Whitehouse Crisis

{If you want to read ahead go to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Eloise Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: Mayer Ranch, Umatilla County, Oregon)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: April 10th, 7:23 AM PST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 38 Years)~~~

The cold morning air blows across my exposed skin on the house's back porch. Looking at the farm with a hot cup of coffee in my hands and my comfy robe wrapped around me. It's a clear Sunday morning showing Spring is in full bloom.

Dannon's smiling face as Bullet trots to the field entrance gives me a feeling of accomplishment. Even on the weekend, he takes care of the farm.

The three days I had to care for the farm without him reminded me how much work it was. I hadn't worked a full day on the farm since his powers first appeared. It's a responsibility entirely his own now.

He leaves earning money on the stock market to me. A responsibility that gives me pride as a provider and parent.

I watch from my spot as Bullet takes off in a full sprint through their open area, and I can hear the distant laughter of my son. A smile instantly forms on my lips as I take another sip of my coffee.

"They'll be checking on the cattle and doing chores for the next hour... Everything is closed today..."

Only regular grocery stores and some restaurants are open on Sunday. The kitchen is running a little low on food, and I should run into town for some food. I've been looking forward to this weekend.

All of last week, the news has been covering what's happening in DC. The Whitehouse has been under great scrutiny after Admiral Randel's congressional hearing.

The Marshall Administration is in the process of damage control. I haven't kept up on the specifics, only paying attention to the news when they talk about my son. It's nice no one knows about him yet.

I was the one to push him to become a hero and reveal himself to the world. I still stand by that with all my heart. But a piece of me doesn't want to share him with anyone.

It's a great and demanding responsibility he'll have soon.

Bullet and Dannon are out of sight now. A gentle and content sigh breaks from me. I turn around and get back inside the house. Closing the door behind me and enjoying the warmth inside compared to outside.

I find my way to the couch with the TV remote in my hand. NBC is soon on, and my smile disappears with its appearance. It's several people debating on what the existence of Dannon means to them.

More specifically, humanity. They're unfamiliar to me, and I don't bother to look at the names attached to the debate tag.

"Before the commercial break, we left on who should be responsible for this mysterious entity. Who knows about him? Who raised him? Are there more of him, or did humans raise him?"

All they could discern from the video was that Dannon was a male. As to all the questions he just asked, I can't say where that will lead in the debate. He reintroduces the people debating; I tune that moment out.

Listening to them is easier if you don't know who they are.

"Well, that's a question no one has ever asked. I'll be the first to say the person or persons responsible for raising an Alien without notifying the proper authorities should be punished."

Um... What? The arrogance in the man's voice only emphasizes how confident he feels in his opinion.

That would be me! I'm supposed to be punished for taking in a helpless little baby with no one in the world to care for him!? That's ridiculous!!

My heart races at the thought I could get in trouble for raising Dannon.

"Don't be absurd, Ricky! The individuals that took care of this Alien should be rewarded! They're heroes! What if someone in Russia or China raised this Alien!!?"

The man who isn't Ricky is emphatically defending the other side of the conversation. Which I greatly appreciate since I'm the one he's defending.

It's comically funny they're assuming Dannon is an American. They're not wrong in their assumption. But still, it's funny.

On another note!

Why do I even have to be dragged into this? I can't believe I didn't consider something happening to me!! I'm so stupid!! Are there laws against taking in extraterrestrials? I don't even know!

There is adrenaline running through me. But I'm not afraid. Dannon won't let anything happen to me. It might be wrong to think like this, but even if I said I'd willingly accept the punishment. He'd still not allow anything to happen.

That's just who he is.

My focus turns back to the debate, and the two look at each other with a fire inside them. It's Ricky who takes the next shot, and it sends me into a poetic tailspin.

"Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations. While it's not illegal to have contact with extraterrestrials or aliens, it is against the law not to inform the government so they can quarantine in case of bacteria and diseases not originating on Earth."

That's actually a fucking thing??!! The incredible sneer and self-assurance in his voice and demeanor say it is.

I immediately pull my phone from my robe and search for what he just said. In the middle of my reading, Howard responds to what Ricky just dropped on my uneducated self.

"Oh, please! We both know that only applies to astronauts returning from expeditions! To use it against the people that have raised this alien is like planting evidence of a crime that never occurred!"

Howard responds with a vigor that's checked and stable. But you can hear the energy behind his growing opinions.

This is all way too far above my head... A sigh escapes as I quit trying to understand the law they're discussing. I'm not a lawyer and not cut out for learning about the law. It's too damn subjective for me to wrap my head around.

They continue debating, but all I can think about is how I can get in trouble for raising Dannon... For loving him as my own...

That shouldn't be a crime!!!

I'll admit, I sounded like a little girl on the inside...

But damn it; he's my baby boy! To think I can get screwed by the government for caring for him blows my fucking mind!

The 17-year-old still inside me when I first took Dannon in is fighting like hell to get out and fight these people. I was far more fierce when protecting and caring for Dannon than I am now. He was my gift from the heavens...

How can I not have that lioness inside me come out and defend my little cub... I lift the remote and turn off the TV. Not having the energy to watch something so stressful this early in the morning.

~~~(POV: Nick A. Marshall)~~~

~~~(Location: The Oval Office, Washington DC, West Virginia)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: April 10th, 10:48 AM EST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 40 Years)~~~

As of now, the TV wheeled in earlier so I could watch the morning broadcasts is anything other than a good distraction. All the news stations are covering the same thing they've been talking about all of last week.

That being how the military, my administration, and my office failed the American people. If not the world. No sense in mitigating blame. I've always taken lumps, even if they're not deserved.

Right now, the American people need someone to vent at. To be angry at. As my duty as President, that responsibility is mine. Better me than someone on the corner of a street that doesn't have constant protection.

