about this and make her worried, I don't want that...oh yeah, now I think about it, I haven't uploaded the new song yet...I wonder how much money I already made this first month of my debut? maybe not much from an unknown singer, the very least I can buy something for later the weekend.

I need more stuff, the money the doctor gave not enough, but I'm very appreciative he even gives me even though I did not ask him, and after he bought me those clothes and other stuff I need...I should check it later' Rena kept thinking her way out but unintentionally drifting to something else instead on the process, not bothering the interaction between the girls in front of her. Akino kept talking and walking until she was already in front of her.

"Don't you get it? This isn't you" Says Akino pleading to Hotaru."Please, back to who you are before"

"I get it...I'm sorry, I don't know what got to our head" Says Hotaru looking regretfully at her face"How shameful of us, we will make an amend for our action" Hotaru then clenches her hand while looking down.

"Really!" Hearing the change of heart from Hotaru, Akino's face becomes hopeful and happy. But a few seconds later, Hotaru gave a wide smile.

"Nah, I was joking"


"!?" Unknown to Akino, Hotaru struck Akino behind the neck, a quick neck chop to knock her down unconscious, also making Rena come back from her own mind. As Akino's body becomes weak, her leg becomes wobbly and gives out, but Hotaru catches her before Akino can drop to the ground. With the little strength she has, she looks at Hotaru "W-why?" Said Akino before she passed out.

"Trust me, Princess. I will tell you the whole thing after this. So the meantime...sleep" Says Hotaru as she carries Akino, then moves her out and makes her rest while leaning back on the tree ."Now she's out of the picture, we can continue our business" Hotaru

'Tch, I knew it was a bad idea, I was hoping it was working' Thought Rena.

"Su-hyun, go" Ordered Hotaru.

"On it"Said the person as she walked closer to Rena with a smug.

"Time for a savior to come to shine and help the helpless" Rena was surprised and looked to her right side, seeing Kyuushou in a strange pose.

"For goddess sake! you scare the heck out of me there! And what do you mean by 'help the helpless'? I'm not helpless, I can handle this by myself. You on the other hand, go back to the gazebo or home already, this is no joke, you'll get hurt if you get involved, got it?" Says Rena with a serious look at Kyuushou.

"Hmph, no! There's no way for Savior to leave her everlasting subordinates behind" Explained Kyuushou.

"...Hah? Subordinate !? Since when I was your subordinate! Tch, whatever"Says Rena. Then she took out her phone and gave it to Kyuushou.

"Hmm?" Kyuushou looks confused.

"If you wanted to help then go back there and record this for me" Says Rena as she looks at the approaching opponent " I wanna show it off to Kiana and the others that I'm not as weak as I look"

"As savior I won't-gah!?" As Kyuushou starts to talk, Rena then uses her right foot to lightly kick Kyuushou's leg, which makes her shriek.

"There you go, that's also another reason. you think I don't know your leg feels cramps right now" Rena gave a reassuring smile " I be okay, trust me" Kyuushou just admitted her defeat and did as Rena said.

"Well then, Savior shall give you a chance to prove yourself, don't disappoint me" Says Kyuushou as she walks back.

When Rena saw Kyuushou at a safe distance, she began to focus on the person in front of her, this time the girl in front of her had blue long hair.

"I see you're done talking, good"

"How nice of you to wait for me" Says Rena.

"The very least I can do, before you embarrass your self," Says the blue-haired girl.

"Oh, so you can talk. I thought you were just another NPC that just stood around doing nothing" Says Rena.

"Careful what you're going to say, I have a name too, so let me introduce myself before we start" Says the blue-haired girl.

"Really? Is it Mob 1?"

"Far from it, I'm Cha Su-Hyun, from 6-C, B-Rank Valkryie" Says Su-Hyun.

"To be honest, do we have to do this or is there a way I can make all of you just go away" The blue-haired girl chuckled.

"Nope, but I can give you a warning about Hotaru" Says Su-Hyun

"What is there to warn other than the fact you all just going to waste my time"

"Well there's a fact that She's A-Rank Valkryie" Hearing that statement, Rena become interested " Maybe I can make an exception with my proposal if you don't want to get your ass whoop, how's that?"

"Not gonna do it" Says Rena in monotone.

"Please just listen, If you beg down your knees, I could talk it out to her. It's a win-win, she was satisfied with what she saw and you leave without any risk. How's that? I'm pretty much doing you a favored" Whisper Su-hyun.

"Definitely not gonna do it" Rena Rejected the proposal given by Su-hyun.

"Well, At least I tried" Su Hyun then sighed in disappointment."But since I'm a good person, I will give you the first strike, how's that? " Su-Hyun then bent down a little to Rena's height and then pointed to one of her cheeks.

"You sure?" Question Rena who looks surprised.

"Sure, sure, go ahead. No tricks, At least this is a sign you tried something" Says Su-Hyun as she closed her cheeks.

"Well...whatever, it's your loss, grit your mouth then" Says Rena as she took a deep breath and readied herself "It's nice to know a bully as 'nice' as you" Says Rena.

'Owh, c'mon, with that small body how hard can you-"


It was slow and predictable, Rena used her hand and slapped Su-hyun, unknowingly the impact managed to send her flying off the ground a few feet away from her and make a big thud as she fell to the ground face first.


"!?" Hotaru and her group were surprised by the Strike on Su-Hyun, making their eyes widen with the scenario in front of them, including Rena who was much more surprised with her mouth open in shock.

