Ghu Lin's Offer

As Yaan was transported into the 3rd trial, his mind remained blurred for some time. Thankfully, the pressure from the stair case as well as the extreme medicinal effect from the unknown pill had both vanished at this point, so he was able to rapidly regain his mental and physical faculties. As he dazedly picked himself up from the floor and looked around, he gradually realised that he was not alone here.

Startled, Yaan quickly sobered up. He stopped lamenting the fact that he had failed to even obtain that prize from the 600th stair, quickly forcing himself to move on.

The current situation was dangerous since he was injured. Yaan swallowed a Rank 3 vital recovery pill as his eyes darted about rapidly, assessing the situation.

Everyone was gathered together within a vast palace hall. The floor was made from an unknown white stone, whilst off-white pillars ten feet in width connected the ground to the ceiling a hundred feet up. The ceiling itself was identical to the floor below, making people feel slightly disoriented when they looked up.

Yaan calmed down when he saw a couple of familiar faces. After another few seconds, his sight and hearing finally recovered fully, allowing him to hear Nadda calling out.

"Yaan, are you alright….?"

Yaan blinked and looked at Nadda's gloomy pale face, giving him a slight nod before looking away. He then glanced across at the other Ghu Clansmen, and after some thought, he turned towards Ghu Lin and clasped his hands.

"Thanks for watching over me."

Although it was only for a few seconds, he had been in an extremely vulnerable state after arriving in this place. His injuries were now rapidly healing thankfully, but just moments ago, he was at serious risk. If anyone had malicious thoughts in that moment of weakness, Yaan could very well have lost his life. The thought made him shudder slightly, causing him to realise that perhaps, he shouldn't have gone all out in the 2nd trial. Not only did he waste his energy and leave himself vulnerable to attack afterwards, but he didn't even manage to gain the reward from the 600th step…

In this life, nothing was guaranteed. More often than not, you would encounter failure, your plans and ambitions crumbling to dust.

After Ghu Lin gave Yaan a light nod, Yaan turned away. He was able to quickly deduce that this was both the 3rd trial and not. It should be the case that the 3rd trial would start here, but only after everyone had left the misty staircase.


Yaan was slightly surprised that just seconds after he jumped to his feet, the red skinned devilish spirit appeared before them once again! The fact that it appeared immediately after his own arrival, suggested that Yaan was actually the last challenger remaining on the misty staircase…this was not surprising given that he possessed extreme physical stamina compared to others.

The devil's presence was as overbearing as ever, silencing the crowd and drawing their apprehensive stares.

"2,912 challengers have made it to the 3rd trial. The 3rd trial will last for 24 hours…after 12 hours, the entrance to the 4th trial will appear. After 24 hours, all remaining participants will be exiled from the inheritance. The trial is simple; you may do nothing, or you may kill. Every kill within this trial will be rewarded, but inaction is also acceptable. This is the final trial in which there will be the chance to leave the inheritance prior to reaching the end…"

Slightly startling everyone, the dreary spoken devil suddenly yelled out the final word, signifying the start off the 3rd trial:


With that last word, the devil vanished, leaving the cavern in eery silence. Everyone had experienced the ruthlessness of the trial and of their peers in this inheritance, so they naturally looked around warily, uncertain about how events would unfold from here.

No, thinking about it, wouldn't this just be another repeat of the 1st trial, yet another chaotic bloodbath?! The only difference here was that fighting was entirely optional, but killing would result in rewards! It was possible to enter the 4th trial just by waiting! They could even leave this demonic inheritance if they held out for one day! That said…would it be possible to survive until then?

"Everyone, there's no need for us to fight amongst ourselves! I believe that we should simply sit and wait during this 3rd trial. Those who wish to leave can leave, those who wish to continue onwards can enter the 4th trial!"

A Qi Temple realm man flew a few dozen feet into the air, then used a treasure to amplify his voice such that everyone could hear him. His aura spread out, drawing much attention as he was identified as a 5th Layer Qi Temple realm Qi master, a true elite in this inheritance!

A few individuals nodded in agreement, others sneered, whilst most of the Ghu Clansmen glanced at one another, not showing much emotion on their faces.

