Illusion vs Attraction

Yaan didn't waste anymore time, he rushed forth, escaping the eyes of the spectating warriors as his body turned into a blur, before he reappeared by the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor and stabbed forwards.

Her eyes widened in shock, unable to believe that someone could move so quickly, especially when considering that he had started from a stationary position!

Agile Illusion Art, first step!

His blade pierced forth, making a whistling sound as it cut through the air. The woman had barely cancelled her delicate word seduction spell, when she was forced to hurriedly retreat, hastily blocking Yaan's blade from piercing into her throat!


The Agile Illusion Art's first step was not a highly destructive move by nature, it focussed on producing an instantaneous and untraceable burst of speed. Even so, shockwaves erupted outwards after the tip of Yaan's sword collided with the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's defensive measure.

She hastily brought out a single pink flower, just about managing to deflect a portion of Yaan's attack. However, the flower cracked under the extreme power of the attack, and the residual momentum caused explosions of air currents to spread out in all directions.

The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor quickly took multiple steps back, narrowing her eyes as she suppressed the trembling feeling in her arm. By the time she had retreated by five steps, the pink flower crumbled to dust.

She showed nothing on her face, but she was secretly stunned. That was a peak vital treasure, how could it have been destroyed so easily?!

She did not know that Yaan led with this attack with the intention of taking her life on the spot. He wanted to finish the fight in a single move by using his fastest method, but unexpectedly, she was actually able to react in time, and she even possessed a treasure mighty enough to defend against the attack!

Even though the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's arm felt numb, she was mostly uninjured, this battle was far from over!

The 6-Star powerhouse did not wait around for Yaan to follow up with a second attack. She immediately began using one of her strongest methods, the delicate word seduction spell. Even though she had attempted this already and failed, she refused to believe that her opponent was completely immune! She used the spell to a much higher level compared to before, and sustained it for longer by casting it time and time again.

"Fellow warrior is very strong, I'm really amazed! Let's get to know each other, ok? My name is Jiana, what is fellow warrior called?"

Yaan ignored her words, looking past her flowery aura which was growing stronger by the second, and took a step forwards.

The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor continued to tempt him.

"There's no need to fight, why don't we be friends? I-if you want, we could even be more than that…"


Yaan slashed down with his blade, cutting through the illusory flowers and revealing the woman's undisguised appearance. However, not willing to give up, she continued to sustain the spell by casting it consecutively without rest.

"Ouch, that hurts, please stop…"

"Why are you hitting me? Do you not like me?"


"Shut up!" Yaan cut her off coldly, fed up with this useless and irritating tactic. He began increasing the ferocity of his assault, gradually upping his speed and cutting apart the flower illusions as he targeted her directly with his blade.

Unexpectedly, the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor actually became silent. For a while, she seemed to be forced into a passive state, only able to retreat whilst defending against Yaan's increasingly ferocious barrage of attacks.

She studied Yaan's gaze, until finally, she understood why it was that he was able to remain completely unaffected by her spell.

'He is able to see through the façade! I don't know what method this person is using, but it's only natural that he is not affected by my spell when he is able to see my true self beneath the veil!'

This was partially true, and in fact, even Yaan had not attributed his immunity against her spell to his illusion dao. He simply believed that he was unaffected because this woman was unappealing to him…

Realising that her spell would not work on him, the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor gave up on using this method immediately. Instead, she showed a firm expression and stopped retreating.

Yaan also relented on his assault. He could feel a unique power building up within his opponent's being, he did not dare to step in too close until he understood what exactly he was facing here.

Slowly, the delicate and charming aura released by the female 6-Star warrior ascended further and further. Before long, her aura was enough to send a person crazy, whilst her appearance seemed to be glowing with vibrance and life. Her beauty reached a whole new level, whilst her allure now seemed far more natural…it was no longer a mere façade, meaning that Yaan could not rely on his dao of illusions to see through it!

"Come to me…" The alluring woman spoke in a tone that left no room for negotiation.

Yaan's eyes lost the light of his fighting spirit, and like a puppet being controlled by its master, he began walking towards her.

The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor smiled, satisfied that her method had worked, but not at all surprised. After all, right now, she was using her immortal stage comprehension in the dao of attraction. The dao of attraction was a derivation earthly dao, it was derived from the yin-yang dao, a principle dao!

There was no dao of lust under the heavens, otherwise, the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor would definitely cultivate this dao!

The earthly daos represented the nature of the world, but they did not cover human emotions. The reason for this was highly debated, but the majority consensus was that the heavenly dao was uncaring and impartial, hence it could not incorporate emotion into itself.

However, the concept of yin and yang was a fundamental principle behind the world's operation, whilst 'attraction' was a significant component of this. The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor had comprehended the sexual component of 'attraction', allowing her to showcase this immense lust-inducing strength!

As with all earthly daos, the dao of attraction was a dao without emotion, but the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor herself was not an earthly dao, she was a human. With her immortal stage comprehension, she could easily manipulate this dao according to her own will, bending it to suit her needs, turning it into the ultimate lustful weapon!

Cultivators did not only comprehend the heavenly dao, they also created their own dao…unknowingly, the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor had already stepped onto this path!

If she continued along this path, then one day, she had the potential to create her own dao of lust…

Yaan continued walking towards her with a dazed expression. The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor smiled, but as Yaan drew closer, she realised that he was still holding onto his sword. She furrowed her brows briefly…could it be that he was only pretending to be ensnared?

"Put away your weapon…"

Yaan obliged immediately, causing her to relax slightly. Even so, she did not completely drop her guard. She was now thoroughly convinced of Yaan's prowess, she would not underestimate him until he was completely defeated.

"No way…" The Bloody Totem Tribe leader muttered under her breath, staring in fearful disbelief as Yaan reached the seductress of a woman, unarmed and with a dazed expression.

