The Survival Trial Begins

The final month of Yaan's teaching passed by.

In this time, Yaan did not have much chance to cultivate as he was forced to direct his time and energy towards preparing his class for the survival trial, whilst also organising the event itself.

He never knew that organising a small event could be so tiresome!

When it came to the day of the trial itself, Yaan almost felt relieved, knowing that he no longer needed to entertain so many elders in order to build relations and convince them to attend the trial viewing.

Looking around at the 15 elders who decided to attend this time, Yaan sighed to himself.

'How did this end up becoming such a big deal?' He thought this, but he already knew the answer.

'I never wanted to make this such a public event, but Brase insisted that this was a good opportunity to integrate myself into the sect and to build connections with various elders…in the end, he was too insistent, I was unable to turn down his suggestion…'

Yaan's 'helpful' senior brother Brase, the sect master of the Fragment Sect, really gave him a headache this time. Right as Yaan finally obtained some useful cultivation resources once again, Brase actually started arranging to bring Yaan into more of the meetings regarding smaller matters in the Elder Court!

Every single day for the past month, Yaan had observed one trivial matter or another being debated and discussed within the Elder Court. Whenever these meetings regarding resource allocations, disputes, or whatever else ended, he was led around by Brase to chat with the various elders in order to build connections.

For someone like Yaan who always prioritised his own cultivation above all else, this sort of lifestyle lived by many elders in the righteous faction bothered him to no end.

How did they even progress in their cultivation if they just engaged in networking all day?

No, Yaan seriously felt confused about this, especially regarding characters such as Brase, who seemed to be kept busy with handling sect matters all day everyday.

In the end, Yaan asked Keasal about this, partly out of curiosity, but partly because he felt worried that he would never be given the free time needed to cultivate.

Keasal had laughed, reassuring Yaan that this level of connection building was only necessary because Yaan had joined the sect as an elder. Most of the elders were raised in the sect as disciples, they built their connections steadily over time, they did not need to be so proactive in getting to know the other elders.

As for high profile elders like Sect Master Brase and the other head elders, the reason for their constant involvement with sect affairs was because they were all at the Peak Origin Soul realm. Their cultivations had reached a certain peak, the next step was to advance into nirvana…such a thing would never be attempted carelessly.

Many members of the righteous path liked to engross themselves in life experiences before attempting nirvana, in order to increase their dao comprehension. Apparently, engaging in sect managerial affairs day in and day out for years on end, qualified as 'life experiences'.

Yaan looked around, keeping a smile on his face as he greeted the elders as they arrived, but he sighed in his mind.

'Disciples aspire to reach the great heights of the sect elders with authority, but this authority is just a restriction that gets in the way of cultivation. Even if I wasn't a demon, I wouldn't choose to join a sect, it doesn't suit me…'

There were of course benefits to being in a sect, primarily, a stable life and income.

Being in a sect gave you the protection of the sect and the deterrence of having a powerful backer. Though, in these peaceful Southern lands, this assurance of one's own safety was less important.

A sect also presented its members with a stable, decent income, allowing ordinary Qi masters to cultivate at a fairly comfortable pace. The connections made within a sect, but also between sects using one's status as an elder, could also be useful for engaging in trade.

But, to a demon like Yaan, this was not enough. Honestly, the amount he received from the sect was not small at all, for any other Spirit Core realm Qi master, it would be more than enough. Yaan's need for resources was simply too enormous, no sect would willingly support a high level body temperer's cultivation.

"Elder Yaan, I have been hearing about your teaching methods quite a lot these days." A young woman approached Yaan in the sky, flashing him a teasing smile before she threw a glance towards another nearby female elder.

Right now, Yaan and 15 other elders, including Keasal, were stationed upon a flying treasure that took the form of a large wooden ship, just outside of the Fragment Forbidden Land. Their position was disguised from the core disciples down below, who nervously awaited the arrival of the elders to commence the trial.

The Fragment Forbidden Land was segregated from the rest of the core sect by a formation, it was impossible to enter without the sect master's authorisation.

Yaan looked at the woman who was using him to taunt her rival, but he maintained his polite smile. A few elder glanced their way, understanding the situation well.

The woman to approach Yaan was Kanu Sierrah, a member of the Kanu Clan. She was one of the sect's renowned beauties, known for always maintaining her perfect appearance and wearing flashy multi-coloured robes. As for her rival, Ji Luna, who also happened to be Ji Tulia's mother, she was equally stunning, but dressed more modestly, only wearing a plain grey robe that was not eye catching at all. Though, perhaps this unflattering clothing actually made her exquisite facial features stand out more.

In Yaan's class, there were no members of the Kanu Clan, but there were certainly Ji Clan members. Since the Kanu Clan were at odds with the Ji Clan, and since Yaan had somewhat insulted the Ji Clan by repeatedly beating one or two of their young prodigies, Kanu Sierrah took this chance to stir trouble.

"Elder Yaan's methods have been quite the talk these days." Yu Shen, Yu Xan's uncle and biggest supporter within the Fragment Sect, shot Yaan an irate glance before turning away.