"Ah, shiiit! Oi! Are still alive!? I didn't know that small slap could be that hard!!!" Says Rena as she runs toward Su-Hyun in a panic.

'THAT WAS SMALL!?' Thought Everyone to their surprise.

"GURETO DAZE MY SUBORNITE!!! I GOT THAT IN FULL HD!!!" Shout happily from Kyuushou as she recorded the action while cheering.

"IDIOT!!! DON'T CHEER ME UP!!! ALSO GREAT JOB!!!" shouted Rena angrily as she flipped unconscious Su-hyun and began to search her pulse while chanting 'Don't die' over and over. When she found the pulse, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thank god, she is still alive" Says Rena as she wipes her sweat from her forehead.

"She did it one strike" Mutter Hotaru, who was expecting something else to play out in her mind, but seeing an unexpected event happening in front of her eyes made her freeze in place, thinking if was it truly happening or just a joke made by her friends. Looking again at her friend from afar who lay on the ground, not moving and right now unbothered being inspected by the white haired-girl, she truly now truly believed what on happening with her eyes, the shocking feeling she had now gone with happiness and excitement showing on her smiling face.

"What an amazing strength!" Mumble Hotaru.

"There you go, next time don't get too cocky" Rena drag unconscious Su-Hyun from the ground and place her on the nearest tree to her location. Rena began to walk back and looks Hotaru and her group. " As you can see, I just K.O. one of your lackeys, what are you gonna do next?" Rena said it in a threatening way.

"XIN! XIU! GO AFTER HER AT THE SAME TIME! DON'T HOLD BACK! JUST TRY BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF HER!" Shout Hotaru, Making Rena and Kyuushou surprised hearing this, noticing there are two girls nod In agreement, both of them have the same face with different haired and eyes colored pink and blue

"Roger/On it" Without delay, the both of them began to run after Rena with a speed she had never seen before side by side.

Rena couldn't help but grumble and began to prepare herself. As the twins began to come close enough to Rena, the blue-haired girl, Xiu, took the first initiative, and aimed a swift kick toward Rena's midsection. Rena noticed the upcoming attack and quickly took one step behind, managing to dodge before the impact.

Not long after that, the pink-haired, Xin, use her leg to make another attack, a frontal strike aiming at the head. Same as the previous attack, Rena quickly a quick step to the side, dodging the attack by the second. Xiu make the next attack on the abdomen for Rena just escaped it by the second.

The twins keep continuing their assault on the small girl in front of them, not leaving any second to waste on their strike, swiftly switching out after another to land a strike. But to Rena, their attack was slow and predictable to her eyes, managed to avoid all upcoming attacks by the second before coming into contact, thinking as if it was playing a rhythm game, keeping the beat and focusing on what was in front of her without failing. But in this case, if she ever made a single mistake it would be fatal.

'Hoooh? That pip squeak actually fast, I can see that her movements aren't that martial art or anything but floppy, an amateur who doesn't want to get hit. Regardless, to think she managed to dodge all those blows is quite fascinating" Hotaru looks intrigued at Rena easily avoiding every strike the twins give, also notices the twins getting faster on their strike to land a hit on their target, so also with Rena with her dodging against the twins" I can see the twins also get frustrated not to get any clear strike on her"

"HEY! 1 V 2 IS NOT FAIR !!!" Hotaru looked at Kyuushou who shouted at her.

"...? Who said about being 'fair' in the first place? you should have realized I'm here not to be buddy-buddy but to give her a beating of her life" Says Hotaru as she gives a malevolent smile

"And yet you called yourself a Valkyrie, you think this is noble action to do!?" Said Kyuushou

"Heh, noble or not I don't care at all, I become one just because I can, also it gives quite a lot of benefits...So, stop yapping like a dying dog and get lost if you don't have anything else to say" Kyuushou grits her teeth hearing this

"Tch, I see, you're just a reincarnation of evil witch!!! " Said Kyuushou as she looked at Rena" Subornidate! I will go there now!"





"GODDAMIT !!! SHUT UP FOR A SEC WOULD YOU!?" Rena also continues to shout as she keeps dodging


'Huh?' Rena without realizing got herself pinned against a tree behind her. The twin without hesitation took the chance and make a frontal strike at the same time 'SHIT!!!'


It was a breathtaking moment, as the birds in the area began to fly away after hearing a loud sound of impact. This also convinces enough to the spectator who watching the twins manage to land a powerful blow to the white-haired girl.

"GAH! I KNEW IT! I SHOULD HAVE JOIN TOO IF IT COME TO THIS" Kyuushou shouted in frustration.

"..." Hotaru just silently watching with her arms crossed.

The twins were confident and glad that their attack managed to hit the girl, but it faded away a second later as they began to feel their fists not touching any skin or fabric of clothes at all, they fixed their gaze on the front of them, realizing the girl is not there anymore, but a tree that is badly damaged with their strength. 'Where!?' what they thought.

{Tap Tap Tap Tap]}

"?" The both of them felt someone poking on their shoulder from behind, and they both turn their back a little.

"Guten tag"

"!?" To their surprise, they see Rena standing with an innocent smile as she waves her hand behind the twins.

'HOW' what the twins thought, but they just quickly turn around with a fist both fists aiming at the head, giving another hard blow. Rena noticed this and caught both girl fists with her bare hands instead of dodging.

"!?" The twins were surprised and wanted to retract their hand quickly but it was futile as the grip was stronger than they could anticipate.

"Fufufu, ~caught ya~," Says Rena with a playful tone, she then changes her grip from the fist to their wrist quickly and pulls them in the opposite direction, resulting in the twins hitting each other.

