Gentle Butterfly Immortal

The Xuqi Sect…

Located immediately West of the South Pole, the Xuqi Sect was actually very close to the Fragment Sect. In fact, the borders of these two territories were separated only by the relatively small unclaimed region around the South Pole. This situation arose because in the past, the evil inheritance had caused too much trouble…or rather, Rui caused too much bloodshed after emerging from the inheritance unexpectedly. Ever since that day, multiple superpowers, including the Xuqi Sect, the Xuqi Dynasty, and the Hukon Clan, all adjusted their territories such that they were able to maintain a close watch over this area.

As for the Fragment Sect, their territory was originally owned by the Hukon Clan, but it was transferred to the Immortal Ancestor for an unknown reason. In the present day, the Fragment Sect was also one of the superpowers which kept a watch over the evil inheritance entrance. Clearly, the Immortal Ancestor actually paid even more attention to this place compared to the other immortals, since he was able to react to Yaan's appearance before the other immortals could make a move.

When Yaan first learned about the wariness that the Southern Continent Qi masters held towards the evil inheritance, he wondered what the other immortals thought of his appearance.

Did the Immortal Ancestor somehow prevent the other immortals from learning of his existence?

Did he provide some sort of excuse?

Perhaps the immortals didn't actually care enough, and since the Immortal Ancestor had acted, they didn't bother themselves with Yaan and Zue Yin, some mere Foundation Step cultivators…

But then again, he was a demon, a fiend, would the righteous path immortals really overlook this matter if they knew about it?

Yaan understood that the label of 'righteous path' held different meanings in different places and between different people. He also understood that immortals abided by entirely different rules compared to the countless cultivators below them.

To the Foundation Step cultivators of the Southern Continent, a member of the demonic races was a heretical existence which should be executed without question.

But would immortals hold the same opinions?

Yaan did not know the answers to these questions, but he couldn't help but wonder over these matters as he travelled to the Xuqi Sect.

"You needn't worry about the other immortals. You are no longer a pure fiend, you are a Vital Qi cultivator, your demonic nature is no longer so obvious." As if seeing through his concerns, the white haired immortal spoke up.

Currently, the pair were sat beside one another atop an enormous sword…a truly enormous sword.

This sword was actually a travel type treasure, it was used to bring large groups of people across vast distances. It was thousands of feet long from the tip to the hilt, whilst many hundreds of individuals sat atop the flat of the blade.

As for Yaan and the immortal, they sat at the very front, but nobody else could see them thanks to the immortal's methods. However, everyone behind them understood that the Immortal Ancestor was seated atop this blade with them!

Yaan glanced at the white haired man as he spoke, saying:

"My eyes are still red. I think that's a fairly big give away that I'm a demon."

"Actually, your eyes are brown right now."

"I thought you removed your concealment methods from me?"

"I did. You have been concealing yourself for the past year."

"Ah…" Yaan blinked dazedly, realising that what he said was true. He hadn't thought to check his appearance for a while now, but it was true that even after the Immortal Ancestor removed his concealment method, his eyes remained brown.

This was of course an illusion, Yaan's true eye colour was still red.

Even so, Yaan showed a dubious expression.

"Is my own concealment enough to hide my eye colour from immortals?"

"So long as they don't use any methods to actively probe you, it is enough."

Yaan still felt doubtful, and honestly, those words weren't very reassuring. However, since the Immortal Ancestor didn't seem concerned, Yaan shrugged and decided not to worry about it.

This was the Immortal Ancestor's test, he wouldn't send Yaan to his death pointlessly. If there was a chance that Yaan would be targeted by immortals in the Xuqi Sect, he doubted that the Immortal Ancestor would choose to take him there in the first place.

The giant sword treasure which carried hundreds of elders and disciples of the Fragment Sect, along with some invited individuals from the eight great clans, travelled at a consistent, casual speed. Even though ordinary Origin Soul realm Qi masters would struggle to match this speed, Yaan doubted that this was the full extent of the sword's capabilities.

Soon enough, the Fragment Sect's lands vanished, and the large group arrived at the Southernmost point on the continent. Many of the disciples looked around in excitement; it was their first time visiting this notorious location. Unfortunately, the place itself wasn't very exciting, the ground was dry and barren, this region was quite dull at most times, aside from when the inheritance opened up once every ten years.

Yaan's gaze lingered over the two ancient looking stone pillars stationed in the centre of this land. He now knew that when the Southern inheritance opened, a portal would spontaneously form between these two pillars. Whilst it was a different mechanism compared to the entrance in the North, it certainly bore an uncanny resemblance.

'Two inheritance entrances relating to the Fiend Transformation technique at two opposite points on the planet…one focussed on Qi refining, the other on body tempering…they are clearly related, but are they actually two parts of the same inheritance?'

The thought of an inheritance which spanned across the entire planet made Yaan shake his head. Such a thing shouldn't be possible, right? Even if the two inheritance entrances were actually two parts of a single inheritance, it was much more likely that the entrances were transportation formations, taking all who entered elsewhere. Even so, this wasn't really any less absurd, for two entrances spaced so far away to transport people to the same location…it was quite likely that both entrances were built by the same individual, but their destinations should be different...maybe.

As the sword flew over this region and away from the two stone pillars, Yaan turned his gaze forwards. Before long, they had arrived.

Xuqi Sect.