Yaan smiled and slowly shook his head.

"It was not my intention to offend everyone. I was told that I should prepare the younger generation for a potential war against the Demonic North. I saw that the disciples were simply too unprepared, my only choice was to adopt this harsh method to rapidly condition their mindsets. Whilst my methods are indeed rigorous, I think that the result of this trial should speak for itself. I assure you all that due to my teaching methods, there will be no deaths in this trial."

A few elders nodded, whilst others raised their eyebrows in surprised. Kanu Sierrah blinked her large eyes and looked at Yaan seriously, whilst Yu Shen snorted and remained silent.

Clearly, they were curious about why the new elder felt so confident. In their eyes, there would be at least a few deaths in this trial! If it were not for the fact that the Immortal Ancestor himself had officially commented on this matter, stating that this trial should go ahead, then Yaan would be facing far more backlash and criticism right now.

Of course, they would be sure to criticise him as soon as the core elite disciples started dying off in the Fragment Forbidden Land! For Elder Yaan to make such a bold claim right now, wasn't he just digging himself into a deeper pit…?

Naturally, Yaan did not care about the repercussions of making bold claims, he was dead if a single disciple died anyway. He might as well act confident like this, so that his prestige could rise and these elders would back off from harassing him if he actually succeeded here.

At this point, everything depended on those 25 disciples down below. For three months, Yaan had taught them how to battle and survive. For three months, he tried to teach them that their lives were more important than anything else, and that their actions should always reflect that. Whether or not they had truly taken his lessons to heart, would determine Yaan's future.

"Everyone, thank you all for gathering today!"

The attention was immediately shifted away from Yaan as the sect master arrived, laughing and grinning broadly as he saw this impressive turnout. For 15 elders to actually show up to a small test for 25 disciples was really unnecessary, this had only become such a big event for three reasons.

Firstly, this trial was personally acknowledged by the Immortal Ancestor.

Secondly, this was organised by the Immortal Ancestor's new disciple. As such, it had morphed into a social event.

Thirdly…in this trial, the lives of the disciples were being endangered. Even in the Fragment Sect, this was not common.

Occasionally, more experienced core disciples would be sent out to explore the wider world, there would be some danger involved in this, particularly if they were venturing into forbidden lands or even inheritance sites.

But for a life and death trial to take place within the sect? This wasn't unprecedented, but it was extremely rare. As such, despite the fact that this matter only involved 25 young disciples, there were actually 15 elders plus Yaan and the sect master, observing this matter personally!

As the sect master bordered the giant flying ship that was hidden from the disciples below, drifting above the formation border between the core sect and the segregated forbidden land, everyone greeted him politely and respectfully, before turning their attention below.

"Right then, it is about time to begin, don't you think so, junior brother?" Brase smiled as he glanced at Yaan.

Yaan nodded lightly. It was finally time for this stressful matter that would determine his life and death to start.

"Then let's begin."

The 25 disciples had gathered outside of the forbidden zone in the region they were instructed to arrive at beforehand. They looked around at the unkempt wilderness uncertainly, feeling like perhaps, this was the wrong place…

Truthfully, they could still hardly believe that this was happening.

To begin with, when they complained to their families and clans about this matter, they were met with great sympathy and promises that this 'trial' would be done away with. However, after the Immortal Ancestor stepped in, everything changed.

With a simple acknowledgement from an immortal, not a single elder from their clans, not even their direct family members, dared to show their discontent! Instead, they were actually encouraged to work hard and many were even given extra support and teachings from their families!

Now though, they were alone here. Even if their clans were powerful, their clan elders could not barge into the Fragment Sect and demand that they be allowed to spectate over the trial; only those clan elders whom were also elders in the Fragment Sect were able to watch. They knew from past experience that even if they requested to be permitted access, they would be heartlessly denied.

So, when the 25 disciples looked around at the disheveled wilderness around them, with only the faint glimmer of the translucent purple formation wall ahead to let them know that this really was the forbidden land, they felt uneasy. Not to mention that this part of the formation looked identical to any other, was this really where they were meant to gather, or had they all misunderstood somehow…?

Their concerns were swept away at this moment.

"My core sect disciples, welcome to this unique survival trial…"

Hearing the booming voice from above caused all of the disciples to sharply tilt their heads back, staring up into the sky.

The ship holding the other elders remained hidden, but now, standing in the air far above their heads, the disciples saw Elder Yaan and Sect Master Brase staring down at them!

The disciples' eyes shone with reverence and respect as they gazed at the sect master. This was the leader of the Fragment Sect, the strongest public elder in the sect!

Of course, many of the secluded elders and the Immortal Ancestor were many times more powerful, but when it came to the Fragment Sect's elders whom were known to the public in the Southern Continent, Brase was the strongest!

Many looks of awe and some of envy were cast towards the sect master. The disciples wondered if perhaps, one day, they could take the position of sect master…

The gazes shifted towards Yaan, who stood besides the bearded man silently. It was at this moment, when they saw the venerated sect master and Elder Yaan standing side by side, that these disciples realised something.