"I- I agree!" A younger man with long brown hair hurried across to that man's side. He clasped his hands whilst looking up at the man, before turning towards the crowd and adding:

"Everyone, this inheritance has been far more terrible than any of us imagined! There's no reason for any further blood shed, we should…"

At first, Yaan listened to these people without much change in expression, but he turned around on hearing his name being called from just behind him.


He was slightly startled as the voice came from just over his shoulder, but he didn't flinch and showed no signs of his shock. He calmly turned back, pausing only briefly in surprise as Ghu Lin's handsome face came into his view.

"In trials like this, body cultivators always receive vastly superior rewards. If you kill, I will protect you, as will the other Ghu Clansmen. We can split the rewards 50/50."

Seeing that Ghu Lin had taken the initiative to approach Yaan, Nadda's gaze flashed uncertainly. He took a step and quickly arrived besides the pair, but he didn't say a word, instead just listening.

Yaan remained silent as he examined Ghu Lin for a moment. He didn't know much about this person, but he heard from Nadda that Ghu Lin was well known, even within the Ghu Clan. He wasn't a shocking genius when it came to cultivation itself per se, but he was a person who had climbed his way up, both through politics and cultivation realms, by making use of his sharp wits and his deep intelligence. Yaan felt that Ghu Lin was unfathomable, it was extremely difficult to guess exactly what he was thinking. Just based on his facial expression alone, he came across as well mannered and honest, but what sort of scheming demon could possibly be described as 'honest'?

Turning back towards the crowd, Yaan mulled over the proposition whilst watching the actions of the others. People had already started forming groups, with the largest of the groups centring around the righteous middle aged man, who was still continuing to persuade people that there was no need to fight.

Yaan briefly hesitated, unsure if he really wanted to go through with this. It was one thing to kill those who were also trying to seek rewards, but these people didn't want to continue with this death game. Most importantly, there were so many people…did he really have it in him to slaughter so many people so mercilessly…? Killing one or two people was one thing, but this, he would be killing hundreds, possibly even thousands!

Ghu Lin's eyes flashed indiscernibly.

"What is there to hesitate over? Everyone to enter the inheritance knew what they were getting into. They are only backing out now due to their fear. If they had the ability to massacre this entire group, do you really think they would not do so?"

Ghu Lin's words cut directly into the crux of Yaan's hesitance, seemingly sweeping away his doubts without a trace. Yaan knew he was right. He had seen just how far a seemingly good person could fall given the right circumstances.

'Right, I decided that I wouldn't care about the lives of others for the duration of this inheritance…if they wanted to live, then they shouldn't have entered!' In the first place, Yaan was no saint, he had killed his fair share. Really, his hesitation was towards the sheer numbers involved this time, but he quickly resolved himself, reminding himself of why he was here.

Resources...he needed resources, the very same resources that he had the chance to obtain here and now!

Besides this motivation, there was another point pressuring Yaan to agree with Ghu Lin's plan; threat. Whilst Ghu Lin didn't directly threaten him, it was obvious that declining his offer would not be taken well. Honestly, Yaan really didn't want to get on the Ghu Clan's bad side. He had to remind himself that whilst he was a guest of the Ghu Clan, this was a demonic clan, and most of these clansmen had no relationship to him. Aside from Nadda, Yaan didn't really know these people…

He didn't want to annoy Ghu Lin, nor did he wish to show weakness in front of him.

With that, the darkness in Yaan's eyes grew deeper. Both Ghu Lin and Ghu Nadda were surprised by this darkness that slipped into his aura, feeling like the Yaan before them had changed ever so slightly. No, perhaps, it seemed more like he had remembered something…

"Fine, I accept." Yaan turned towards Ghu Lin calmly and nodded. "How many will we kill?"

"Everyone aside from the Ghu Clan and our guests!" Ghu Lin spoke quietly, but the coldness in his tone made Yaan's eyes widen for a brief moment. After considering it briefly, a certain someone flashed through Yaan's mind and he frowned.

"There's one person I'd rather not kill…"

"Oh? A friend?"

"Not exactly…but her grandfather is at the Origin Soul realm."