The remote to the TV is in my hands the moment I can't stand these talks anymore. All I can do is give a large sigh as I stand up and look out the window.

I have a meeting with my staff in a few minutes, and we're discussing how to survive this for a second term in two years.

Ben has been taking the situation the hardest. My chief of staff and oldest friend is a military and religious man. He firmly believes that what's happened in the last three and a half weeks will ruin my bid to become President for a second term.

"Who would've guessed an Alien and his ship would just pop up out of nowhere..."

I'm speaking to the air and emptiness of the Oval Office. It's the most secure public office in the world. At least, that's what the secret service tells me.

I can't help thinking about what would happen if that Alien attacked the Whitehouse... Would we even scratch him? We don't know his limits, and the simulations I had done weren't enlightening due to a lack of data.




My attention is pulled from the window, and I look to the door of the chief of staff. It looks like Ben is ready to start the meeting.

"Come in."

My voice's firm and steady cadence arrives at the door, and it opens a second later. Ben walks in first with several folders. Followed by the Whitehouse director of communications, Frankie, and the Whitehouse deputy chief of staff, Lexy.

These three are considered the top staff in the Whitehouse.

After them comes Jenny, the Whitehouse press secretary. Aside from me, she's the most visible out of everyone working in the Whitehouse. She works with the press core and keeps the media in check.

So to speak.

Lastly, the Whitehouse deputy communications director falls in behind everyone. Closing the door behind him. Cameron does a wonderful job. He and Frankie are in charge of words coming out of the Whitehouse.

Speeches, statements, and, of course, communication.

"Good morning, Mr. President."

They all give the same greeting simultaneously, with a level of sarcasm and friendliness I sorely need right now. A smile instantly forms on my features, and they break the characters they're playing with laughter.

We all take a moment to sit down and get ready with reports from various departments. The Pentagon is up first.

Ben holds the copy in his hands and briefly reads over it. A look of slight surprise on his face. Instead of speaking, he closes it and hands it to me. Signaling it's for my eyes only. Since that's not something to discuss with the staff, we'll move on.

Frankie sits up straight and adjusts his tie. Clearing his throat as he does. Making it clear that he'll be bringing up a topic to discuss before anyone else.

"Mr. President, we need to address the American people. Cameron has done his job with the speeches; now is the time to speak. We have two different variants, just as you asked. Now, you only need to pick the one you want."

He's not loud or quiet as he speaks. Frankie has never let me down regarding subjects such as this. Neither has Cameron. If they weren't the ones writing what I eventually say, I don't know who would.

Besides my wife and Ben, they know me better than anyone else. Good friends that have been with me since I first became President of the United States.

"That's good... I've been thinking about which of the speeches I'll use... Despite what the Pentagon and military want, I don't think their approach is the best for this."

Ben makes a visible tremor at my soft words. Originally, Ben and the joint chiefs wanted to take an offensive approach. Take this as a legitimate threat. However, after talking with a lot of my staff. I've had a second speech prepared.

One not demanding the surrender of the alien. One that doesn't persecute the individual we're all looking for now. Only to encourage a dialogue. National security will come immediately after we get him talking to us.

"Let's schedule an address to the public from here in the Oval Office."

Ben almost speaks out of turn, but I immediately shake my hand. He wants to take the offensive approach. But this isn't DC Comics or Marvel.

This is the real world.

"I know what you're going to say, Ben. Trust me, when we have a dialogue with him and when he reveals himself to the public and us. We can take the national security approach. Question him all we need to, but we can't be hostile."

It's the best compromise I can make with my military supporters. Ben being among them. Now, it's time that we get this crisis we're in with public support past us.

~~~(POV: Dannon Mayer)~~~

~~~(Location: Mayer Ranch, Umatilla County, Oregon)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: April 11th, 12:30 PM PST, 2022)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 21 Years)~~~

My dear Mother is sitting on the couch with her feet up and a bowl of ice cream in her hands. She only has ice cream for lunch on days she kills it in the stock market. I don't ask her how much she makes, but the calculations are easy.

She usually does really well on Mondays.

Yearly, she's making 1.4 million. That's a lot of money, but most of it remains in the brokerage accounts. If you don't remove the money, you don't pay taxes on the money you earn. Doesn't count as income until it's in your bank account.

Mom's been working from home every day since I returned. She's already done with the stock market. Her day-trading skills are better than 98% of the traders out there. Hence, we can afford to run a ranch with no issues from the bank.

Plus, my yearly crop earnings make living on the ranch a dream. It's been in our family for 45 years, and we'll be the ones to pay it off and completely own it.

"Sweetie, come over here and relax. You've been working hard all morning."

She still acts like I get tired from working manual labor. I don't get tired. Not wanting to argue, I make my way over and sit down. She scopes some ice cream out of her bowl and gives me a spoonful. We're watching an address President Marshall is about to make.

I'm interested in hearing what it's about. Many say it's about the extraterrestrial that appeared in the Antarctic and the Alien spacecraft.

In simple terms, it's about me. Not that anyone knows that.

"I'll be running into town today for groceries. Is there anything you want me to pick up from the store other than the usual?"

Before I can answer her, the commercial break ends, and President Marshall sits in the Oval Office. Honestly, this address will greatly affect how receptive people are to my existence.

All across the world, not just in America.

Mom unconsciously puts the ice cream bowl on the coffee table and grabs my long sleeve. Unaware of how much she's showing regarding her fear of the speech that we're all about to hear.

"Good afternoon, my fellow Americans..."

His voice is even and calm. As he looks into the camera, a sense of assurance and power rests with him. Having a confident leader for your country is important. While there has been a lot of scrutiny for President Marshall lately.

He's been one of the better Presidents of the 21st century. This will be one of his most important speeches so far in his time as President.