
"Ugh, my head hurts," complained Alyuura. He clutched his throbbing head. Waking up after fainting is one of the most uncomfortable things to feel.

"Are you awake? is anyone hurt? do you feel something hurt in your body?" asked a waiter there.

Alyuura was at a loss to answer which question first. Let alone to answer questions, to sit in the right position is quite difficult.

Even though she had just been taken to Lucas's palace, Alyuura was getting more and more confused.

But that doesn't mean Alyuura's life before being brought to this palace was a beautiful and happy life. She is not far from problems and tears.

Flashback On.

"Wow! Today's apple pie huh? It's really delicious," said a fat man, the man bought the cake that Alyuura brought to his shop.

"Yes, this time it's apple pie. Tomorrow there might be milk pie. If not, I might bring a chocolate roll cake. Sorry, the cake I brought today is the same as yesterday's cake menu, because I haven't bought more ingredients for other cake ingredients " explained Alyuura.

"Ahahaha, it's okay, Alyuura. Whatever cake you bring is always the most sought after cake by visitors to this shop. Even though if you want, you can become a permanent chef here. Your cake is very delicious," said the chef.

"You are too much, Mr. Mock. I just made an ordinary cake. And thanks for your offer, I know you are a very kind person. But... I can't leave my grandmother for too long," said Alyuura.

"Hm, that's a shame. Well, but we really can't force the situation. Don't hesitate if you want to deliver the cake here, also don't hesitate to ask for help, whether material or otherwise."

Alyuura smiled, she was grateful that she could make ends meet by selling cakes to a kind hearted cake shop owner. Not bound by working hours, not given certain rules, and the shop owner refuses to accept the profit that Alyuura wants to split in half from the cake he has left.

It's a little weird, but that's what kindness is.

With the help of Mock, the owner of the cake shop, Alyuura can continue her life with her grandmother.

Alyuura's parents have died since Alyuura was a child. Alyuura was only raised by a grandmother named Austya. She is not Alyuura's grandmother, but Alyuura's caregiver when Alyuura's parents are away at work. For Alyuura, Austya already considers Alyuura like her own grandmother.

"Thank you very much Mr. Mock, I say goodbye. Good afternoon Mr. Mock, have a nice day," said Alyuura while waving before leaving the cake shop.

"You're welcome, come with more cakes. My customers love your cakes."

Alyuura returns home, today she intends to take Austya for shopping. With that money, she wanted to buy new clothes for Austya. She looked very happy at the thought of it.

During the day, all living things are normal. Humans, werewolves, vampires, and all other creatures didn't care about each other's status. Whether their companions were what kind of creature, or whether the owner of the restaurant they were eating at was a human or not, and they didn't even know whether the status of the people who boarded the transportation was the same as them. It could be that the humans there are sitting next to the vampires who tonight intend to look for prey.

So what about vampires? Aren't they creatures against the sun?

We can know the answer to that question from the activities of the vampires who mostly use underground transportation. They also prefer to wear longer clothes. Coupled with the state of vampires who are now more and more evolved. From vampires who are vulnerable to sunlight, to vampires who are starting to be immune and ordinary to sunlight.

Everything has changed a lot. Even

And one of the humans who didn't know who they were was Alyuura. Now Alyuura is on her way home. Take public transportation, but not underground to avoid the possibility of vampires there. Although it has been established by legal agreement that such creatures are not allowed to attack or prey on humans during the day.

At least all humans are guaranteed to live from sunrise to eight o'clock at night. There should be no coercion to be gentle for any existing employees or laborers. Everyone actually goes home at night.

Balanced isn't it? for a world filled with such supernatural beings.

"Grandma," called Alyuura. She arrived at his house and found that it was very quiet in his house.

Alyuura walked through the house. Starting from the living room, kitchen, to the bedroom, she did not find Austya's figure anywhere.

She glanced at a clothes hanger in Austya's room, there was no dark purple hat and Austya's tote bag. After a while she realized that Austya had apparently left the house somewhere. Maybe there is something that Austya wants to buy, but Austya deliberately doesn't invite Alyuura.

"Gosh, Grandma must be going alone. But it's very dangerous if she goes out alone. She can forget the way home and can't remember where her home address is," said Alyuura. She was very worried and immediately left the house looking for her grandmother.






The time has changed to evening. But until then, Alyuura had not found her grandmother's figure anywhere.

"Oh my gosh Grandma. Why did Grandma leave all of a sudden like this? I don't know where else to look for Grandma."

Alyuura held her head with a frustrated face. She was very afraid of losing the only figure of her family. For Alyuura, Austya is a substitute for a parent figure for her. And if Austya is gone, then Alyuura will only live alone in this world.

The more he searched, the less Alyuura found a clue about where Austya was. She was desperate. She has been looking for asurya everywhere. A friend's house, Austya's favorite place, market location, city center, park and even Alyuura had been running non-stop for four whole hours.

She didn't know where else to go to find his grandmother.

But a miracle happened.


A notification message on Alyuura's cell phone informs Alyuura that Austya is now with Mr. Mock.

'Alyuura, Mrs. Austya is with me. She said she got lost and happened to stop by this shop. So I let her rest in this shop until you come to pick her up.'

How happy Alyuura was when she read the message. Just as she had lost his way, she had a miracle. She was very grateful.

Without much waiting, Alyuura headed straight for Mr. Mock's cake shop. Even though the distance was quite far, Alyuura didn't care. Even though his body was tired, he kept running as fast as she could to get to that place as soon as possible. She even borrowed any bicycle that was in the city park so he wanted to get to the cake shop as soon as possible.

Thirty minutes passed, Alyuura finally arrived at Mr. Mock's cake shop. She parked her bike and entered the shop. It was getting dark because the clock was already showing fifteen minutes past six.

There was nothing strange about Alyuura, even though it was unusual for the shop to close early. In fact, the shop usually closes at half past seven in the evening. The shop's lights hadn't been turned on either.

The atmosphere there became much darker than usual. Alyuura was too bold and didn't think much of it, she didn't think that there was anything strange at that time.


The sound of bench legs rubbing against the floor echoed there. Apparently Alyuura accidentally hit a bench that had not been arranged on the table there.

After going deeper, she passed through a simple passage. She went deeper and found a room with a light on. She was sure it was Mr. Mock's room.

Alyuura trotted over, she was already smiling happily and imagined that she would meet her grandmother.

"Grandma, I very..."

Alyuura lost her voice all of a sudden, her lips trembled, her blushing face turned pale instantly. He had difficulty swallowing his own saliva. Even his breathing became much faster than usual.

"Oops, sorry Alyuura. I ate your Grandma."