
Another chapter, hope you enjoy.

Please give your thoughts and comments, I want them all!


When I stopped falling it wasn't sudden but I did feel a jolt of feeling. I didn't notice till then that when I started falling I had lost all the feeling in my body. Soon I started to analyze what I am feeling, weightlessness but not falling, pressure on my back in the shape of a very big hand. It was a theory of mine when the woman finished her sentence probably because of all the anime Sarah showed me, but I still felt it unlikely. Yet I am here proven wrong.

Staring at two adults that seem to be slightly happy while looking back at the baby in the woman's arms. First I noticed how the two seemed to be quite malnourished and gaunt. Second I noticed the room we were in, plain wooden boards for the walls, floor, and ceiling, some cloth hanging as a replacement where some boards should be seen. With some more acting as what I presume is a door from the 'House'.

With no furniture in the entire space of the one-room home other than rags on the floor that I think are for sleeping on, from what I can see I believe it would be a fair assessment that we are very poor.

I seem to be now in the slums of what I'm guessing is a medieval society, since my parents look European, and Europeans even when they are this poor don't live in this style of home. I cannot confirm this yet either since I can't ask my parents and I can't go outside, but it does not seem like we are a surf or some other type of slave. So things could still be worse but this still sucks. Though my current situation could be construed as even worse.

I don't know the language they are speaking, so I cannot communicate at all, though I do have time to learn until it becomes a serious problem. I can't move since I am a malnourished newborn baby. Finally, and worst of all, I am a grown-ass man who has to act at least convincingly like a baby. This is an absolute embarrassment and shameful.

Not to mention it is very boring, though with all my free time I've realized something incredible. It has been a week since I awoke in this body and to stove off my boredom and hunger I've started reminiscing on my past life. I have daydreamed in my memory practically 24/7 and I have realized I absolutely perfect memory of not only my past life but also of this life so far.

I can watch my memory like a movie, speed up, slow down, pause, and zoom. All with what I can assume is perfect accuracy. If my memory is not accurate, there is nothing I can do, since there is nothing I can do to check and there are absolutely no gaps, unlike with most memory issues.

Anyway, If I had to give a name to this memory it would be videographic memory. It seems to be more potent than what I've heard about photographic memory. With that, I can remember every single second I've ever lived which gives me a perfect internal clock, even if I'm not consciously keeping track I can remember every second that already passed letting me pinpoint the exact second we are on, this also let me figure out that these days are 24 hours just like earth. Quite the coincidence.

This also gives me an internal map and compass not only can I remember every turn I make, but with GPS in my previous life all my travels have had distance attached to them letting me measure the distance I traveled to the amount I've had measured by satellites.

With all that, it is already a very powerful ability but we are forgetting the most basic function, I remember everything I've ever been taught, all calculus, chemistry, engineering, biology, and every formula. Honestly, I wasn't even taught some of them but I had friends at college who majored in those subjects, and with those late-night conversations about school and scanning their textbooks and notebooks to help them study.

It would also make sense that I remember every thought I've ever thought, which I do, I will now never lose track of my thought process, and I can do massive masters level calculus in my head as I have an unforgetting notebook that does the problems for me by drawing the information directly from the textbook, all in my head. If you have a calculator with the every formula and can all the basic facts in an instant, and can have all the information to plug in, in an instant you have the fastest calculator in the world.

From what I could tell, all the time it took doing problems was either remembering the equations, forgetting basic facts, spacing out and thinking of nothing, or thinking of everything other than the problem. So as long as I don't space out and stay focused on the problem I am an instant calculator.

With all that, I can also remember all language that I've seen. I never fully learned any other language but I took up to Spanish 2 in highschool and French In college, I can remember the text books and I can give myself a base to potentially reengineer languages in the future.

With this ability, I will soon learn the language of the people around me.




