WebNovelThe End!100.00%

The beginning of the end

On that fateful day, the end came. It started about 2 years ago when a stranger came to the town of Moist Stygian. His name was Jim pic. Almost everything about him was unknown but I did know this, he was secretive, weird. He also lived in the abandoned part of town, most of the time you saw him he was eating coffee beans. Moist Stygian is like any other town in the middle of nowhere that is a bit stranger then the rest.

Some of the things that make me say that this town is weirder than the other Towns like mine is that we are not on the map, we get no visitors, and when people leave they never come back. But the weirdest thing would be the giant clock tower in the middle of town. Better but it itself isn't that weird. What makes it weird is the fact that instead of going clockwise it goes counterclockwise in the hands moving completely randomly in different ways how a normal clock should move.

My name is Kineeko Jesusa, 17 years old, and I have lived in this town for all my life. I am 6 foot 1 athletic and well liked. I also am an all A honors student. I plan to leave this town the minute I graduate. My hobbies are gaming, fishing, hiking and reading, and more.

A month after Jim arrived strange things started to happen, and appear. People also started to disappear randomly without warning. Such as a guy named Fill Macroll whose body was found in the moisty bog. There are also the bloody symbols that have been appearing and people started reporting sightings of creatures of the dark. But the weirdest And most noticeable thing was that all the hands on the clock hands we're all on two.

About a week Later after the clock incident I was walking home but I heard a noise in the nearby alleyway so I took him peek to see what it was and then I saw it. It had just crawled out of one of the bloody symbols. I didn't get a good look at it because I ran away right after seeing it but what I could remember from the short glimpse of it is that it was a bloody/Shadowy creature with five legs and three arms, his body was completely dismembered with weird fluid leaking out which made it have a horrible smell and its face, it's too hard to describe.

I couldn't tell anybody because I was too frightened that if I did it would find me and I thought they would think I'm crazy so instead I called a friend. His name was Bob. Bob was your average high school nerd but also a supernaturalist. He first told me it was probably a demon and he would find someone to find and slay it but Later found out that it will take them a week to prepare before they can even start looking. A week later the people who Bob Hired came. There were 7 men in total. The leader of the group was named Joe, Joe Was a large muscular man who's wearing a blue suit. He told us that it would take a week to a month for him and his team to find and slay the creature. It's been a month, Joe never came back. The clock was now in the middle of the 1 and 2

After a while Bob and I started to think Joe was gone, people stopped disappearing, But unfortunately I knew the creature was not gone. It's been 7 and a half months since Jim arrived. I found out he was performing A ritual to help him get something. He was trying to remove a seal on a curse deep in the ground at a cemetery. I found This out after Bob and I started to research the history of the town as well as stalking Jim. We didn't know what would happen if the seal was broken but we did know it would be something Disastrous. all the hands and the clock were all on the One.

Two weeks later a group of people arrived 3 were exorcists 5 were Special ops. I told them what I saw and what I knew about Jim. They said they would handle it. I don't know why but Joe came out of nowhere. The men that just arrived started to ask him some questions. Joe said in a low Grimm voice that it's all over, the man asked him again what happened. Joe suddenly took out a blue hatchet that was already dripping blood from underneath his suit he then stabbed into the neck of the man who was asking him questions afterwards he threw the axe at one of the exorcists hitting him square in between my eyes. The rest of the men shot him until he stopped moving. One of them said he was possessed, then they filled me in on everything that they knew. They told me that they have been tracking Jim for years but whatever they got close to him but he would always vanish leaving nothing but a trail of bodys. They also told me that he was devoted to dark magic and whatever he was planning it would be big. Afterwards I led them to where Jim lived.They needed to deal with Jim and fast.

When we arrived where Jim lived he was already gone. He left nothing that can be used to track him except for a book. The book was his journal and it's contents said " I am on the final step of my plan. I will finally get my revenge. To anyone who might read this you're too late to stop me but here is the reason why I am doing what I am. In the different path one of my ancestors committed Heinous crimes in this town that used to be inhabited by powerful exorcists and users of the supernatural world. They cursed him and the entire family's bloodline to a curse of eternal pain. Because of this my parents and I also suffered constantly but my parents kept trying to do good, until they saved a boy. But instead of being thanked, the world criticized them, and later they were both executed. This is the reason why I'm here for revenge and I'm taking revenge upon the entire world.". After I finished reading his journal there was a very loud explosion nearby this was just the start of the end.The hands of the clock were now in the middle of 12 and 1.

It's been 3 months now. The town is like a battlefield after we left the house where Jim lived. We rose to where the explosion came from. It was a building not too far from here that caused the explosion that was out of the blue. The explosion was caused by dismembered creatures some which look more like zombies where others looked like horrifying things that look straight out of a horror movie. The man with me started to shoot and cast their spells to defend against the creatures but they were soon overrun and started to get pushed back Wiedlin had to retreat and call for back up. About a day later the army arrived which were our back up but Jim started to break the seal on the curse causing more of these creatures charging towards us.

It's been 5 months since this started but now natural disasters started to happen one after the other all over the world. I started to wonder how long this would last, I will take cover with Bob but then we heard it. When the hands of the clock struck 12 we heard it all of us all around the world a slow grim ding dong. We then looked at the sky where the sun was turning a darker and darker red until it was black, and then it seemed to Cease existing. there was no light, no wind, no disaster, no screams, only darkness. No one knows why it happened but the disasters did. Nothing we tried to do got us some form of light working, we tried flashlight and starting fires but none of it worked. The only good news was that no one was dying yet. 4 days later I heard a scream then there was a flash of red light where the sun used to be, Jim had broken the seal and the curses were released, he died in the process, knowing he had gotten his revenge on the world. The curse consumed the creatures, people, and anything else that got close to it. Three days later, time was stopped for a brief moment before a giant black hole appeared where the seal used to be. Then came Satin with a horde of demons following him. At that moment I knew it was the end.