"GAH!!" Both of them also got hit on the head, knocking them down unconscious.

"Fwu~, Finally that's done" mumbled Rena in relief as she took the twin girls by the shoulder and then placed them next to Su-hyun.

"Good job subordinate, I knew you could do it " Says Kyuushou proudly at Rena.

"Huh!? What did you say!? You literary just want to jump in and distract me there!!! Thank god I can jump the second before being mashed potato!" Rena angrily said to Kyuushou.

"Oh! So that's why you suddenly appear from up there...Should have done jumping kick while at it there" Says Kyuushou while critic Rena with a boorish look, Rena looks irritated with a thick mark that begins to appear as she looks at Kyuushou.

"Oi, I'm here just knock them down, not giving them a concussion" Rena shook her head and focused on Hotaru, giving a sharp look" Now, you're next" Said Rena as she began to walk to Hotaru.

"Ho? You're coming over here? Instead of running away, you're approaching me instead? Even after she told you I'm an A-rank" Hotaru said with confidence as she walked away from the tree shadow.

"I can't punch you back to reality without getting closer can I?" Says Rena

"Heh, then go ahead pip squeak, come closer... I like to see you try" Hotaru provokes Rena with a smug on her face.

"With pleasure" Rena began to quicken her pace with intimidating looks, Hotaru on the other hand just found it hilarious.

"I-I-i w-w-wont l-l-let you get any c-c-closer" Hearing this both of them sop walking as the last member of Hotaru runs near to Rena, blocking her path to Hotaru.

'Ah, I totally forgot the last one' Thought Rena

'Ah, I totally forgot about her' Thought Hotaru.

Rena looks at the girl who stops her way, as she can be seen shaken and looks timid.

"Haaah, please step aside" Says Rena who folded her arms.

"N-n-no! I w-w-wont let you get any closer to her "Rejected the girl while stumbling on her words.


The timid girl began to put her hand in the back pocket and took out a knife.

'What the!?' This surprised Rena at the timid girl who pointed the Knife at her.

"She has a knife!!!" Shout Kyuushou.

"Whoa Whoa whoa careful there girl" Says Rena as looks scared at the timid girl and backs away a little.

"T-t-that r-right, I have this!"

"I know that, please calm down"

"I-i am, s-so you k-k-know w-what position yo- "

"You gonna hurt yourself!!!" Said Rena.

"Eehh!? That's what you're worrying about!?" Shout the timid girl in surprise.

"You know, she's right. Put the knife down nice and slowly" Says Hotaru as she can be seen letting out a little sweat.

"Ehhhh!? Y-you too!? But y-you said-"

"Yeah, I changed my mind, that's too dangerous for you after all" Said Hotaru.

"Ehhh!?" The timid girl looks surprised at Hotaru.

"I'm gonna take that, Yoink" Rena who saw the chance of distraction quickly walked to the timid girl and took the knife to her back pocket.

"AH!!! My knif-eh?" As she turned her head around back, she could see a hand on her forehead.

"Fickle smash"

"Kyah!!" Rena flicked the forehead of the girl with a little force that was enough to knock her down unconscious.

"To be honest, why is she even in your group anyway?"

"Sometimes I wonder that myself too"

"Seriously?" Rena then takes the timid girl next to the other unconscious one. After that, Rena back to her previous position and continued to focus on Hotaru.

"Now all of the mob is out of the way, we can continue to the main plot" Says Rena as she cracks her knuckle " I'm gonna give you a chance, get the hell with your goons out my face and my friends"

"If I don't?"

"I'm seriously gonna stuff that mouth of yours that you wish you should have accepted this offer" Says Rena with a threatening voice.


"Subordinate, be careful, this is the final round" Says Kyuushou.

"It's okay, the moment I got close I will just punch that face and this will be over and be done with it" Says Rena with confidence, Hotaru hearing this finds it funny.

"Again, how cute" Says Hotaru as she folded her arms" With all of those bullshit ass power you have, you think I will let you?" Said Hotaru.

"Didn't you say I can come close to your damn face?"

"All I said you can 'tried to come close' " Says Hotaru.

"Yeah yeah, in the end this gonna be easy" Says Rena.

"We'll see that" Hotaru began strengthening her right arm forward with open palm.

'Is she asking me to stop?' Rena question herself as looks at Hotaru.

"Far from it" Hotaru unexpectedly answered what was in Rena's mind.

"Materialized" mumbled Hotaru, as she said those words, a bright light began to shine near Hotaru, surprising the white-haired girl who was agape with confusion on her face. Slowly, the light began to take form on Hotaru's open palm, as the light began to faint, it Revealed a sword with both a pommel and cross guard design with full black, the grip was covered with leather, and the blade of the sword had something bulging from cross guard till before to the tip of the sword.

Hotaru takes the sword with confidence and looks at Rena.

"What did you think pip squeak, cool right" Asked Hotaru with a smug face. Rena snapped from her daze from looking at the sword and began to shift her gaze back at Hotaru.

"Heh, about what? It's nothing but a small light show" Says Rena who shrugs it off, but in her mind and soul, she is both amazed and jealous.

'Dammit, It was so cool !!! it's just like straight from anime! But in real life, Shit! I should have asked what option and more power to that goddess! I'm a damn idiot!!! I Want-no, I NEED THAT!!!' However Rena keeps her inner desire not showing her face.

