A young girl is swaying her legs back and forth as she sits on the chair, her eyes fixed on the crystal ball before her. 

She's wearing a red robe that looked out of place in the dark and dusty room she was in. 

"Heh," she smiled darkly while watching the events unfold. 

"He's on the edge again," she stated nonchalantly.

"True, it's becoming easier and easier for the basilisk to influence him. At this point he will lose the war he waged against that beast," the older woman replied. 

"What could be the reason for that?" the young girl asked.

The white crow hummed, "There could be many reasons, one of which is when the soul is weak; so weak that the basilisk can devour him in just a few moments. Usually that happens instantly, which is why, many owners of the sword had died through the years."