Ghu Lin furrowed his brows. This was indeed problematic. Killing the direct relative of such a powerhouse could potentially be discovered by said powerhouse. The methods of those at the Origin Soul realm were vast and impossible to predict for lower realm cultivators.

"Is she from one of the Northern clans?"

"Mm. Her name is Zue Yin."

"What, Zue Yin is here? This…" Ghu Lin frowned. Whilst it was indeed a bit tedious to target the granddaughter of such a powerhouse, he guessed that Yaan had reasons other than her status for not wanting to kill her. Thinking back to the information he had learned about Yaan, his gaze flashed momentarily before he nodded.

"Fine, she can live. If there's anyone else you wish to spare, then just let me know."

Yaan was surprised that Ghu Lin was so understanding. He blinked, looking at the man who looked to be in his early thirties but was certainly older than just this. Even now, he couldn't read him at all…

'Perhaps the North Ghu City Lord told Ghu Lin to maintain a good relationship with me…?' Yaan was uncertain, but he relaxed after remembering the poison oath sworn by the City Lord. In that oath, the City Lord vowed not to personally harm Yaan, nor to order others to bring harm to him. With this in mind, he supposed that since there was no personal reason for Ghu Lin to harm him, then he should be able to trust him to a certain extent.

Though, he was well aware that after he accumulated a mass of benefits in this trial, there was the possibility that Ghu Lin's attitude might change. Yaan wasn't too worried though. Whilst there was no pressure in this trial, the spiritual energy density was too miserable, meaning that Qi masters were much weaker here compared to in the outside world. Any of the powerful Qi masters in this place would need to think twice before targeting him.

"I appreciate your understanding." Yaan clasped his hands towards Ghu Lin, then gave a faint nod. Ghu Lin flashed him a light smile, before turning back towards the other Ghu Clansmen and nodding. A few gazes lit up with strange light, some looking towards the other challengers, some briefly glancing at Yaan himself.

As for Nadda, he now understood the situation and decided to remain besides Yaan to assist him. After Ghu Lin gave the signal to the other Ghu Clansmen, he also walked across to Yaan's side, intending to protect him from any assailants whilst also injuring them, giving Yaan a better opportunity to accumulate kills.

The Ghu Clansmen would naturally engage in some slaughter of their own, but they all understood the benefit of having a body cultivator obtain the kills. They were privy to more information regarding this mysterious inheritance than most, they knew that if Yaan achieved the kills himself, the rewards would be much greater.

Before beginning, Yaan glanced at Ghu Lin thoughtfully. His gaze went unnoticed since he didn't turn his head and his appearance was distorted by the mysterious hat.

'Splitting everything half and half…that seems a bit generous. It's likely that he'll demand more afterwards, but so long as I can keep one fifth, it's good enough.'

Yaan was certain that Ghu Lin's words didn't quite match up to his thoughts. Whilst his relationship with the Ghu Clan was quite good, he was under no delusion that this demonic clan valued him so highly they would allow him to keep all of the benefits from the inheritance for himself. No, rather than being generous, they definitely wanted to use him to gain more rewards for themselves!

Truthfully, Yaan was aware that both the City Lord and Ghu Nadda's great grandfather wanted to use him for this very purpose. They likely saw him as a means of accumulating more resources within this inheritance.

Body cultivators were too rare, even within the Ghu Clan, who had access to the Fiend Transformation technique. It was known by the elite that body cultivators could gain better rewards in the trials compared to Qi masters, so the Ghu Clan would definitely try to make the most of Yaan's presence.

As Yaan, Nadda and Ghu Lin faced the other Qi masters present, their actions began to attract some attention. Yaan was still preparing himself for what he was about to do, but it seemed that time was not a luxury he could waste right now.

"Go!" Ghu Lin unexpectedly roared out loud, his voice shocking everyone present. Golden ripples travelled out along with his voice, rapidly spreading out and covering the entire crowd of thousands of people!

To those on his own side, they felt their bravery soar through the roof, they were filled with the courage to battle to the death! As for their enemies, they were encompassed by a deep rooted fear, causing many individuals to freeze in terror. Yaan's eyes flashed, realising that before even engaging in combat, Ghu Lin used a shocking spell to influence the battlefield!

With this, the 3rd trial had truly begun!