"Wow, Subordinate, did you see that!!! She might be an evil witch but you must admit that was awesome!! I wanted to say that cheating but damn that was amazing."Says Kyuushou with excitement in her eyes.

"Shut it Kyuushou!!!"

"Well at least someone knows that was cool" Says Hotaru.

"Tch, Not really" Says Rena as she points at Hotaru's sword" So what? You got a bigger knife, big whiff, you need to get closer if you want to swing that at me...or throw it at me, that's an option " Says Rena, Hotaru gave a malicious smile

"Are you sure?" She began to take her stand, where her right arm retracted to the back while pointing the sword to the front." Heads up pipsqueak !!! GO FANGER" Says Hotaru.

"Huh? Fang-" Hotaru thrust forward the sword with full force, as done that the sword began to detach in many pieces one by one to become longer and longer than before at astounding speed, Rena saw the unexpected attack freeze up on where she stood for a second before quickly make a big jump to side, avoid the upcoming attack


Even though Rena managed to avoid it, the sword kept extending and destroyed several trees in the lane of the attack.

'Goddamit, Bronya, you said they were all like Gorilla! Gorilla can't do that' Thought Rena as she sweatdrops at the devastation that Hotaru made with the swords.

Hotaru began to chuckle at Rena's reaction, giving the poor girl room time to think as began to retract the sword back at one piece again like a normal sword.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Says Hotaru with a smile, mocking Rena who still looking at the impact of the sword. Rena didn't answer back immediately but looked intensely at Hotaru for a second before she smiled and stared at her.

"Scared? Nah, I could do that with my bare hand. but you did spook me there, did" Says Rena with confidence.

"Hooh? Funny, each time I did this most of them would run away or down begging" Hotaru began to chuckle" You must be either brave or stupid enough not to know your position"

"Nah, I'm strong" Says Rena with a confident smile.

"...Pffft hahahaha" Hotaru began to laugh out loud at Rena" You're really are just stupid!" Says Hotaru continuing her laughter.

'That damn sword is actually a whip sword, what's more, it can extend than what it looks! From what my eye can see, she can make it two times off the football field...that is terrifying... If she started to swing it around I'm pretty sure I'd be fast enough to dodge it without the issue of it' She then looked at Kyuushou 'But if she started to swing it sideway and accidentally hit her...'

"Ugh. yup, she would cut in half like butter in no time along that tree" Rena mumbled to herself, thinking of a horrifying scene in her head.

"What did you mean I would cut in half!?" Kyuushou looks both terrified and angry hearing Rena.

"Nothing, everything is fine just take a few steps back more and be careful not to lose your middle ha- I mean duck down, okay?" Rena reassures Kyuushou as she gives a thumbs up.

"Uwa!? Seriously, what are you trying to say here!? The savior demands an answer!!!" Kyuushou looks terrified.

"EYES ON ME !!!" Hotaru shouted as she swung the sword to make it longer to reach Rena again. Unlike before, Rena quickly reacts to it and avoids it by taking a small jump to the side. "I'M NOT DONE YET KID!!! SO BE FOCUSED" Shouted again from Hotaru as she swung the handle to the side, the blade also followed it not long after to where Rena landed a few seconds ago.

"Hmph!" Rena quickly took another jump.


The power whip sword managed to make a giant split on the garden rock pavement before retracting back as one and then began to launch another attack.

"Tch" Rena also began to evade the incoming attack from Hotaru, with her speed and eyes alone, Rena believed she could dodge without problem with assault Hotaru without problem, but each time she tried to take a step forward to gain some distance between them, Hotaru quickly react and speed her attack, forcing Rena to step away. As time flowed, the pace began to speed, and Hotaru swung the whip sword more and more frequently and faster, this also applied to Rena as she began to used to it, speed up, and avoid any attack, but she could be seen annoyed, while Hotaru grin on her face.

"What's wrong, you said you want to come closer, be real, and come here already, instead of jumping like an idiot over there ?" Hotaru began to provoke Rena with a mocking smile on her face. Hearing, this Rena grits her teeth.

"This girl !" As Rena was about to just rush ahead to Hotaru, she suddenly rejected the idea shortly and focused on dodging in the meantime.

'Hmm, I know I almost got her to do something stupid there, what made her change it 'Thought Hotaru.

'Calm down, don't act harshly, this is the only pair of school uniforms I have left, cause of that green bitch the other uniform got a lot of stains till now, it will take me days to make it less noticeable at least, so the last thing you want this one got ripped like a homeless girl, I mean I just got this for goddess sake' Thought Rena while tried to keep calm.

' The question now is how to get her closer without damaging my clothes, most I do avoid to the side and back, even if I tried to jump or step ahead closer that damn girl will just use her sword to force me back my position like before, I got an idea of run and slide like those parkour, but that definitely destroy my pant with my speed, damn I hate being poor in this situation after all!!!"

"Tch, is my choice is run away?... Maybe, but I have a feeling she won't let go of me that easily and chase me right away, just waiting for her to give out her stamina is out from the option, she only swung that without any problem after all" Mumble Rena.


"And of course, there is also this chunibyou girl I must think" Mumble Rena.

"DO NOT FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE! I KNEW YOU CAN DO IT AND BEAT HER! ALSO AS SAVIOR WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU AN AID" Shouted Kyuushou from afar, hiding behind a tree, giving a thumbs up.

"Thanks for the support, and no, just staying right there will do fine for me" Said Rena.

