Chapter 32: Unexpected Events

The next day the group woke up at around 8 in the morning. Swift took Tantrum with him to go find the 3 members Hammer asked him find. Tantrum was following closely behind his master, as not to scare too many people. Power checked on Lazy and Nitro. They were both still in the same position I'm pain but seemed to be asleep now. Grimm slowly got out his room and was extremely hung over. He already tried his magic and had no affect. Power took him to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.

Swift ran into Saint and was directed towards the front of the cruise ship. There was a snipers tower build from wood. ChickenFriedStake, WaffleHouse4U and TekiYork had it build for them. They usually stayed there and slept there. Saint was told that they would be the snipers and look out. Swift and Tantrum made their way there. The tower was poorly constructed. It was clearly an OSHA violation. He told Tantrum to stay while he went up to check on them. As he walked up each stair would creek and groan. He felt if he went up the tower would fall with his added weight. He was glad he told Tantrum not to follow. Carefully making his way up he saw two of them sleeping and Teki up and keeping watch. The three guys all had the same military style armor with cloaks. He also noticed they looked very similar but had different shades of brown hair.

"TekiYork" Swift ask?

"That's me. What do you want?" Teki didn't turn to look at him and only kept looking through his binoculars.

"I'm SwiftCodex. HammerFist asked I take you and ChickenFriedStake and WaffleHouse4U with us to KC."

Teki but down his binoculars and turned to face him. He had a very plain face with light brown hair. He extended a hand towards Swift.

"Sorry about my cold attitude. People around here are…quite unprofessional. I'm Teki. The oldest brother. House is the middle child and Fried is the youngest. Glad to have you with us. We planned to join these guys but our style is more laid back and quite. I already assume we are going to be with them more or less. Do you have a travel plan?"

"Actually yes. TridentWaterfall said he would customize an armored troop transport for us. We just also need to take him with us. I figured if he could, I don't know, fuse two of them together that would be enough for us. Idea is to have a back area for my pet and maybe even a bed or two. Lazy is stepping away from being the builder of the group and plans to be an attacker or something. Good news is he has two friends that might be joining our guild as engineers. I think that will be good."

The other two were still sleeping while that talked.

"How much do you know what's going on" Teki asked while hinting he knew something else.

"I just know world events are going on. My guild and I are planning to push to start setting up for the Ocean rising event. Why do you know something else?"

Teki started to look around and then slid down behind the wall. Swift followed suit and sat down also.

"So I heard from Hammer, can you can't tell anyone this. Apparently Primus is setting up a lot of stuff in KC. He is redecorating the the convention center for the fourteen guilds. Since we are all on the American servers we are the only people here. Te rest of the guilds globally from the game might be at their own country. Apparently people that had friends on other servers are now gone off of their friends list. So what Primus has planned is to have each guild hold, I don't know, events to entice other people to join a guild. There are a hundred thousand people here and about ten thousand are in a guild. He wants everyone to be in a guild. By doing so everyone will be connected. But. Before he lets guilds set up shop to recruit. He has to make other private meetings with the guilds about the future. The main event is Primus setting up a tournament of guilds to show the strongest and weakest and then allow guilds to recruit. He knows he's the strongest and plans to steal the most players. Hammer is preparing. I suggest you do the same."

Swift was silent for a couple minutes. Before he spoke the two brothers started to wake up.

"Can you guys be more quite. I was getting my beauty sleep."

House kicked Fried saying.

"You need it dude. You get your ugliness from your mom" he said while laughing.

Fried kicked back saying.

"She's your mom too dumbass."

"Settle" Teki said in a stern voice.

He turned back to Swift.

"For the tournament all I know is there are three planned. One for only guild leaders, another is for the second in command and the last one is a three man team. Only caveat is the second in command and guild leader can not participate in the three man team. It's supposed to show how strong your guild is without using the leaders power."

The other brothers at this time were keeping a watch while Teki chatted with Swift.

"Now I hate to cut this short but we need to keep a look out. We are sure there are more goblins around here. I suggest grabbing your guild and being ready. We'll keep watch."

Teki opened his menu and sent a friend request to Swift. His brothers followed suit and did the same.

"When we reach the base we'll meet up" Teki said.

Swift accepted and left the brothers to their look out.

During this time Grimm and Power were at a table eating breakfast. Some of his chef friends make some special stuff for Power. He was happy and shared with Grimm. They both had cinnamon waffles with maple syrup covering all of it. The two happily munched on the food when someone dropped their plate on the table. It slightly startled them and they saw Bronze set down a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Not so loud" Grimm said while clutching his head.

"This hangover is killing me."

"Good! You took a piss off the side of the boat" Power both mildly anger and with a hint of humor.

"I did?"

"You did" Bronze asked?

"I'm not regretting be friending you guys."

"Oh don't worry about it Bronze" Grimm said while patting him on the back.

"We are all friends here. Plus I know your secret" he said with a wink.

Bronzes face started to glow beet red.

"Oh? What secret" Power asked while leaning in close?

