The 4th Trial Realm

When Yaan regained his bearings, he found that there were 22 people around him, Zue Yin included. They all looked groggy and out of it, though strangely, nobody was actually tired.

"What even was that…" Zue Yin muttered, shivering as she recalled that experience. Yaan glanced at her but said nothing. He wasn't surprised that she hadn't gained the hidden benefits from the vortex, since she didn't cultivate vital energy in the first place.

The other reason for Yaan remaining silent, was because he was hurriedly refining all of the lingering vortex fluid into his own vital energy. That stuff was both a resource and not. Consuming it directly was useless, but doing as Yaan did had very obvious benefits!

Fighting against the current, using the violent vitality to break down his body and then absorbing other portions of the vitality to recover his injured self…it was definitely a cultivation haven indeed!

'I started at 17% progress through the 3-Star realm…I'm now at 42% and rising!' Yaan swallowed slightly, struggling to contain his excitement. He was just about to refine this lingering energy throughout his body into vital energy, it would be extremely simply to do so after all…but then he paused.

Right now, there was a massive amount of lingering energy in his body, but not so much that he couldn't forcibly hold it in place. And as he held it in place, it strengthened his fleshly body! Sure, it hurt like hell, but opportunities like this were hard to come by!

And so, Yaan restrained the energy and did his best to keep a plain expression, despite the pressure within his body.

After the 23rd person finally awoke, looking around at the area in a daze, the giant red devil spirit appeared once again. However, it seemed a bit different this time…

"Greetings, to the 23 true contenders for master's supreme inheritance. Before now, you have been through trials and tribulations. These tests were to filter off those who possess no chance of being the rightful inheritor. Because of this, the previous three spirits you encountered were in fact recordings, whilst I, am the true inheritance spirit."

Everyone stared silently and dumbly. Remembering how terrified they had been from just a recording, made them feel that this inheritance was even more incredible than most people realised!

"Let me explain to you all the rules of the 4th trial." The giant spirit's booming voice resounded once again. It waved its giant red clawed hand, sending out 46 books, 2 to each individual.

"Firstly, you are each being given two copies of the Fiend Transformation technique. The first is the incomplete version; this is the version which has been spread throughout the outside world, obtainable in the 1st through 3rd trials. The 2nd book is the complete Fiend Transformation technique containing all details regarding the fiend path, the fiend race and so on

As the two books landed in his hands, Yaan stared in disbelief. Just like that…? He gained the complete technique, just like that…?

"If you wish to progress into the 5th trial, the requirements are strict. It is possible to live peacefully and safely in this realm, but if you wish to progress, then it is almost essential that you undergo the Fiend Transformation. Even for you seasoned Qi masters, there is still hope. At any time, you may state this chant, and the realm will allow you to switch paths."

The devil waved casually and 22 streams of red light flew out, entering the minds of all but Yaan. Yaan assumed that they had been given this chant which would instruct the realm that they were willing to give up their cultivation and start over as body temperers. However, everyone wore unwilling expressions.

Their complex looks were understandable…who would want to cripple their own cultivation and start all over?! Zue Yin and a few others glanced at Yaan when they had this thought, as did the devil spirit.

"So there is already a fiend amongst you…and a pure body temperer at that…" Suddenly, the devil waved its hand. A red light shot through Yaan's head before he could react. The light then curved around his head, before re-entering the devil's hand. The spirit closed its eyes for a few seconds, then opened them and looked at Yaan oddly.

"Before anything else, I strongly recommend that you thoroughly study both the complete Fiend Transformation technique…and that Fiend Alchemy guide…"

Yaan was bewildered and couldn't help but ask:

"Why, is there a problem?"

"Your technique is extremely incomplete and your knowledge is far too lacking…"

After looking at Yaan deeply for a moment, the devil turned back to the rest of them. It floated at the top of the dome - yes, the dome. There was a grey-blue translucent dome covering the region, perhaps a mile across, whilst the ground below was dry, barren dirt. The devil, although still huge, had actually shrank itself substantially just to fit within the dome.

"In the 4th trial realm, there are 9 levels of abode. The lowest is the 1st level, which is a place akin to this; barren, lacking, and without much external pressure. Each consecutive abode is superior to and higher than the last, each located 333 feet above the lower abodes. The higher abodes possess superior lands, meaning superior plants, fruits and herbs can be grown. At the highest of abodes, there are streams, trees, high level fruits and so on; all of which can either be found within public domain, or within the region of a private abode."

The devil paused to let them process. Of course, Zue Yin had questions.

"What about the spiritual energy? The spiritual energy here is awful, cultivating here is impossible! Is it better higher up?"

"No." The devil replied flatly, stunning everyone.

"The 4th trial is a micro-realm which master loosely based upon his home-world. In master's home-world, there was no spiritual energy permeating the air, making Qi refining a rarity. Instead, all of the energy of heaven and earth was absorbed into the ground, into the rivers, streams, the trees, flowers and fruits…and so on. The same is true here. Whilst there is no atmospheric spiritual energy, resources are aplenty…you could call this a body tempering utopia of sorts, compared to the outside world at least."

Seeing no more questions, and ignoring their depressed expressions, the devilish spirit continued on.

"Now then, onto the rules…"

Everyone tensed up. Until now, slaughter and bloodshed were basically encouraged. Would the same be true now, or…?

"All violence outside of official battles is prohibited. Minor discretions will be punished by reducing your rank, or even your level of abode. Major discretions such as murder, will be met with execution. If violence is used in self defence, the case will be judged individually, but the favour will usually go towards the person defending themselves.

People sighed in relief, but Yaan frowned.