' Do not fear she said, I am here afraid of my clothes getting torn apart, I'm seriously going to explode, I can almost see a smoke coming out of me!' Thought Rena as she kept dodging the attack, but suddenly something caught on her mind' Explode...smoke...AH!!!' Rena's eyes widened in realization. She began to take a quick look at her surroundings, where there were a lot of destroyed trees, signs of holes, and slash marks on the park from dodging the whip sword around, at this scenario, Rena unexpectedly smiled.


"?" Hotaru noticed this sight of Rena's face with confusion" What are you smiling at"

"Oh? nothing at all, it's just I can finally end this" Says Rena in relief, hearing this, Hotaru looks more confused.

'End this? What is she mumbling about ?" Rena began to clench her fist and began to look down.

'With this place pretty much already looking ugly from that damn sword, I can do this' Rena began positioning herself

'I'm very sorry Himeko and also the headmaster that I have yet to meet, for what I'm going to do'

"Tch, I don't know what are you doing but it will be vai-" As Hotaru wanted to end her sentence and start to attack again, Rena began to pull back her right hand and punch the ground where she was standing with her power.


'Such strength !? ' Thought Hotaru as she covered her face with both from gushing wind and flying dirt.

As the result of the impact seemed calmer down, Hotaru quickly stopped covering her face and look her surroundings, just to see herself surrounded by a thick cloud of dust all she could see.' I can't see a thing. Hotaru becomes more wary and regains her posture again, sharpening her gaze at her surroundings.

'She created such destruction and used the dust to hide herself in it, must give an A for creativity' As she carefully observed any hint of Rena's presence in her situation, she accedantly heard a sound.


"THERE!!!"Hotaru began to look her right and began to swing the sword at the source of the sound she heard " You smart enough to hide, but you also stupid enough to let me know the location !!!" South Hotaru.

"I Could say the same"

Hearing an unexpected reply, she looked to her left side, she began to she can see Rena emerge from the cloud of dust, dashing her way to Hotaru and now just one step closer to her position"!?" Hotaru quickly jumped away from Rena and began to swing her sword again as fast she could, but Rena with her speed was fast enough to intercept and grip her arm from making another attack.


Rena used her other hand and placed it on Hotaru's shoulder and began to push her till she got cornered to the tree.

"Kuh!" Hotaru grunted, she started to move her hand and body, struggling to break free from Rena's grip.

"Don't bother, I already won" Says Rena, Hotaru stopped and smiled, looking Rena straight in the eyes with confidence.

"Are sure ab-"

"Yes!!!" Rena quickly headbutts Hotaru's forehead without letting her finish her word.


"Ack!?" With a small force Rena gave, The headbutts were enough to knock her out unconscious.

Seeing the red-haired girl now out cold, Rena started to relax her body from the fight and sighed in relief.

"Finally" Mumble Rena.



Shortly after, the thick cloud of dust began to disappear along with the wind and everything could be seen clearly as before, Rena placed the last girl next to her other unconscious friends.

"Fufufu, nicely done, you truly prove how useful you are for the savior of light" Says Kyuushou as she said it proudly to Rena.

"Yeah, whatever"

"So... What are you gonna do with them after this? Call the teacher? Police?"

"Nope" Rena then looks at Kyuushou with a malicious smile" I have a much better idea"


As time passed, Akino began to wake up and started to open her eyes.

"...Hmph? Hah? Why am I sleeping here? Did I oversleep waiting for her?" Mumble Akino as she touches her head.

She slowly started to raise her upper body, and as she did that she felt a sudden jolt of pain on the back of her neck for a second before disappearing.

"Ouch!? Why does my neck feel so hurt?" Akino rubbed her back neck, Akino then looked at her surroundings to find herself on the bench inside of the gazebo with its light bulb turned on, noticing as the sun was about to set down everything began to dark indicating night time about to begin. Akino looks at her watch to see time almost reached 6 pm.

"I can't believe I waited that long...seems she won't coming after all" Said Akino as she began to stand up and walk from the gazebo "Huh?...HUH!?" As she just took one step from the gazebo, she saw the terrible state of the garden, where the tree could be seen fall, the beautiful fountain was now in a sad state, and the garden paving was damaged around the area she was in, especially the giant hole.

"What happening here!?" Though Akino as she confused at the beautiful garden that now looked like a battlefield, not long after, she started to remember before everything went black ' Hotaru! She hit me and got me knocked out before-...!"

"That's right! Kannazuki-san! Where is she!?" Akino shouts in panic. Akino observed her surroundings, not far from her position, she saw a figure with short white hair along with long purple hair.

"Thank goodness she is fine" Mumbles Akino as she walks to Rena's position.


"No, I beat you, so now this drop reward is my to take"


"Meh, more like a side mini-boss that drops crapy reward"


'Huh? That sounds like Hotaru!' Akino started to run closer, her stepping sound was heard by Rena and Kyuushou, and both of them turned around and saw Akino.

"Oh? Senpai, finally awake! Are you okay by the way?" Says Rena happily.

"Yeah, I'm fine. About that shout"

"See for yourself" Rena pointed her finger at the tree, there Akino looked shocked to see Hotaru and her other friends tied up around the tree together with a rope.

"AH! AKINO, good timing! Help me out here, this ungrateful kouhai won't hear us, also she tied it too hard !!!" Said Hotaru in anger. 

" did you get tied up?" Akino Looks confused at the red-haired girl.

"Ah! Well...there's...circumstances" Says Hotaru as she avert her eyes.

"Hahahah, you see! What she's wanted to say is that she lost to Kouhai here" Su-Hyun explained happily with a smile.