"He doesn't like Lazy" Grimm said with a sly smile.

"What? Why not?"

Power looked to Bronze, but he already turned his head not speaking.

Grimm spoke for him.

"Apparently he's crushing on Moon and thinks she has a crush on Lazy. And you know how he is. Flirting with everyone."

"Huh. I guess I never noticed him doing that. And what about you Grimm?"

Power proceeded to tilt his head and secretly point to a woman at another table with her friends.

"She's the one that let you mother boat her. I've noticed her glancing at you. Should try your luck."

"Not now. My head is killing me. I just want to get this over with. Bronze you talk for me. What's your guilds plan?"

Bronze had a mouthful of food.


He gulped his food.

"We packed up all our stuff after the show. Moon chatted with us saying we might stay in KC and do weekly concerts. We don't need to fight to level up, we get experience with concerts. If Primus gets other cities filled with people we thought about touring. Other them that we aren't really planning to get too involved with the world events. I mean we'll help and boost moral but not get involved directly. You guys have a plan?"

Grimm and Power glanced at each other before Power spoke.

"Honestly. We have some plans we are keeping guild members only, nothing personal. Although, I can say we are planning to prepare for the Ocean rising event. That's about it"

"Ah okay. Sounds good mate."

The three guys went back to eating leaving the atmosphere slightly awkward. Shortly after Swift came in and called for Power and Grimm. They said goodbye to Bronze and left following him. Tantrum was sticking close to his master separating him from the others as they walked. They headed down to the workshop of the ship. Lord of engineers and mechanics and builds were all working. Some where adding new plating to buses, some were enchanting them, and a couple workers were adding beds to some. Trident was organizing the workers efficiently. He noticed Swift and his group and waved them over.

"What can I do for you fellas?"

Trident was looking through a data pad and comparing what he had to what was being build by some groups.

"I'm a little crunched on time. We need to get these buses ready for travel. Please make it fast."

Swift spoke up asking "I have a question about the vehicle you said you'd customize for us. Is it possible to get two of the armored vehicles fused together? I need one to be slightly longer."

Trident sighed while pressing his brow.

"It's complicated. We first have to see what vehicles the base has and how many. If the world is based off of what was on Earth when we left. There are about fifty armored Jeep's that can hold eight people. No turret on top. That's more then enough for the amount of people we have here. Hammer and Primus asked if we can bring nearly every vehicle to KC. There's plans to give them to the guilds. They are already collecting tons from other bases they pass through. Although I will say, between us, some members of The Undying Legion are watching Area 51. Apparently there are level hundred enemies there. Humanoid grey aliens. So no one has gone there. Anyway. Back to your vehicle. If they have an armored eighteen wheeler, from homeland security, I can get it kitted out for you. Best offer I have."

"Hey that works. We'll need more vehicles in the future. Last question. Do you or anyone have extra weapons and ammunition? A friend of ours uses them and we wana surprise him with a new one."

Trident pondered for a moment before scrolling through his data pad.

"Ya we have a couple things in storage. A sniper and an SMG and a couple cases of ammo. Follow me."

Trident lead the group further down the depths of the ship. They walked pasted a couple corridors to a large vault like door. He spun the handle clockwise till it opened. Inside was stacks of ammo cases and tons of weapons lining the walls.

"Everyone is keeping their spare weapons here. All of it assigned to the owner and only them can use it unless authorized too."

He started to dig around a couple boxes. And pulled out an MP5 with a couple cases. He quickly handed it to Swift, who handed it to Power. He walked to the other side of the room digging into another box. He pulled it a sniper rifle and the .308 rounds for it.

"Here you guys go. Only things not claimed. Feel free to take it."

"Thanks we appreciate it." Grimm said.

The group collect their things and started to head to Nitros room to drop it they were walking to the room they noticed a couple of people running around. They ignore it and continued to walk. By the time they got to his room they were seeing lots of people scrambling around. Swift grabbed the arm of someone passing by and asked.

"What's going on?"

"Goblins! Lots of them upstream near the base. We are preparing to break through. They even made a large bridge to stop us. Everyone is running to get ready. We have about two hours to get ready for a large fight."

Panic started to sink in as the group quickly ran to their friends room. Nitro was now sitting up but covered in sweat.

"What are you guys doing here? What's going on?" He asked in a daze.

Power dropped him his new stuff.

"This is for you. You have be ready in two hours. Huge horde of goblins are waiting for us."

"Okay. I'll try" he said weakly. "Thanks for this new stuff by the way."

He started to collect his stuff as the group left his room to check on Lazy.

He was gone.

They looked around and saw the bathroom door closed. They quickly opened it to see a naked Lazy stepping out the shower. He quickly covered himself.

"Ahhhhh! Assholes knock next time."

They were slightly surprised to see him up.

"You okay?" Swift curiously asked.

"Ya I'm fine. I've done that before and better prepared. Just need food and water while the process happens. What's going on?"

"Goblin bridge barricade. Two hours. Be ready." Swift said commandos and left with the others. They waited outside their rooms for them.