"What's an official battle? What's a ranking? How can we raise our abode?"

The devil glanced at him and laughed with a deep growling voice.

"Kakaka! Getting to the truly important questions, huh? Fine then, it's like this:

There is a ranking system in the 4th trial realm. The local abode leaderboard is placed upon each battle arena, whilst an overall leaderboard can be seen projected above the realm. There are many battle arenas within each abode. You can only challenge someone ranked higher than yourself, but at most 2 half abodes above yourself. For example, you are all in the lower 50% ranking in the 1st level abode, so you may challenge anyone up to the lower 50% 2nd level.

All battles are to the death. If you defeat someone, you gain their rank, their home and all of their possessions. If someone declines your challenge, they lose by default. They will be able to keep their life, but they will still lose their rank, home and possessions to the default victor."

As people processed all of this, someone unknown spoke up, asking what everyone was thinking secretly.

"How can we pass the trial? And, is there anyway to leave other than passing through to the 5th trial?"

The devil seemed to glare at that man for a moment, making him stifle a faint squeal as he flinched backwards. The devil then snorted.

"There is no exit, not until the inheritance has been completed! As for passing the 4th trial…firstly, reach the 9th abode. Then fly up and out through the exit, into the 5th trial."

"Huh?" Someone blinked. "That's it, fly out?"

"Hahaha…it's not so easy…the only way to ascend to higher abodes is by defeating someone within that abode and then takin g their home. Trying to fly up is impossible. Also, the higher the abode, the greater the gravity and the greater the spiritual pressure. For Qi masters, you'd probably need to reach the peak Origin Soul realm to have a chance. Even then, it's almost impossible for Qi masters."

Everyone's hearts sank, aside from Yaan's as he understood the point of all this.

"Body cultivators have better resistance to spiritual pressure and gravity, right? Could a 4-Star demon do it?"

"No chance." The devil cackled fiendishly, making Yaan furrow his brows. "4-Star vital cultivation is a bare minimum requirement since it allows you to fly, and helps weak human bodies to endure true body cultivation."


"Enough questions!" The devil's words silenced everyone. They swallowed, realising they'd been getting a bit head of themselves.

"Now, to let me finish. Aside from the abodes, the battle arenas and the public regions, there are also multiple temples which have existed since the beginning of the trial! There is a single battle temple and pagoda on each level abode, each will be exceedingly helpful for your progression. Now…it seems that those guides have noticed your arrival. There's no need for me to say anything else, so…good luck. I truly hope that one of you has the fate to become the inheritor."


Both the devil and the giant dome vanished at the same time, leaving the 23 cautious individuals looking around uncertainly. After looking around for a full 5 seconds, not a single person could remain calm.

"This…this…this is a trial realm?!" Zue Yin almost screamed out loud. Yaan's eyes widened and he swallowed, hardly able to believe what his eyes were seeing.


"Welcome, new arrivals! I'm sure you're all very confused, haha, I sure was when I first arrived in 4th Canyon!"

Everyone stared dazedly as an amicable looking young man flew across to them on a long sword. Behind him were four women, each more beautiful than the last. All five of these people wore flowery smiles that put people in a good mood.

Yaan blinked, narrowing his eyes and quickly snapping out of it. He pinched Zue Yin's arm, causing her to yelp and glare at him, until she realised that she too had been caught under a trance.

Yaan stood there silently, saying nothing even after the man looked at him in surprise. When the man nodded, Yaan nodded back.

It took 90 seconds for everyone to snap out from the daze. Many were enraged at being manipulated like that, others were wary, more still were just confused…

After all, looking past this large flat land and into the distance, alongside the large cliff face….there were hundreds of small temples! Looking in other directions, you could see similar regions of built up areas in the distances!

If people lived in all of these, then that meant that there were at least thousands of people in this realm! What was this 'trial'?!

"I apologise sincerely for testing you all just now." Drawing their attention away from the staggering sights beyond, the man actually clasped his hands and bowed, making some irate fellows feel a bit better at least. When he arose, he smiled and scratched his head with a laugh.

"You see, I'm a designated guide for the newcomers to the '4th trial realm' as you call it. You should know that people here dislike this name, so just call it '4th Canyon'. My job is to introduce the trial, the realm and the society here, as well as explaining why this so called trial realm is so built up with so many people."

Everyone nodded, but one man was still enraged

"But why did you cast a spell on us?!"

"That is standard procedure. It's a test that we use to assign you all to the leaderboard. Your names will appear on the 1st level abode leaderboard in the order of how rapidly you broke out from the illusion, that's all."

Well, it really wasn't a malicious spell or anything…in the end, nobody said anything.

The man began walking whilst everyone followed on foot. As he walked, he spoke, pointing out various regions, areas, buildings, villages and even towns!

"It's simple really…the 4th trial, is safe. You can live here your entire life, even having a family, and continuing on for generations, without any issues. And remember, this inheritance was found around 1,800 years ago in outside time.

Time passes by 10 times faster in here, meaning, since the very first adventurers entered this realm, 18,000 years have passed by. We then get more arrivals every 100 years, anywhere from 5 to 50. In the past, hundreds, sometimes thousands would arrive each time around. And so, after generations of procreation, an entire society developed here." The amicable man explained with a light hearted smiled.

"How many people are here exactly?" Someone asked curiously.

"Overall, there's said to be a population of close to 1 million at this point…" The man replied, sounding slightly dreamy as he spoke.

"A million people live in this trial realm?!"

Hearing this, everyone, Yaan included, felt completely stunned. No matter what others in the Ghu Province might have predicted, they could never have guessed that such an enormous society had developed within the 4th trial of this shocking inheritance!