'Lose!?' Akino looked surprised by the answer she got.

"Wait, then all of you are"

"Yup, got our asses kick instead of her. Except for me, I got bitch slap like Amuro Ray got from Bright Noa Hahahaha" Su-Hyun explain with a laugh.

"You got that right! I have all of it recorded in HD along with your evil companion" Says Kyuushou

"Eh, Really? All of it !? Can you also send it to me?" Asked Su-Hyun

"Why the hell are you asking for the video !?"

"Ehh? Why not, I wanted to see after I got knocked out"

'She able to defeat Hotaru, but also all of them... How is that possible !?' Akino rumored the possibilities from the information she got, but she thinks kept it for later. Akino then looks seriously at Hotaru. 

"Igar- I mean, Hotaru" Akino called out to Hotaru's attention.


"I will ask you one more time, why are you doing this" Akino looked and asked Hotaru in a serious yet pitiful tone.

"Senpai, I don't think they have much more to explain about their obvious action" Says Rena as she waves in denial with a sword in her hand.


"So, how is it Hotaru" Su-Hyun looked at the silent Hotaru" Do you want me to tell her or-"

"No need, I already had enough of this charade. And I did promise to myself I will tell you the reason" Says Hotaru.

"AHA! So you all have evil motives!!!"

"Evil? No. Motive? Absolutely" 

"Charade? What do you mean by that?" Ask Akino who is seemingly confused.

"I'll be straightforward here, the reason why did such a thing...because..." Hotaru began to reveal her intention and stopped mid-sentence, making the atmosphere tense, both Akino and Kyuushou were nervous and anticipated the answer. But sadly, this is about to be completely ruined in just a matter of a second " We-HUMPH!?"

Out of nowhere, Rena suddenly shoves Hotaru's mouth with a spoon.

"Eh?...EEEEEEh!?" Both Kyuushou and Akino look shocked by Rena's random action.

'UGH!?' Being fed an unknown substance by Rena, Hotaru could taste the food feel so moisty, sticky, and very strange flavor she never tasted before. One thing for sure in her mind right now is how 'Stink!', she wanted to throw it from her mouth and never again want to have it in her mouth, but sadly for Hotaru, She couldn't as her face of disgust and her intention very predictable by Rena who saw it, Hotaru mouth was quickly being completely shut close by Rena Hands, she tried to shake it off along with her body resisting, but that was futile as mind and body can't handle it and begging to not taste it anymore, not seeing any other alternatives, she can only swallow it to her stomach.

"(Gulp) (Cough)(Cough)(Cough)What the hell was that for !!! GOD THAT WAS SO DISGUSTING!!! What even is that!?" Shout Hotaru in anger while coughing.

"Oh? This food?" Rena shows her left where she can be seen holding a Tupperware. The inside of the Tupperware contains what seems to be a purple substance along with a few vegetables, that also let out an uminous aura.

"This my friendly bully, what I like to call Kaslana Special Golden Curry, specially made by my precious big ol sister this morning"

"GOLDEN!? THAT PURPLE!!!... Wait...your sister...Kaslana...Made this...Oh no" Hotaru looked pale as she spoke the name Kaslana and the food in Rena's hand.

"Oh yeah!" Said Rena with a Malicious smile on her face.

"You must be asking 'why I have this?', simple! I was a bit skeptical about the letter you sent to me, thinking that a green pain-in-the-ass girl would appear.

Fearing for my life I quickly rush back to a certain place I was with a purple-haired goddess by my side this morning.

I was hoping the very thing that sent me to Valhalla was still there, I was out of faith as I walked closer and closer to the said place, even though the probability was low to the lowest point.

But...there it that room...Unmoving...same place as it left...

The Holy Grail "

Said Rena with glimmering eyes, showing the inside of the Tupperware as if a legendary artifact.

"More like corrupted Grail" Said Kyuushou.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" Said Hotaru with a fear in her.

"Hohoho, nothing is wrong with me dear friend...but...what is coming to you instead" Said Rena in an ominous way.

"What-Ugh!?" Hotaru suddenly felt dizzy and her body felt weak suddenly, arms and legs began to feel numb slowly." What... Is"

"~Totalo~ have a nice and present trip, also say hai to korosensei if you encounter him" Said Rena in both a playful and ominous tone.

"You...bastard, who is...that...guy" With that final word, Hotaru finally lost her consciousness.

"Wooo, damn. I like it when karma hits back" Says Rena with a happy face.

"Uwaa, More like the devil do his evil dirty deed, subordinate" Says Kyuushou with a deadpan face.

"Heh, I did warn her. whatever, I'm happy in the end"

"HOTARU!!!" Akino quickly looks worried and moves to Hotaru, checking her condition.

"Subordinate, that corrupted Grail you gave her... Is she gonna be fine?" Asked Kyuushou.

"Well...I survive" Answered Rena.

"Hahahaha, you really sadistic one aren't you" Su-Hyun just laughed at the situation.

"She just killed one of our team and you laugh your ass off" Said one of the teammates.

"Well, she deserves it" Says Su-Hyun as she then looks at Rena " Now you got what you want, you will let us go right?"

"Huh? Let you go?" Mutter Rena with confusion

"Yeah, you gonna let us free right?"

"..." Rena just look at Su-Hyun


"..." Rena looks dead in the eyes


"..." Rena smile


///Few Moments later///

"And justice got served" Says Rena with a cheerful face. Not long after Rena fed Hotaru the curry, she started to feed it with the other girls afterward, now all the girls lost their consciousness and looked very pale.