These two words were carved imposingly into an enormous gate that stretched out for miles above the ground. Even Yaan was stunned by the sight of this gate, it was by far the largest gate he had ever seen! In fact, the only reason that he was unable to see this gate from further away, was because the Xuqi Sect was concealed by a strange mist, a mist which Yaan quickly deduced was part of a concealment formation. It was only after reaching one mile away from the gate, that the gate made itself known to all who approached.

As for what lay either above or to the sides of this gate, that was still unknown, as those areas remained hidden in the mist.

The giant sword came to a stand-still, and after a minute passed by, many people atop the sword started looking at one another uncertainly. Seeing their uncertainty, the elders who understood what was going on quelled their doubts.

"Everyone, there is no need for concern, this happens each time the ancestor visits the Xuqi Sect along with us." At this moment, Sect Master Brase stepped up, explaining the current situation.

"Ordinarily, we would be greeted by the Xuqi Sect's Grand Protector as well as other Xuqi Sect elders." Brase went on. "But from what I understand, the ancestor should be meeting with the Xuqi Sect's Immortal Lord currently, so please do wait patiently."

Hearing this explanation, everyone's expressions changed. Their gazes naturally drifted towards the front of the sword, but of course, they could still see nothing. Even so, they knew that right now, in that location, two immortal legends were meeting right before them! Even if they could not see this incredible scene, just being so close to such an occurrence left many of the disciples and elders feeling breathless as expressions of awe and reverence crossed their faces.

The vast majority of cultivators would never meet an immortal in their lifetime. Even the Origin Soul realm elders belonging to the righteous superpowers would never lay eyes on an immortal! Simply knowing where an immortal stood, and being able to see this location, was already a once in a life-time experience for all these people!

Almost nobody was like Yaan, standing besides one immortal as he faced another immortal directly. Even the Immortal Ancestor's other two disciples had never met another immortal face to face like this!

Then again, this was the first time that the Immortal Ancestor had sent one of his disciples to participate in the Xuqi Sect's entrance examination.

Out of the five superpowers of the Southern Continent, the Fragment Sect was known to be the group with the lowest number of elders in the Xuqi Sect. Whilst this was partially because the Fragment Sect was the newest and smallest of the superpower organisations, it was also a fact that they sent the lowest proportion of their elders to participate in the exam in the first place.

And often, those who did participate had no intention of joining the sect! They simply used the exam as an opportunity to temper themselves…whist others also did this, none were as shameless as the Fragment Sect in doing so. In fact, for every five of the Fragment Sect elders who passed the exam, only one actually entered the Xuqi Sect!

"Pristine Qi Immortal…are you sending your disciple to enter the Xuqi Sect, or do you plan to use the Tower of Mortal Dao to temper him?"

"To temper him." The Immortal Ancestor replied without a trace of shame. The woman sighed, then glanced down at Yaan.

Until now, she had only looked at the Immortal Ancestor, a troublesome individual in her opinion. But now, when she lay her gaze upon Yaan, she realised that his disciple was also not ordinary at all.

The person before Yaan was a woman, a stunning woman with her hair flowing down freely behind her, reaching as low as her waist. She wore a white and light-blue robe, whilst her ears were adorned with two sapphire earrings.

The most noteworthy part of her appearance, were the butterflies perched atop her head and shoulders. There were seven of these butterflies in total, each one a different colour.

Her appearance was truly astounding, the grace in her movements exquisite…but in Yaan's opinion, she was still not as impressive in terms of beauty when compared to Rui and the Spirit Plane Lord.

The female immortal was secretly surprised by Yaan on account of his excellent composure when facing two immortals. Even if the pair were restraining their auras, Foundation Step cultivators usually felt nervous to the point of shaking when facing them regardless!

But this boy seemed…indifferent?

"I will also use this trial to test my disciple. Should he pass this test, I will name him as my successor."

"Oh?" The woman raised an eyebrow, taking a second look at Yaan curiously. However, Yaan's expression remained oddly serene, surprising the female immortal as she realised that, without using her specific methods, she was actually unable to see through his calm front!

For an immortal to be forced to use proactive methods just to deduce a lower being's hidden thoughts and feelings, this was very shocking! However, the female immortal would not go too far and use her true methods on Yaan, not when his teacher was standing right beside him, such a thing would just be spitting in his face.

'Perhaps he is truly feeling calm right now, otherwise I should be able to see through a mortal cultivator's facade with ease. This boy…is very impressive!' The female immortal thought to herself.

However, Yaan was feeling anything but calm right now.

Successor? What successor? Why was he only hearing about this now?!

Just as Yaan was thinking this way, a voice appeared in his mind.

'She is Gentle Butterfly Immortal, but this is only her name amongst immortals. You must call her by her other title, Xuqi Sect Immortal Lord.'

Yaan glanced at the Immortal Ancestor and sighed in his mind. So he was just going to gloss over the fact that he had very clearly stated that he intended for Yaan to become his successor? He even said this in front of another immortal, meaning that it would be difficult to take back…

'So that's it, he wants me to believe in this promise. But even so, why not tell me beforehand so that it's not such a shock?' Yaan thought bitterly.

Recently, Yaan had started to feel like the chasm between himself and the Immortal Ancestor was decreasing. However, in the end, this person was still incomprehensible to him, his motives remained a mystery.