It has been a month since I awoke and I have almost learned the basics of the language. I still can't speak since as a baby, I don't have lip and tongue dexterity, but I have been doing vocal training to fix that.

In more important news, this month I have come to an interesting and quite depressing realization. When I was born in this world I saw my parents having a slight smile while looking at me, in that moment could you blame me for thinking that the smiles were aimed at me?

Well I was wrong, they weren't happy their child was born, I realized that when they did the bare minimum for me, my mother changed me once a day, it was very uncomfortable for me to have to do something so gross and have to sit in it since I can't move. Then she Bareilly ever feeds me once again maybe once a day, I can kinda forgive that since my mother is very malnourished as well and her milk supply is probably very low, but I am still surprised that I'm alive, but I seem to be hanging on somehow. I have a theory that the people here are also just naturally stronger than the people on Earth, though my only evidence for that right is that I'm not dead.

Back on topic, the truth is my parents have an addiction. When they smiled at my birth they realized that they could start abusing again, since my mother was no longer pregnant. They were addicted to each other or more like they were addicted to each other's bodies. They loved sex, they fucked all day and night, only ever stopping to eat the little food they had, drink, and feed and change me once a day. The only other disruptions they had is sleep and the one time a week my father would leave can come back with food and water. Since he doesn't work, I'd imagine he either steals the food or steals the money then buys the food. Though even with this it's not that much food, probably wanting to get back as soon as possible so he can dance the horizontal tango.

I'm guessing either my father is shooting blanks because he is starving, or my mom has a hard time conceiving because she is starving, maybe both. Or perhaps my dad just has an excellent pullout game but if none of those are true then I don't know how I don't have 5 siblings.

Honestly, I don't know how they can do it so much, starvation is supposed to decrease libido, but again maybe they are just stronger than the humans I used to know. It is only a matter of time until I get a sibling and I fear for them because they probably won't be a grown man on the inside, so they will probably will need attention, care, and supervision. These people are neglectful as all hell so they won't be getting any of that.

My only hope is that I'm old enough at that point to take care of them so they don't die and teach them so they don't grow up into those dead beats.




It's been another week, and I've finally mastered the basics of the language, from what I can tell, if I may check it with someone who is a good speaker that would be best, I had a way with words in my last life, you have to if you want to have a successful business, though it was always a bit of a hassle talking to people I didn't know. I was a bit of an introvert. Though I could ad-lib and improvise like hell when necessary.

Anyway, I hope I can find a book soon, for one it is stupidly boring, and two I need to learn to read and write. Those are fundamental skills that are almost mandatory for success in a culturally advanced society.

I have had another plan in the background this whole time while learning the language, and it has finally come to fruition. I have finally learned my name. I heard it several times while listening and learning but only in the past week have I realized it was my name. With that, however, I have also learned that I don't have a last name. It seems it is the same situation as in medieval times on Earth. Before people started moving to other countries more and more often they didn't have a last name as names didn't repeat all that often and only royal and nobility had last names.

That is why so many last names are just professions. 'Oh, that James, he is a smith.' He was then known as James Smith. Once names started repeating you needed a way to differentiate them and what better way than their work? Back to point one, they don't seem to be in the stage of civilization where migration is a common thing to see and Second, my parents don't seem to have a job so even if I was wrong about the stage of civilization they are in, they still had nothing to give me.

So in the end my name is Aldus, honestly I really like it. It doesn't seem like a name they could come up by themselves, but why complain? I wouldn't mind a last name but it's fine, I'll just deal with it.

Along with understanding the language, I can almost start talking, the voice training is going well. Even though I can I'm gonna hold off for the time being, I don't know how these neglectful fucks will react to a talking one-month-old, and I don't feel like finding out.

I've also decided I haven't been able to move for long enough so I've been moving little by little. This will be an incredibly delicate procedure. It is already a miracle I am alive at all so I'm gonna go almost as slow as I can while still trying. I honestly don't know if I'm gonna make it out of this.