"EVERYONE!" Akino looks terrified at the sight of the girls in front of her.

"Don't worry senpai, they all be okay" Says Rena as she reassured Akino with a thumbs up.

"If you say so. Next time, don't use that... thing, good" Says Akino pointing at the curry.

"No promises" Hearing this, Akino just sighed.

"That's good enough" Akino then smiled at Rena" Even so, I gratefully want to say thank you for stopping them, Thank you Kannazuki-san" Says Akino as she bowed her head down.

"You don't have to, also drop the formality, just call me by name is fine" Says Rena as she becomes a little emberass and scratches behind her head a little " Even though I accidentally cause a little chaos here and there" Says Rena as she looks at the damage garden.

"It's fine, I know all this because of her sword ability"

"Good to know"

"But I do wonder how is there a giant hole" Says Akino as she gazes at a giant hole in the garden.

"Oh, that? Well, you see, it was-Umph!?" Kyuushou's mouth suddenly was covered by Rena quickly.

"Yeah, Me too. But I'm sure cause of that sword, Senpai, that one hell of a sword. so don't think about it hahaha" Says Rena with an awkward smile.

'Shut your trap, Kyuushou'

"I...see. Anyway, thank you for your help, I will handle them from now on. Also, the sun already set down now, so, you two better go back now." Rena now just noticed, that everything had already gone dark, only the light from the garden lamps shone.

"You right, well then, I will take my leave, let's go Kyuushou, you too" Says Rena as she quickly walks away with Kyuushou being dragged.

"I will leave them in your capable hand" Rena waved her hand as she walked.

"Sure" Akino also waved, looking at both girls leave quickly until they were no longer can't be seen.

"Now..." Akino looks at groups of unconscious girls "...I better call their captain to help them" Says Akino as she takes out her phone and makes a call.

From afar, unknown to Rena or the other girls, Bronya was sitting by the branch of a tree, keeping her distance from being known or noticed.

"Subject Rena managed to neutralize all of the A-Rank Squad team excluding the leader" Says as she looks at her side, an unconscious girl with a long gun by her side that Bronya swiftly knocked out on her way" and the last member"

Bronya then stood up, and the unconscious girl unknowingly began to float near Bronya.

Bronya jumped down from the tree and safely landed on the ground, followed by the girl.

"Bunny, Go put her in the park" Said Bronya. The unconscious girl then began to float away Bronya, nearing the park, slowly rested to the ground. Being noticed by Akino.

"Seems Da Bronya worried over nothing, " Mumble Bronya as she left the scene.

Meanwhile, Rena and Kyuushou walk side by side on their way back to St.Freya.

"Why don't you want me, the savior tell her your glorious and brute strength?"

"Why? Isn't obvious, with what happened to the garden I want to make it was her fault, so telling her a little hole I made will give me a problem which I don't want"

"You no fun, subordinate"

"No fun if it was your life at stake, In short, I want her to take all the blame. Let's see how long those girls fix the garden and fill the hole I make" Rena began to chuckle evily.

"Now I get it, but at least you told her you gracefully dodged the sword for your life"

"Nope, I dodge it cause I don't want my last uniform to get shredded in pieces, back again about the hole, so I can get close to her"

"That's the reason!? What brute thinking" Says Kyuushou in shock" Then it was a good thing they didn't do an all-out attack on you, Subordinate"

"Heh, so what?" Rena said with a confident smile.

"let the savior ask you this, if there's a chance they decided to fight you at the same time, will you lose?" Asked Kyuushou with a smirk.

"Nah, I'd win" Rena said with full confidence

"Umu, what great confidence you have" Says Kyuushou as the both of them laugh, for suddenly Kyuushou's leg began to give out and almost fell to the ground " Ugh, seems this is the limit, what a sad sight for the savior"

"..." Rena looks carefully at Kyuushou's leg trembling. She then moves closer to Kyuushou, showing her back while crouching on the ground.

"?" Kyuushou looks confused

"Come, hop in"


"Don't you hear me? Hop to my back, I'll give you a ride on my back" Said Rena.

"Ehh? Are you-"

"Yeah, I'm sure of it, so come before I change my mind" Says Rena. Kyuushou just stood there for a second, before she smiled happily and jumped to Rena's back, surprising Rena who managed to catch her, almost losing her balance.

"Hey! When I said 'hop in' do not actually do that or jump to me, morron!" Said Rena as she began to walk and carry Kyuushou on her back.

"Hehehe, sorry. You really are the best subordinate" Says Kyuushou as she gives a hug from behind.


"Hey, want to play a game in my room when we get there, we can play Homustation or a new console AE made, like Kamen Homu Geats Royal Prix, Ultra Homu Nexus new, Homu Sentai King of KingOhger, or maybe the game I made! I called it, Homu Impact 3rd, where there three Homu fights against a world-ending called Golden Devil Homu" Says Kyuushou.

"The last one seems pretty familiar to something I know, but sure, let's play a little" Says Rena with smile.







































"What to do, what to do" Mumbled Kyuushou to herself as she thought the school hallway, thinking hard to herself.

'As savior, I need to keep alert all the time and hone my skills to keep the world safe from destruction...But, for some reason, I, the chosen one, feel I lack something...something important...but what is that?' She then sighed in disappointment to herself.

"Is this it, I, Houraji Kyuushou, Savior of the world? Can't realize what she lacks of !? How can she save the world when she doesn't what is the most important thing!" Mumbles Kyuushou in frustration and continues to think about her own world, as she is about to make a turn on the corner, she bumps into someone accident but gratefully not strong enough to make both of them fall.

