They are lost

"Why isn't there anyone here too? Where is everyone in this palace? Not even a guard of the mansion is left here." Alyuura complained about the absence of people in the palace. This only added to Alyuura's anxiety.

 "Calm down, Alyuura. We won't get anything just from worrying, the most important thing is that we stay calm now. It's noon now, all our affairs will still be easy during the day. We have to do something, and I already know we what to do." Lucas tried to calm Alyuura who looked panicked, if she panicked it wouldn't solve anything.

 Alyuura tried to calm herself down, she took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. After seeing many people lying unconscious in the palace, Alyuura began to think that the attack that occurred in the palace was truly deadly.

 He remembered the servants who were there, they were all nowhere to be seen. He was worried that they would all be killed by the people who attacked the place.