Shin Jinni, A Walking Piggy Bank

Shin Jinni, the man Yaan picked to be his next opponent in the bloody arena…

He started training as a Qi master at 30 years of age. He was found to have mediocre talent, but an eccentric old woman at the Spirit Core realm took him in as her third disciple. His talent was average at best, as was his work ethic and willpower. His only reason for putting any effort into his cultivation was because he desired to get rich and to live longer. For the first 80 years of his cultivation, he stayed with his teacher, consuming high quality resources to forcefully improve his cultivation. At the True Yuan Qi realm, it was found that his perception was decent, and when combined with the resources and great environment, he reached the peak True Yuan Qi realm within 77 years.

His teacher realised that he would never improve further if he remained sheltered under her wing forever, so she sent him out into the world, albeit with nine life saving treasures, many resources, guides, a jade to contact her in an emergency, and a special fruit that could maximise a cultivator's life span when consumed. It was really excessive, no other teacher in the Ghu Province would provide their pupil with such extravagant assistance!

He was supposed to enter the cultivation world, to explore and adventure, to fight, to learn, to experience…but he just took over a decent size mortal kingdom and lived as a king, wasting away his life with wine and women. This went on until one day, at 133 years of age, he by chance discovered a 'heavenly treasure'. Whatever this treasure was, it allowed him to gain an unusual sort of enlightenment into dao after he entered a bizarre illusion where he dreamed that he slept with 10,000 divine female beauties. Or so he claimed. It was noted in Yaan's information that this bizarre claim of Shin Jinni's was doubted by many people.

Supposedly, when he awoke from the illusion, the treasure was gone, but he had somehow reached the 1st Layer Qi Temple realm. After discovering his newfound power, he began to explore the cultivation world properly. He was no longer satisfied by mortal riches and women, now coveting the Qi master equivalents.

His master was a Spirit Core realm Elder known for doting to the extreme on her disciples, so very few people were willing to offend him, allowing him to steal, kill and develop an extremely inflated ego. He learned flashy looking spells and used only the most luxurious treasures, he was a person who possessed riches far beyond the norm for his level of power.

Shin Jinni always believed himself to be above others. He had never been in a true life and death battle, because such a barbaric thing was below him. He killed, but others didn't dare to threaten him. He honestly believed that he was powerful, but the reality was that people were scared of his teacher, and the life saving treasures she gifted to him.

The fact that he regularly bragged to others about his life and his riches, showed just how far removed from reality he was mentally.

"So…why haven't you just robbed this guy already, if he's so loaded but also so weak?" Yaan looked up from the file and asked Ghu Nadda and his great grandfather doubtfully.

"His teacher told him that he needed to behave in the Ghu Clan cities, so he hasn't broken any of our laws, or stepped outside of the city at all since he entered three years ago. He's a bit famous for all the wrong reasons, there's no way we could kill this person without being suspected." Nadda's great grandfather explained. Yaan glanced at this older man, still remembering how he had appeared from nowhere, then disappeared just as quickly during his unexpected battle against that Qi Temple realm grandpa.

Yaan understood the situation with Shin Jinni now. The Ghu Clan was a demonic clan, but they upheld firm laws within their cities that made safety a right for every resident. They couldn't break their own laws, or else all Qi masters across the Ghu Province would lose faith in their cities and flee. This would be a big financial loss to the Ghu Clan, they wouldn't risk it, even if the guy was a walking treasure trove.

As Yaan saw the look in the old man's eyes, he understood something and smiled.

"You want part of the winnings from this person?"

The old man paused, then laughed openly and nodded.

"There are just three things I want. Two of his life saving treasures and one of his spiritual treasures. None of these three include his most valuable treasure, but that thing is useless to me anyway."

"Fine." Yaan readily agreed, slightly surprising the Ghu Clan Elder.

"It's only because of your Ghu Clan that I have this opportunity, I don't mind sharing a bit…actually, I also owe Nadda 15 Rank 4 recovery pills at this point, so this is a good chance to pay you back."

The child ghoul and demonic great grand father blinked. Ghu Nadda saw his great grandfather's expression and smiled wryly, he knew exactly what he was thinking.

'Just when you think you understand Yaan, he does something unexpected…what kind of demon proactively pays back their debts? Is he trying to maintain a good relationship with us, or maybe he just doesn't like to feel indebted to others, or perhaps he just sees repaying someone's help as normal? I think it's probably a bit of everything…'

The following day, a large crowd gathered all around the bloody arena. The seating area was truly packed. After all, today, the recently famous mysterious red robed child would be battling Shin Jinni, the notorious wealthy wastrel! No matter the outcome, this match was sure to be entertaining at least.

True Yuan Qi realm juniors sat on stone benches down below, Qi Temple realm Elders were given more spacious seating a bit higher up, VIPs had their own enclosed regions…even two, no, three Spirit Core realm Elders were here to watch!

