The smoke coming from the monster's body slowly rises into the night sky, covering the moon ever so slightly as time passes by.

The sound of crickets and owls can be heard again as the chain of explosions finally died down.

Darius walked around the destroyed forest while searching for the monster's core. Thinking that if it was true that the monster can revive itself again, he must secure the core and destroy it as quickly as possible.

The ravenette commanded the wind to blow the smoke away and cleared the place.

There is was, in the middle on the barren ground – surrounded by rocks and twigs.

Darius approached the glowing core.

He stood over it and stared for a moment – the core is still beating and it has flesh clinging to its smooth surface.

The flesh moves slowly, like worms crawling inside a cadaver.

Darius was no fool, this is the work of the monster – desperately trying to put itself back together.