Wasn't Elder Yaan actually quite amazing?

He was younger than all of them, yet he was able to stand besides the sect master, almost as if they were equals!

The demonic valued intelligence and scheming ability, but the righteous valued potential and background. Everyone valued absolute strength.

Right now, Yaan was posing as a Qi master, everyone believed that he had Spirit Core realm cultivation. To reach the Spirit Core realm at such a young age was not completely unheard of, but it was extremely rare…to become an elder at such a young age however, meant that he had not impatiently rushed towards this realm, he must have attained this level only after maximising his potential in the Qi Temple realm!

Many of these disciples could attempt to reach the Spirit Core realm right now, but nobody would attempt this ascension until they first maximised their potential within the Qi Temple realm by growing their Qi Temple to the highest layer possible.

For Yaan to have such cultivation at such an age, whilst also gaining the position of elder, his talent could only be shocking!

And his battle strength was proven to these disciples throughout many gruelling lessons.

The mindsets of these disciples had been changed over the past three months. Many of them looked down on Yaan's shameless battle tactics at first, whilst others hated him for being so uncaring. Now though, things were different…

Every single one of them had seen improvement to their battle strength over the past three months! Yaan's methods were proven to them, and as for his heartless approach to teaching and to battle?

So what? If even the sect master could accept such a thing, then should they not do the same?

Just as many disciples were feeling complex emotions towards the change they had undergone recently, Sect Master Brase continued speaking. He looked extremely imposing as he held his hands behind his back, staring down at the disciples with a firm look.

"The trial will begin once I open a gateway into the forbidden land and you all enter inside. To pass this trial, you must simply survive for three days and three nights and then emerge on your own. The gateway will remain open during the course of the trial, you may leave at any point, but leaving before the time period is over will result in your failure and expulsion from the sect."

Indeed, like Yaan had offhanded mentioned previously, the punishment for failing this trial really was expulsion from the sect! Yaan had tried to get this changed, but Brase insisted that since news of this rule had already spread, it could not be altered.

The sect master paused, nodding slightly to himself as he saw the somber but firm expressions looking up at him. He briefly glanced at Yaan, who still looked calm on the surface, and complimented him internally.

'It's only been three months, but the new elite class has matured significantly…not bad.'

Well, anyone would undergo a change in mindset if, for the first time in their life, someone stronger than them suddenly started beating them up every single day for three months straight.

Continuing with his speech, Brase turned back to the disciples.

"Hidden criteria will be used to assess your performance within the trial and to grant your final ranking. However, please remember that this is a life and death survival trial, the most important point is to keep your lives. That said, if you find yourself in mortal danger, you may activate these one time use treasures."

After saying this, Brase flicked his wrist, sending 25 streams of light flying towards the startled disciples. They caught the objects curiously, looking at the strange glowing glass beads before looking back up as the sect master explained.

"These crystal shield beads are one time use life saving treasures. Shattering the bead will form a protective shield around you which is able to resist any dangers within the outer circle for a quarter hour, giving the elders enough time to safely retrieve you from the forbidden land. However, know that using this treasure will cause you to immediately fail the trial, so only use this if you believe your life to be in peril."

This was Yaan's idea, which was readily accepted by the sect master and the other elders. Honestly, they felt relieved by such a thing, as it gave them extra assurance that their disciples could preserve their lives within.

"Finally, remember this: remain in the outer circle! There are no formations separating the outer and inner circles, if you enter the inner circle, even your elders might not be able to save you! You will not gain any advantage in your ranking by entering the inner circle."

Yaan nodded lightly, glad that the sect master agreed to mention this.

When he saw a disappointed light appear in Yu Xan's eyes, Yaan wanted to fly down kill that moronic fool on the spot!

'He was planning to enter the inner circle! I knew it! Damnit, Yu Xan is the biggest liability to my chances of survival…'

Yu Xan may be the strongest amongst them, but he was also the most prideful of the disciples, as well as the most inclined towards taking unnecessary risks.

"With all that said, I wish you all good fortune…now, let the survival trial, begin!"

After his booming voice was amplified by an unknown method and spread out across the lands, the sect master narrowed his eyes and pointed down towards a point on the formation. A purple rune formed on his index finger, which then shot down in a beam of light, colliding into a marking on the formation. This marking was not visible to the naked eye, but it became visible after fusing with the rune.


A sharp buzzing sound rang out, after which, a giant hole slowly emerged within the formation. The disciples stared forwards with wide eyes as the scene beyond the formation was revealed…

They all tensed up, but soon realised that the region just beyond the formation wall was void of any dangers. It made sense when they thought about it though…the forbidden land had a strong reputation, but if there were really demonic beasts gathered right at the point of entrance, then wouldn't they have no hope of surviving for three straight days?

With nervous laughs, the disciples slowly and cautiously entered within.

Yu Xan led the charge, puffing his chest out and walking forwards with large, purposeful strides.

Yaan furrowed his brows on seeing this, but at this point, there was nothing else he could do.

It was finally time to start this stressful matter that would determine his life and death!