All three were from the Ghu Clan. They stood above the seating areas, on special podiums which towered above the rest, reserved specifically for Ghu Clan Elders in attendance. Most people didn't know why they were so interested in this match, but some people knew about this Shin Jinni's reputation as an untouchable walking piggy bank.


Just as Yaan and his opponent walked out towards the arena, a grand aura spread out from the centre and an old man appeared, standing there calmly, much to the surprise of everyone who had failed to see when he flew onto the stage.

'As always, Nadda's great grandfather's entrance is impossible to track…' Yaan thought mildly.

"Young friend crimson cloak is a friend of my disciple and a guest of my Ghu Clan in North Ghu City, so I hope that all the fellow Qi masters won't make things difficult for him, since he wishes to keep his identity hidden for now."

Murmurs of shock were set off through the arena…who would have thought that the strange red robed child would have such a powerful supporter! Honestly, even Yaan felt bewildered as to how this had happened so suddenly.

Nadda's great grandfather then glanced towards the still arrogant looking Shin Jinni and sighed.

"As per the rules of this battle, you may bring at most two spiritual treasures to the arena and to the battle. Young friend crimson cloak indeed only has his robe and a single sword, I don't think that you intend to bully a lower realm junior with those talismans, hidden weapons, trinkets and flying swords, no?"

Shin Jinni turned bright red and scowled at the old man. People never dared to speak to him like this, it, it was humiliating!

"You, you, my teacher-"

"Your teacher is a fellow Spirit Core realm Qi master, like myself and the other 14 such individuals of my Ghu Clan stationed in this city. Not to mention the City Lord, a Grand Elder of the Ghu Clan. If you don't wish to fight according to the rules, then please leave and stop wasting everyone's time."

Yaan's eyes lit up as he watched this. He saw Shin Jinni becoming increasingly embarrassed and angry, but in the end, he opened his coat and discarded tens…no, perhaps there were hundreds of explicitly forbidden items hidden within that coat!

The entire audience became silent. They were all totally speechless…there was cheating, and then there was breaking every single rule ten times over!

After the initial fuss calmed down, the old man stepped onto a sword and flew into the air. It seemed like he was going to referee this battle. His expression was indifferent, but he secretly hoped that Yaan would win so that he could earn those three items. Not to mention that he also felt some anticipation towards Yaan's potential.



Yaan didn't wait around and instantly rushed forwards. He used his Agile Sword Arts for three steps to instantly accelerate to his near-highest speed, then switched to using Falling Leaf Strike. The gentle sword art allowed his extreme speed to continue onwards, whilst giving the illusion of a leaf casually floating forth through a spring breeze.

It looked slow, but after realising the distance he had crossed in under three seconds, everyone's eyes widened in shock. His highest speed was attained in an instant, then maintained without so much as a change to his breathing!

"Oh, chaining multiple sword arts?" One of the Ghu Clan Elders mused.

"Perhaps, or perhaps he has only practised this specific combination." The other pointed out, to which the first Elder nodded. Nadda's great grandfather appeared besides the two of them, but he remained silent for now.

Shin Jinni snorted coldly, then raised his hand, holding a golden spear and pointing up high into the sky. He stood there proudly and cut an imposing figure, as if everything was in the palm of his hands.

Some people thought he was being too arrogant right now by wasting time like this and not moving, but then, Yaan suddenly leapt to the side.


A few people jumped in fright as a golden lightning bolt descended from above, detonating the ground where Yaan had just been standing without warning. Yaan's expression was calm, never averting his eyes from his enemy's own gaze.

"He's stronger than we thought…" Ghu Nadda muttered with a frown besides his great grandfather. He stood to the other side of the Elder, such that he wasn't in the way of the other Elders. Upon hearing his great grandson's worry, the bearded man shook his head with a faint smile.

"His treasures are strong. His body has been nourished countless times by rare medicines, so that is also strong. His spells are all extremely powerful and domineering. His armour is beyond strong, its value should be close to the peak for spiritual treasures."

After saying this, he chuckled lightly.

"But this person is not strong."

Whoosh! Yaan ignored the clouds rumbling above his head. They released a golden aura that gave cultivators the urge to submit, but Yaan resisted this desire forcefully, refusing to bow down to such a ridiculous feeling that would endanger his life!

Using this aura, Shin Jinni was well accustomed to forcing higher stage Qi Temple realm Qi masters to submit and kneel before him. He stared at Yaan with an aloof gaze, just waiting for the scene of him dropping to his knees to play out like in his imagination.

Yaan's eyes remained serene, though blood could be seen leaking out from his eyes, nose and ears. He ignored the pain brought on by the tremendous pressure from above and continued using the Falling Leaf Strike Art to move gently yet rapidly towards his target.

Shin Jinni paused for a moment. He was taken aback…why was this person not kneeling? Did he not fear the heaven's wrath? Did he not fear him, the rightful son of the heavens?!