"Ah! Sorry/Forgive me" Says both of them. Kyuushou fixed her gaze and looked at the person she bumped into, her history class teacher, Mr. Tovarich, or secretly known as Welt.

"Ah, Sensei!"

"Hmm? You are-"

"Houraji Kyuushou, from 4-B"

"Ah, that's right, miss Houraji-san. Forgive me for bumping to you"

"It's fine, Sensei. It was my fault" Kyuushou noticed the bump was not hard, but the stack of paper which Welt hold are all scattered around the ground."AH! Let the savior repent for her mistake!" Kyuushou then quickly crouched to the ground and begin to pick up the paper.

'Savior?' thought Welt as he also began to pick up his paper.

'Ahhh, what kind of savior am I!? Not just you already in trouble,now you get other people also!' Thought Kyuushou began quickening her phase.

Welt looked at Kyuushou weirdly speed, noticing her in trouble by the face.

'Houraji Kyuushou...4-B. One of the new students this year, her previous school was Senba Academy in Changkong City, her academic skill is very low, almost reach to that daughter of Siegfried...and Siegfried himself, but from a combat standpoint, her skills very highly to praise as Ryoma daughter, Raiden Mei"

After a while, all the paper gathers up on their hands.

"Here you go, sensei" Says Kyuushou as she gives the stack of paper in her hand to Welt.

"Thank you very much, Miss Houraji" Welt accepted the paper from Kyuushou.

"It's nothing, I'm the one who troubles you" Says Kyuushou.

"It's fine, if I may to ask, miss Houraji, what seems to troubling you?" Asked Welt. Kyuushou looks surprised.

"Trouble? Me? I don't know what you are talking about sensei" Kyuushou panickly waved her hand in denial.

"You sure? "

"Uhhh, well there is something on my mind that bugging me, actually" Welt took at Kyuushou intensely

"Oh? What is it? "

'Blackmail, bully, stalker, or something else? I better do something and happens I handle it

"It's just..."

" Just? "

"Just need to know how to become a better savior against an upcoming threat" Says Kyuushou seriously.

"ah... I see"

'It was a mistake to ask her that question, if I'm not wrong she has a syndrome called chunibyou. If it is about a recent rumor about bullied I can handle it' Well signed

"I just can't help that there's this feeling...that there is something missing, but I don't what is it. As a savior, I can't let this happen. I fear if this keeps up, I might disappoint the world for she chose me, after all I have the responsibility to save the world with the gave at her last moment" Says Kyuushou with a sad face. Welt adjusts his glasses as he keeps his focus on Kyuushou.

" I see"

'What is this kid blabbering about?' Thought Welt, but he kept his composure and think a way to handle the situation.

"I can't help you to know what you're missing nor about the savior, but there's one or two things I can tell you miss Houraji" says Welt

"What's that? "

"That you don't need to be afraid about being disappointed, everyone has a reason, just do your best and improve along the way."

"My... Best? "

"That's right, you're still young after all, so there's a lot of room for learning. Also, the world is not your own to bear alone"

"It's not? "

"But everyone, and I meant everyone have the responsibility to keep the world safe and in order,men, women, elders, children"

"Even that evil blond guy I had in a dream? "

"Uhhh, the e-evil blond guy you said? yeah?... I don't know...let's not talk about that. In any case, I will give an example" Says Welt as he makes a flying hologram appear. The hologram shows five individuals in a costume designed like a bird each different color.

[Phoenix Ranger! Featherman![Boom]]

"As you can see, these team of superheroes, when they fight against evil, they really on each other, defend one another, sharing the happiness, sadness, the hardship together, and finally save the day and live another day to come"

"Savior rather choose Jetman"

"Besides the point" says Welt as he continues "What my point is that you're not alone in this, we humans rely on each other to overcome obstacles, like how we humanity fight against the honkai"

"I'm not alone" Says Kyuushou as she looks at the hologram. Suddenly her eyes is widened in realization.

"I get it! Now I know what I'm missing! Thank you sensei" Says as she suddenly runs off from Welt.

"And there she goes, at least she got the message, kids these days are quite troublesome. If I'm not wrong she sometimes hangout with that kannazuki, so I don't have to worry about her getting her new friends"

As he was about to continue his walk, he could hear sniffing not from him

"Huh? " He turned around and saw a tree meter tall yellow octopus-like person with a giant round head using one of his tentacles to wipe his tear with tissue " Y-you, are you okay Korosensei"

"{Snif)}{Snif} yes, I'm fine, it's just the word you said to that girl moved me in tears"

"You heard everything? "


"Please Forget about it"


"Thank yo-"

"Cause I record it"

"Delete it! "


"I finally realize... Thanks to sensei guidance, I, Houraji Kyuushou, have cleared the path ahead. No darkness shall escape my sight!!! " Shout Kyuushou

" What savior need is not more power, mind, not wealth. Sensei let me see what I'm lacking on... What I'm lacking is... Is... Is.. A COOL AND ELEGAN LANDING!!!" Said kyuushou as she began to jump on top of the tree and land straight on her feet.

"Those weak superheroes have a pose which I already have, including the incredible power, the smartness brain. But what I lack is my landing! With this, the threat has no chance! Don't worry goddess, I won't disappoint you! " Says Kyuushou as she then keeps continues to hone her skill of landing. This continues, skipping her classes and homework, until finally her own leg can't handle it anymore, and crawling her way to the gazebo and rest.