Most of the alliance army had been entranced by the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's charm, but those who were able to remain of sound mind felt similarly to her.

If Yaan fell here…they were all destined to die!

Even if they did not die, they would certainly become slaves…

Yaan reached the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor, whose smile broadened as she reached out to him with her pale hand. Her charming expression contained malicious intent, she was clearly going in for the kill!

Flowers began growing out from the arm that she extended towards him. These were not illusory flowers, but real flowers! They used her blood as nourishment to support their growth, growing larger, wider, longer, until they wrapped around Yaan in a beautiful cage.

A single flower petal stretched towards Yaan, but just as it was about to tap his forehead, Yaan's dazed look evaporated, replaced by a fierce and ruthless light which burned powerfully in his eyes.

The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor was shocked, she wanted to pull back, but it was too late!

Yaan did not move his feet, he retaliated without taking a single step. He lifted up one hand, shocking the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor not only with the fact that she was unable to move, but also by the fact that he was somehow holding a sword!

No…this sword was only an illusion!

Yaan gently reached forwards, tapping the thin illusory sword against the flower petal just before it reached him. His movement looked slow, but in reality, he was moving so fast that the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor was unable to defend herself! At the same time, Yaan's surroundings slowed down to a crawl, his opponent was also affected by this, giving her the feeling that she was trying to wade her way through thick mud.

Agile Illusion Art, second step!


A gentle sound echoed out as the illusory sword made contact with the very real petal.


The illusory sword dissipated at the same moment that a tremendous shockwave completely decimated all of the flowers enclosing Yaan within the cage.

The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's eyes widened in disbelief as this shockwave slammed into her body. She instantly felt her blood burst out from her veins whilst her organs were crushed under the pressure. Her body became a blur and before she knew what was happening, she was already far away from Yaan, shooting through the air helplessly, until she slammed into the Earth Cry Tribe's central hall.


Her body was like a cannonball, demolishing the entire golden hall as if it were made of paper. The wreckage collapsed on her bloodied body, but the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor had no time to care about this. Before she had even recovered her senses, Yaan was already upon her once again!

He had concealed his true motives, allowing his opponent to believe that she had successfully ensnared him in her trap. Even though she maintained her caution, she made the mistake of allowing him to get in too close, whilst delivering an attack that Yaan could counter with ease.

Her mistake could be understood, after all, how was it that Yaan could resist her immortal stage dao manipulation to such an extent that he could effortlessly conceal himself from her?!

Well, because Yaan really did not find her attractive.

That's not to say that her dao of attraction ability had no effect on him; for a brief moment, he really did feel the overwhelming desire to fall into this woman's embrace. However, the moment this feeling was born in his heart, it was ruthlessly crushed, as if by instinct.

All feelings that emerged within's Yaan's heart were obliterated by default, he did not even need to think about it.

With the feeling of attraction crushed, Yaan was able to act freely, uninfluenced by the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's power. He used his dao of illusions comprehension to create the impression that he had been caught in her trap. He even gave up on wielding his weapon in order to get in close, convincing her that she had succeeded.

And then, when Yaan acted, he released one of his most powerful methods, the second step of the Agile Illusion Art!

With the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor battered and bloodied, Yaan appeared above her like a spectre of death. He began raining down an endless tide of attacks, slashing and stabbing with the abyssal blood sword without reprieve. The already injured the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor coughed out lungful after lungful of blood, her entire body became soaked from head to toe in red.

She managed to escape from his assault for a brief moment, taking this chance to regather herself, before retaliating in full force.

Shockwaves erupted all around the two, the spectators were forced back and all buildings in the region collapsed under the pressure of their unrestrained might. Neither Yaan nor Jian used any special methods now, simply attacking whilst relying on their dao comprehension to enhance their battle might wherever possible.

At this point, using any spells was pointless for Yaan, even though he had been taught Vital Qi spells by the Spirit Plane Lord. The reason for this was simple…Yaan's dao comprehension provided him with far greater power than any of these spells could offer!

Out of the spells which were useable with his current cultivation level, they simply could not showcase Yaan's true power. It would be like a mortal warrior trying to fight with a wooden stick; the weapon was below him, it would be better to just fight with his bare hands!

Once Yaan raised his cultivation level, he would be able to use more formidable spells. Eventually, he would reach a level where he could use spells capable of properly displaying his strength.

As for the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor, she simply did not know enough spells, but nor did she possess any treasures which were capable of properly channelling her strength…

The two powerhouses continued to fight, but the advantage was clearly with Yaan. Gradually, The Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's aura became weaker and weaker, she was losing so much blood that a small lake appeared beneath her. Her body was continuously regenerating, but before long, she was completely exhausted. She was even forced to burn away her blood essence, but she realised that even this was hopeless.

With a bitter smile, she collapsed to the ground, understanding that she had been defeated.


Yaan spared the beauty no mercy, directly removing her head with his blade. He tore out the vital core from her chest along with the remaining few drops of her blood essence, storing the materials calmly, before turning towards the other elders of the Earth Cry Tribe. As he stared at them with an indifferent gaze, he refined the slaughter aura and the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor's corpse withered away into nothingness.

In the end, Yaan won for three reasons.

Firstly, he gained an advantage after catching her off guard.

Secondly, he possessed the abyssal blood sword, a treasure beyond anything his opponent owned.

Finally…his dao comprehension was superior.

Immortal stage dao comprehension signified comprehending a complete fragment of an earthly dao. Both Yaan and the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor had comprehended a complete fragment, but Yaan had also comprehend many aspects of many other fragments!

In the end, the Earth Cry Tribe Ancestor was simply lacking.

She was too weak, and in this world, the weak were destined to die.