"You dare oppose this king?!" The crazy old man finally pointed his spear towards Yaan as he closed in. He roared out loud, sending his white beard fluttering about as golden thunder bolts formed in rings around the spear. Eventually there were nine golden rings, but they rapidly fused into one. Once there was only a single ring, he thrust directly forwards towards Yaan.

'Hahaha, truly a naive child, charging directly towards my spear!' Shin Jinni began laughing as the golden ring collapsed and shot at Yaan like a compacted laser beam. Truthfully, he wasn't the only one to think this way.

The golden beam arrived almost instantly, but Yaan was already beginning to slash down towards the lightning with his sword, the same sword gifted to him by his late teacher. It was a spiritual weapon that he couldn't use properly, but it was an extremely well balanced, sharp and durable sword. His teacher gifted him with this blade after taking into account his powerful body, meaning it was actually very well suited for body cultivators like Yaan.

"He's crazy!"

"Why is he taking it head on, does he have a death wish?!"

"Fighting someone at a higher realm with brute force, hmph, it seems we have overestimated…him…"

The audience suddenly became silent. As Yaan's sword landed on the golden lightning, it seemed to turn into a blade made from water. The water blade was much weaker compared to the ferocious lightning, it was ripped apart by the golden beam and slammed into Yaan's body!

At this moment, Yaan was not actually running straight forwards, but rather, leaning forwards. The water blade was pushed lower down his body by the shocking lightning strike, sweeping his legs up and then forming a shield beneath his body, protecting him from the golden lightning. Yaan successfully evaded taking on the damage directly, but as a result he was flipped multiple times through the air, forced to continue tumbling uncontrollably time and again due to the momentum behind Shin Jinni's attack!


The golden laser detonated a hole in the marble wall, but Yaan somehow escaped even the slightest scratch! He nimbly rolled over the laser fire, regaining control over his body and landing gently on his feet whilst turning around 270 degrees. The water blade formed in his hands, then stretched out and softly tapped the tip of the golden spear.

At this instant, Yaan's entire demeanour changed. His calm gaze became filled with endless killing intent, his relaxed body tensed up as he urged forwards with the full extent of his physical prowess!


"Combining multiple sword arts!" Ghu Nadda's great grandfather exclaimed in shock. Now, the three Elders were certain that Yaan was successfully doing this! Besides him, the other two Ghu Clan Elders also showed surprised expressions. They knew of Yaan's age and his cultivation level, which was why it really was impressive that he had already reached such a level in his sword arts!

A single strike, yet also nine strikes attacking the same point at the same time. The power was amplified by nine, yet still, it was unable to damage the spear.

However, the spear wielder was a different matter altogether.

Those sharp piercing wind strikes transformed into a spear of water, travelling around the outside of the spear before slamming into the stunned Shin Jinni's hands. Yaan took another step and suddenly, he was standing on top of the spear tip itself!

"AHHHH!" Shin Jinni screamed out loud as the previous water strike ripped the skin right off his hands. He dropped the spear and staggered backwards as horror, anger, confusion and unwillingness all mixed together in his eyes.

"BASTARD!!!" He screamed out. Right now, his demeanour was not befitting for an Elder of his age and realm, but he couldn't help it…this was the first time in his life that Shin Jinni had suffered such a loss in battle!

Yaan's eyes widened and he hurriedly leapt into the air. That scream was actually a spell! He moved a moment too slowly, causing the shockwave to slam into his shins. If he did nothing, his legs would be shattered completely.

Yaan allowed his legs to be pushed back by the shockwave as his body was forced to summersault forwards due to the momentum. All of the skin on his shins was torn off, then the flesh and muscles was eroded, and slowly, some of the bone even degraded too. He grit his teeth, but didn't change his actions. He wasn't blown back, but did a full forwards summersault, before the sword in his hands once again seemed to melt, liquifying and becoming water.

Yaan smiled.

"I win."

With his sword in hand, Yaan used his momentum to propel himself forwards through the air. At the same time, he forced his powerful muscles to spin him around 360 degrees. The sword reformed into water, yet the metal blade was still present. The two of them, child and Elder, were now standing within a typhoon. The air cut against Shin Jinni's skin time and time again, causing him to let out miserable cries of pain and sorrow.

As the blade stabbed in and out of the spinning vortex, it created nine sharp spears of water with each and every stab. Soon, the vortex was filled with chaotic stabbing swords, which all seemed to be targeting Shin Jinni.

Were it not for that golden armour, he would have long since died.

Ching, Ching, Ching!

The armour was not damaged in the least with each stab and slash, but this armour only protected his upper body. His legs were slashed, tendons and ligaments cut, until finally…

Yaan's figure drifted through the typhoon like a ghost. He arrived before Shin Jinni and stabbed mercilessly, directly into his neck with the metal blade.

Instantly, the surrounding chaotic scene vanished. The crowd was silent, leaving only the scene of Yaan with his blade in his opponent's throat.

Everyone was thinking the same thing. They had a similar thought to those who had witnessed Yaan's last battle; what exactly did they just watch? What kind of spell was that?!